

Whether Atkins Diet Plan is Suitable For Effective Weight Loss

What is Atkins diet plan?

It is nothing but a weigh loss meal plan offering high fat, low carbohydrate, but at the same time Atkins diet plan gives the energy normally the body requires.

Atkins Diet plan may not be suitable for vegetarians, because this diet plan recommends for eating meats and cheeses rather than breads, fruits and vegetables.

Atkins diet changes the body metabolism. As per Atkins diet plan carbohydrate intake is reduced.

Normally human body is capable of burning fat and carbohydrates to produce energy for body's function. Glucose is the first fuel for producing energy to body function. This Glucose comes from Carbohydrate.

As per Atkins diet plan when the intake of Carbohydrates is reduced, fat is compensated as fuel for producing energy to body function. When fat is used as fuel for producing energy to body, weight loss is occurring.

It is the general tendency, that low fat and high carbohydrate diets alone is the solution for weight loss.

But as per Atkins diet plan reverses this fact to those who want weight loss. The Atkins diet plan recommends eating meats and cheeses rather than breads, fruits and vegetables, fat and protein rich foods.

When the intake of carbohydrates are reduced which is essential for producing energy in the form of sugar to the body, the body naturally compensates the fate as fuel for producing energy to the body.

The process of burning fat as fuel may be called as ketosis. Ketones are released through breath and urine during the process of burning fat as fuel, which naturally enables for weight loss. The process of burning fat as fuel also restricts the production of insulin, so additional fat formation in the body is also restricted.

Atkins diet plan recommends for taking three meals per day and does not recommends for skipping any meals or go for walking without eating.

The plan recommends for eating fat and protein rich foods like fish, eggs meat, butter, olive oil, sunflower and other vegetable oils.

So if properly followed the Atkins diet plan may be an effective solution to those who want to reduce weight.

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What You Need to Know Before Starting a Low Carb Diet

In the last 12 months or so, low carbohydrate diets have captured the hearts and weight loss hopes of the American public. And why not? These diets promise quick weight loss and the ability to keep eating fatty foods. If you love your steak and eggs, this seems like the ultimate diet. However, before signing up, the low carb diet bears a review. Is it really the right diet for you?

The premise of the Atkins or any low carbohydrate diet is that carbohydrates are the source of all our weight loss woes. There is some real substance to the argument in that we Americans have been eating excessive amounts of refined carbohydrates which have caused many of us to become insulin resistant as the body continues to wage war against repeated blood sugar spikes brought on by our poor eating habits.

The Atkins diet and other very low carbohydrate diets take your body out of a sugar burning state by practically eliminating all carbs for an induction period that can last two weeks or more. The body will continue to burn sugar as it primary energy source until it essentially runs dry and then converts to burning fat. During the conversion, the dieter can feel tired, irritable, have headaches or get dizzy. Once you get past this incredibly tough period, you are allowed to eat a few carbs, but generally not more than 60 grams a day. That's like eating one bagel a day and then stopping. This is a difficult road to follow for a liftetime.

In fact, a recent study showed that most adults who start a low carbohydrate diet quit the diet within a year. Admittedly, there is great progress by Atkins and other food manufacturers to dramatically reduce the amount of effective carbs in some food offerings that could be classified as comfort foods (e.g., muffins, brownies, yogurt and more). This helps but you cannot have much if you want to stay within the diet guidelines.

In addition to the loss of almost all traditional comfort foods, by cutting out carbohydrates, the diet is also cutting out a lot of foods that are good for us. Fruits and vegetables have fiber, vitamins and phytonutrients that help keep us healthy. Limiting fiber while consuming a lot of saturated fat, is not the most heart healthy diet.

The low carb diet does take a person out of a primary sugar burning state into a fat burning state. However, some literature makes it sound as though you cannot burn fat any other way. The fact is that we are all burning some fat, we may just be adding more fat faster than we burn it. Modifying the diet to eliminate refined carbohydrates and focusing on high quality protein and good fats will gradually train the body to burn more fat and less sugar.

To their credit, the Atkins group have refined their diet guidelines from their original 'eat all the fat you want' stance to 'eat moderate amounts of good fats'. This is not only a heart healthy step forward but is also likely to help your weight loss efforts as essential fatty acids (the good fats) can help you actually burn more fat. However, when you consider that carbs are already limited on this diet, I'm not sure what you eat except grilled chicken breast, fat free cottage cheese and egg-white omelets. This effectively transforms the diet into a high-protein, low-calorie diet which, if it becomes low calorie, will induce the body to lower its metabolism.

But the one thing you need to know about why the Atkins diet brings about significant weight loss in the first week is that it sends the body into ketosis. Without getting technical, this is a body imbalance that causes your body to flush out toxins (ketones) through your urine like crazy! What you are losing then is primarily water - not fat. Over the long term, restricting carbohydrate consumption to the levels recommended in Atkins and other similar diets is that they overlook the fact that your body needs carbohydrates to utilize the protein you consume. Thus, just like the low calorie diet, this diet cannot help you increase or even maintain muscle mass if carbohydrates are not consumed at a higher level than they recommend.

Finally, if you go off of the low carb diet, your body will immediately stop burning fat as it's primary fuel source. Adding carbs back into the diet will usually cause weight gain as the water weight loss comes back within days.

If you are committed to fat loss success, then you cannot overlook the body's need for sufficient calorie levels to prevent the body from lowering its metabolism. You also need sufficient protein that the body can utilize to have a shapely figure (this goes for guys and gals), youthful skin and great hair. Keep the fruits and vegetables, permit yourself a serving or two of a whole grain bread or pasta, focus on high quality proteins and good fats, get calcium from low fat dairy products such as yogurt and your body will respond with a slow, steady and healthy weight loss.

Here's to your health as well as your weight loss success!

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Good Fats and Bad Fats; what is The Real Difference?

For most of us, eating is one of the most satisfying things we do in our everyday lives. As a matter of fact, we have our favorite dishes, favorite drinks and favorite snack foods which only proves that eating is one of our favorite activities. There’s really nothing wrong with that since food, a primary necessity of man, is the one responsible for making us healthy, fit and giving us energy to perform everyday tasks.

But improper intake of food might do us more harm than good. Proper information about healthy eating should always be at hand so that certain illnesses can be prevented, and as for the case of obesity, it can be treated through fat burning and weight loss.

A common misconception in the area of food and nutrition is that fat is always bad. But is it really? Fat is the body's major energy storage system. When the energy from the food we eat and drink can't be used by our body right away, the body turns it into fat for later use.

The body uses fat from foods for energy, to cushion organs and bones, and to make hormones and regulate blood pressure. Some fat is also necessary to maintain healthy skin, hair and nails. Thus, one should not eradicate all fat from the diet. But, too much fat can lead to many health problems such as heart disease, obesity, diabetes and more.

We can determine that not all fats are created equal and knowing the difference between the bad ones and the good ones will lead you to making healthier choices. There are the saturated fats û the unhealthy ones û and the unsaturated fats û the good and healthy ones.
Let’s review each and see just how different they really are.

Saturated Fat: Unhealthy Ones

Saturated fats, which are generally solid at room temperature, are the least healthy and tend to increase the level of cholesterol in our blood. They are also largely responsible for causing artery blockage which leads to eventual heart failure. Foods that contain saturated fat include butter, cheese, margarine, shortening, tropical oils such as coconut and palm oil and the fats in meat and poultry skin. Consumption of these oils and foods should be limited. Otherwise, they may bring serious health problems.

Unsaturated Fat: Healthy Ones

Unsaturated fats reduce blood cholesterol when they replace saturated fats in the diet. There are two types of unsaturated fat: monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat. Monounsaturated fats have been shown to raise the level of HDL (the 'good' cholesterol that protects against heart attacks) in the blood, so in moderation they can be part of a healthy diet. This is why they are known as the good fats. Olive, canola, and peanut oils are good sources of monounsaturated fats.

All fats, even the good ones will still make you gain weight if too much is consumed. The key here is to keep all fats in moderation but try to make the majority of your fat intake come from the good ones whenever possible. No more than 20% of your daily calorie intake should be from fat of any kind, especially if you are trying to lose weight.

How To Make Sure You Will Give Up On Your Weight Loss Resolution In 4 Weeks

Every year millions of us make a New Year’s resolution to lose weight. Every year millions of us give up before the end of January. Let’s take a look at some of the things we do to set ourselves up for failure year after year.

Super Restrictive Diets

We all like instant gratification. We want to loose 30 pounds in 3 days. That’s what drives us to super restrictive diets that promise immediate fast results. We go on the soup diet, the rice diet or the egg diet. We are bound to give up û who can eat that stuff for 30 days straight?

The Juice Diet

With this particular diet, you don’t have anything other than water and this disgustingly sweet juice for 48 hours. Sure you’ll lose a few pounds of water when you first try it, but it’s obviously not a long-term diet plan.

Diet Pills

Diet Pills are supposed to work by suppressing your appetite and boosting your metabolism by using caffeine and similar stimulants. They don’t work well long term for two reasons. You don’t feel very well if you’re jacked up on caffeine that much. I tend to get grumpy, impatient and jittery. Secondly, their effects tend to wear off over time. Your body just gets used to all the extra stimulants and you loose the intended benefits and are simply stuck with a caffeine addition.

Low Carb Diet

Any diet that cuts out most of a major food group will be hard to stick with. Low carb diets were all the craze a few years ago, but are slowly starting to fade out. The reason is simple. In the long run, we don’t want to give up bread, pasta and rice.

You already know that these quick fix diets don’t work. You’ve probably made the New Year’s resolution to lose weight a few times and given up sooner or later. Make this year different. How? By using a more common sense approach to dieting. Eat healthy, make small changes to consume fewer calories and get more active. Slow and steady changes in what you eat and what you do will get you there. You will still be sticking to your resolution in February, March, and all the way into December.

3 Easy Ways to Exercise Without Exercising

In our daily lives, there are a lot of activities that we are already doing which constitute as some form of exercise. However, to 'convert' those daily activities into an exercise without actually exercising there are things that we can do more about them.


I am sure all of us walk a certain amount everyday. We might be walking to the tube stations, walking to the parking lot, walking from to the local convenient stores or walking to see someone on another floor in the office. As we are already doing this anyway, why not challenge ourselves to go one step further? Instead of parking our car as close to the building as possible, why don't we do the opposite and park further away so we can walk even more steps? If we normally take the tube from the station closest to our home, we can walk to the station which is the second closest to our home instead. By making these little changes, we are effectively making positive changes to our otherwise non-existence exercise routine!


I live in an apartment block in London without any elevator. So in my case, I naturally have to climb the stairs everyday and that means I do get some kind of exercise already. Nevertheless, if I want to move more and exercise without exercising, then I reckon I should do the same when I am at work. I sit on the second floor of the office building I work in. If I choose to use the stairs instead of heading for the elevator every time, I would already be climbing four flights of stairs multiply by four every week day at work. The extra two times of the climbing are done during lunch time. I am sure this is something you can do, too?


Get used to being as mobile as you can. You can offer to help anyone to fetch things from another room, you can get up and offer your colleagues to make rounds of coffee every now and then or you can help to carry grocery bags from the car.Without us even realising, we are not only moving but we are also doing stretching exercise when we do that.

All these are little things that offer us the opportunity to move and improve our joint muscles. So there you are - all 3 easy ways to exercise without exercising!

TM is a part-time blogger/writer. She wants to experience more in life and continue to grow as an individual. She has decided to blog to express her thoughts and share her journey towards an extraordinary life with people like you...

Visit her website at and connect with her directly!
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Get Slim in a Natural Way, Believe Reductil

Do you know what makes you gain weight? Think closely! For the fact which we are going to state really going to surprise you and change your notion about dieting. We gain weight due to our wrong food habits. Believe it or not but it is a fact that one need to eat more than 3 times a day, for it is the food which we eat can make us fat or thin. But yes, the food should be nutritious and consists of low calories.

But somehow human beings are dragged towards overweight. Now people who are really afraid of being overweight may suffer in depression and often takes the wrong steps like dieting for overcoming a serious problem like overweight. In the process of becoming slim they torture their body in one way by starving. It is necessary to make these people understand that a body of their choice can be achieved even through proper medications.

According to millions, who overcame overweight successfully, a drug named Reductil played a significant role in making them what they are today. It is a medicine for the treatment of significant weight loss and its risk factors. Although first time users faced some side affects like insomnia, loss of appetite, constipation and also dry mouth but it has been scientifically proved that these problems are mild and is reversible. But it is always wise to consult a genuine physician before using it for it is only the doctor who can tell you its usage and drawbacks.

Let us find out what Reductil is and how it works. This medicine contains hydrochloride monohydrate (an active ingredient sibutrimine). It stimulates our hypothalamus gland in our brain and invariably affects the neurotransmitters stored in the nerve cells of our brain. This results in affecting our appetite by lowering it considerably. One can continue it with an appropriate diet and mild exercise in order to maintain the new figure after he or she have stopped using it.

Usually this medicine is taken before freakfast and a dose a day is enough to gift you a slim look. For results it is advisable to check your weight once in a week.

Hoodia Weight Loss Supplements Add To Jenny Craig Diet Programs

Jenny Craig diet programs run neck and neck with Weight Watchers as the most utilized diet programs worldwide.  Jenny Craig programs revolve around good nutrition, along with moderate physical activity.  Adding Hoodia diet pills to your regular Jenny Craig diet program can help increase your chances of meeting your set weight loss goals.  The following paragraphs will discuss the Hoodia Gordonii plant, as well as how Hoodia weight loss supplements can help you with your diet.

The Hoodia Gordonii plant was discovered many centuries ago by South African San people.  While the plant was commonly used to ward off excessive hunger and thirst during times of extreme famine, the Bushmen would also eat Hoodia as a way to prevent becoming too hungry or thirsty during long hunts for food across the Kalahari Desert.  Often mistaken for a member of the cactus family because it is covered in spikes, Hoodia Gordonii contains a natural ingredient that fools our brains into thinking our stomachs are full, when we really haven't eaten that much at all.  Although this ingredient has been given a name, P-57, it has yet to be effectively synthesized.  For this reason alone, it is very important for you to make sure to buy Hoodia products that are 100% pure, with no fillers, no additives, and no preservatives.  Not all Hoodia diet pills will be as equally effective.  Only Hoodia diet pills made from authentic Hoodia Gordonii plant from South Africa will work the way they should.

In addition to moderate levels of regular physical activity and exercise, Jenny Craig diet programs are based on limited daily calorie intakes to levels as low as 1,200 per day.  With calorie intakes that low, it is common for the dieter to grow hungry, and slip on their diet.  Hoodia weight loss supplements can aid in controlling your appetite, and help prevent becoming hungry between meals.  100% pure Hoodia diet pills, when used with Jenny Craig diet programs, can help you increase your chances of successfully reaching your dieting goals.

If you are following a Jenny Craig diet program in order to lose weight, there are many reasons to consider using Hoodia weight loss supplements to help you achieve your weight loss goals.  Hoodia weight loss products act as a natural appetite suppressant, and help you to reduce your daily calorie intake without bothersome or harmful side effects.

HungerAway is one of the Hoodia weight loss supplements available.  Manufactured by HoodiaPharm, HungerAway is made from pure and authentic Hoodia Gordonii, and is packed in to 100% vegetarian capsules to keep them natural.

Before starting any type of diet program, you should consult your doctor.

Do Calorie Shifting Diets Work?

Most of us find diets really exciting since they prove to be the fastest ways of knocking of our extra pounds. We get attracted to diets that claim they can help us lose 6 pounds or more in just a week. Do all of these diets actually work? Can we actually lose weight in just a week's time? And is that healthy? To answer your questions, not all diets are genuine. There are many diets that will claim to help you lose weight but some of them may not do that.

Some of them are healthy and some of them are not. So you have to be careful about which diet you decide to follow. However diets that work along the lines of the calorie shifting principle are very genuine and effective. They do help you shed your extra pounds and in a way that is not harmful to your body. The most famous of calorie shifting diets is the fat loss 4 idiots diet.  This diet proves why other diets are most unhealthy and proves to you a good scientific method of losing your excess fat.

Some of the most common diets work at reducing your calorie or food intake for an extended period of time. This helps you to begin losing weight. But more often than not, you start putting on weight even while still following the diet. The weight lost does not last long enough. This is because our bodies have been designed in such a way that if you give it a considerable amount of time, its metabolism adjusts to whatever your intake is be it less of carbohydrates, fats or proteins or just less intake of the quantity of food.

The fat burnt is proportional to the rate of metabolism. If your metabolism is fast, you will burn calories fast too. If metabolism is slow, naturally the rate of burning calories will be slow too. Lesser the food intake, slower the metabolism. Most of these diets are all about taking in fewer calories and hence lesser calories are burnt up as well. And if you go out on a binge even on one day, you will land up putting on even more weight since your metabolism will be slow and you will not be able to burn much fat.

The calorie shifting diets do not work like other diets. They have a scientific background. They understand that the rotation of eating routine is required in order to keep our metabolism high at all times. Higher the metabolism, more the calories burnt. The diet encourages the rotation of food stuff. It allows you to eat one type this week and to change it next week. So basically you eat new type of food every week. Your diet this week will not be the same as last week. This way your metabolism will be always high, thus burning out more and more calories.

Exercise is the key to helping you lose weight

Many people make the mistake of thinking that the way to lose weight is to control what they eat û if only you could avoid those damned chocolate cream cakes, everything would be alright in the world! At the same time, these people often see thinner people scoffing those same foods and get very jealous: ’why aren’t you fat by now if you eat like that?’

The answer, of course, is exercise. Exercise is a far more potent weapon against fat than changing your diet û it literally burns it off you. If you exercise enough, you can be burning more calories than you could ever hope to consume, leaving you free to fulfil that old diet promise of eating absolutely anything you want.

Sometimes people are put off exercising, believing that they don’t have the time or the money to join the gym or take some other form of regular exercise, but in reality it’s just not true. I’m sure you walk somewhere at some point in your day û jog instead. And you could no doubt manage a few sit-ups while you’re watching the TV of an evening. If you have a dog, take it for longer walks û this has the added bonus of making your dog very happy.

You see, the best forms of exercise are the ones you can do every day, like going up stairs instead of taking the lift, or parking towards the back of the car park when you go to the supermarket. These are easy changes to make that take very little time and effort, but can begin to pay huge dividends quite quickly when it comes to your weight. Then, once you’ve made that first step towards fitness, it’s much easier to find the energy and motivation to really go for it.

Alkalize to Reduce Your Size

It is a fact that over 75% of people who lose weight put that weight back on within a year and of those who put it back on a further 50% will actually put on more weight than they started with in the first place!

How is that for a scary fact?

What I am about to tell you will help you to reduce your weight and help you to keep it at a level you are happy with. You will notice I have put the word help in bold text, this is because this is just the start to reducing your weight and it is without doubt the most important gift you could give to your body to help that weight reduction.

Do you know what a ph scale is?

A ph scale is a measurement guide to acidity and alkalinity. It is a sliding scale from 1 to 14 where 1 is completely acidic and 14 is completely alkaline. This means that 7 is completely neutral, neither acid nor alkali.

Why is this so important? Well our bodies are a fine balance between acid and alkali and the optimum level for our bodies to be at is 7.36 which is just slightly alkali. If you are over weight I guarantee that you body is acidic because that is basically what fat is, stored acid that your body has not been able to break down.

When you start to get your body back towards the optimum level of 7.36 your body will automatically react to get rid of some of the waste acid it is currently holding on to. But your body needs help to become more alkaline and to get rid of this waste.

Fortunately there is a product which is a solution to both of these areas and it is called ’water’ that’s right û water.

I am sure that you have heard people say many times ’you should drink at least 6-8 glasses of water per day’, do you take any notice?
I am guessing that you are now in one of the 3 following categories:

1. You have heard people say this and you now do drink this amount of water per day.
2. You have heard people say this but you just can’t be bothered because it means you will go to the toilet more often.
3. You have heard people say this and you just don’t believe them.

I am here to tell you that you absolutely must drink at least 2 litres (3 would be better but do not exceed 3) of alkalizing water (bottled mineral water preferably) per day. This water will re-alkalize your body therefore giving your body chance to get rid of the excess acid it has been storing and it will help get rid of this waste through your natural systems (again I am not going to graphic on this).
I guarantee that if you start to drink at least 2 litres of water per day you will start to feel the effects within a fortnight. But before you rush off to get a glass right nowàààà. No actually go get yourself a nice big glass full I will wait for youàà.

Are you back, excellent.

There is something else you can do to help your body’s alkali levels and that is to drink green drinks. You can either get these ready made or you can get powders to mix with your water to produce a green drink.

Green drinks are made from all natural ingredients that are high in alkali levels which is obviously superb for your body. Search the net for green drinks there are numerous ones out there.

I personally drink 2 ? to 3 litres per day of green drinks and since I started I have found a massive difference to my life.

So there you have it, you now know the greatest gift you can give to your body to help you reduce your weight.

Graham Nicholls 2006

Simple and Effective Home Tips for Burning Your Belly Fat

This world has developed to suit the human beings, or so it has proceeded; all other forms of things, living or not, have been relegated to the background. Such is the nature of homo sapiens that they dominate everything and, sometimes, destroy it.

In asserting their domination over all facets of this world, they have been quite destructive by their deliberate actions, their unknowing actions and by their lack of knowledge.

But, there are also some things which they perpetrate in spite of having a vast amount of knowledge about that particular aspect. One of these subjects is personal health and hygiene.

The world would not have seen so many ills if the human race had stopped and cared for the bounties of nature, the flora and fauna and the other beneficial things in life.

Similarly, there would not have been so many diseases and suffering if only the homo sapiens had paused to care for themselves.

Personal health care is more important than everything else since it ensures your general health and well being and also, a longer life.

Fat is mainly responsible for the deterioration of the body and is the catalyst that invites various infirmities and ailments like heart problems etc.

In the process of accumulation of fat, the midriff portions like belly, abdomen and waist are the most susceptible to accumulation of fat.

The fat which is accumulated around the abdominal region can be a very obstinate thing to get rid of. There are, however, solutions for each problem which may be summarized as follows:

Give up sweets: Whenever you are trying to lose fat the most damaging agent that will thwart all your efforts is sugar; if you want to succeed in the battle of the bulge, this is the first, and the most important, step. That is why you might have seen models and other people, particularly those who are figure conscious, adding sugar-free pills instead of sugar.

All beverages that have been sweetened with sugar are also to be ruled out if you want to lose weight.

Give up liquor: It is seen that almost all people who drink liquor without managing their bodies are more prone to putting on weight rapidly. In fact, all experts on weight loss are of the opinion that, for all people with a problem connected to obesity and fat in the midriff region can only reduce weight if they give up the habit of drinking. That is because the calorie count, which is available in liquor is quite high as compared to other foodstuff.

Eat plenty of fruits even if they are sweet; they are healthy for the body and contain some much needed minerals etc.

Eat more of fibrous foods: Consuming foods rich in fiber are very essential to losing fat quickly.

Increase the intake of Proteins: Authoritative research has established that consuming more food rich in protein is closely related to the growth of fat particularly in the belly area. In fact, doctors aver that the quality of proteins is also a beneficial factor.

Intake of sea foods, meat poultry and unprocessed eggs and some dairy products in moderation are recommended.

For more details about fitness and weight loss related topics you can visit my site where you will find in depth information related to weight loss and also you will find some information on hotels.

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Lose Weight-Tone Abs With Electronic Muscle Stimulator? Can Body Fat Melt Away?

You have probably seen plenty of advertisements extolling how Electronic Abdominal Stimulators can melt your belly fat fast and quickly. Most of these advertisements will also claim that their electronic abs stimulators can also flatten your tummy to reveal your six pack abs muscle. They even claim that by using electronic abs stimulators for X minutes is better that 300 sit ups or crunches, so you can say bye bye to diets and exercise forever. Too good to be true?

On the other hand, you may also have come across many articles and messages from the health and fitness industry or from your fitness personal trainers who refute the advertisers claiming that the only way to get a flat tummy with well defined six pack abs muscle is through healthy eating and exercise. Now that is hard work isn’t it? So you will rather take a chance with an electronic abs stimulator won’t you?

So who is telling the truth? Ok, instead of joining in the controversy, this article points out what the authorities such as U.S. Food and Drug Administration has got to say. Below is an excerpt from U.S. Food and Drug Administration, FDA Consumer magazine July-August 2002. You can read the full report at :-

ôIn May, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) filed complaints against three manufacturers of these devices, alleging that they have made false claims in their advertising, seen in heavily aired infomercials on national cable television, shorter television commercials, and ads in the print media.

The unfounded claims cited by the FTC include the promise of six pack or washboard abs without exercise, claims that the devices will give users a trimmer waist or cause fat loss, and that use of the device is equivalent to (or better than) regular abdominal exercises, such as sit-ups or crunches. The FTC complaints also allege that the advertising claimed falsely that the stimulators are safe for all to use, and did not disclose adequately the possible health hazards for some people.

Q. Why does the FDA regulate electrical muscle stimulators?

A. Electrical muscle stimulators are considered medical devices under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. Under this law and the agency's regulations, the FDA is responsible for regulating the sale of all electrical muscle stimulators in the United States. Therefore, firms must comply with appropriate FDA premarket regulatory requirements before they can legally sell their stimulators. Most electrical muscle stimulators (EMS devices) that have been reviewed by the FDA are intended for use in physical therapy and rehabilitation under the direction of a health-care professional. If a company wants to sell EMS devices directly to consumers, the company needs to show the FDA that the device can be used safely and effectively in that setting.

Q. These electrical muscle stimulators are advertised not only to tone, firm, and strengthen abdominal muscles, but also to provide weight loss, girth reduction, and rock hard abs. Do they really work?

A. While an EMS device may be able to temporarily strengthen, tone or firm a muscle, no EMS devices have been cleared at this time for weight loss, girth reduction, or for obtaining rock hard abs.

Q. Is the FDA concerned about the unregulated marketing of these devices?

A. Yes. The FDA has received reports of shocks, burns, bruising, skin irritation, and pain associated with the use of some of these devices. There have been a few recent reports of interference with implanted devices such as pacemakers and defibrillators. Some injuries required hospital treatment. The FDA is also concerned because many of these devices have cables and leads. If those cables and leads do not comply with electrical safety standards, there is the possibility that users and other household members could be electrocuted. The FDA is currently investigating firms that are illegally marketing EMS devices.

Q. What does FDA regulation accomplish?

A. Before they may legally sell their devices, firms that market EMS devices must be able to demonstrate that these products are as safe and as effective as similar devices that are legally marketed. Devices may be marketed only for uses that are established for the device or for uses that the firm can support with data. At this time, the FDA is not aware of scientific information to support many of the promotional claims being made for numerous devices being widely promoted on television, infomercials, newspapers, and magazines.

Q. Does that mean that it's unsafe to use an electrical muscle stimulator that has not met FDA requirements?

A. Using a product that has not met FDA requirements isn't necessarily unsafe or dangerous. But it could be. Unregulated devices also may have safety problems associated with cables and leads that can lead to accidental shock and electrocution of users and other household members, including children.

Q. If I use an electrical muscle stimulator, will it give me the same kind of effect that lots of sit-ups, stomach crunches and other abdominal exercises will?

A. Using these devices alone will not give you six-pack abs. Applying electrical current to muscles may cause them to contract. Stimulating muscles repeatedly with electricity may eventually result in muscles that are strengthened and toned to some extent but will not, based on currently available data, create a major change in your appearance without the addition of weight loss and regular exercise.ö

Now, who is telling the truth about electronic muscle stimulator being able to melt tummy fat and reveal your six pack abs? Well, you be the judge and come to your own verdict.

End The Battle With Your Body

We're no longer shocked by the celebrity photos that show protruding hipbones, bony breastplates, countable ribs, and collarbones practically piercing through the flesh of their shoulders. It looks normal to us now. It's the look we're supposed to achieve.

The media sounds a loud alarm over the celebrities who get too thin. And then they go right on showing us image after image of the very same women as beauty icons. It's insane.
*The hottest boutique in Los Angeles, catering to the stars, carries only sizes 0-8.
*The average American women wears a size 12 or 14.
*The usual waist size for a celebrity's pair of jeans is 28.
*The average woman wears a size 34 jean.

In a recent celebrity magazine, the following heights and weights were listed for five well-known performers:

*Terri Hatcher 5-6, 109 pounds
*Kate Bosworth 5-7, 107 pounds
*Lindsey Lohan 5-5, 102 pounds
*Victoria Beckham 5-6, 105 pounds
*Joan Allen 5-10, 110 pounds

All are severely underweight. This is starvation imagery. Anorexic-type bodies regularly presented as the beauty ideal.

Today's female body is expected to be slim, trim, lean. Tight, toned muscles. Six-pack abs. Hard bodies. Sounds like a description of a man's body doesn't it? The only feminine characteristic remaining on today's perfect woman: fake, plastic breasts. The real ones disappear when a woman is underweight.

The ideal female body looks like a young, very thin, muscular prepubescent boy with large breasts. This is where 100 years of media brainwashing has left us. Brainwashing seems like too strong a term until you consider that most females see 400 to 700 media-generated images of thin women every single day.

Rounded bellies, padded hips, curvy thighs. These are problem areas to be worked on. In reality, they are beautiful, natural qualities of a healthy female body.

It's time we define our own style. Make our own rules. Turn our backs on the media and embrace the beautiful bodies we were been born with. It's time to live with grace and beauty instead of self-hate and struggle.

Too many of us have learned to dislike our own bodies:
*53% of 13 year-old girls,
*78% of 17 year-old girls, and
*80% of adult women spend every day disliking the only bodies we will ever have.

How about a world where all body types are appreciatedà
*Where naturally thin bodies are considered beautiful.
*Where naturally curvaceous bodies are considered beautiful.
*Where the thin aren't trying to get plump.
*And the curvy aren't trying to get skinny.

Let's live in a world where the bodies we were born with are the best, most beautiful bodies we could each have.
How to do that?
*Stop buying from companies who advertise their products with starvation imagery.
*Don't go to movies that star emaciated actresses.
*Make your voice heard. Email or write companies to complain about their irresponsible imagery.
*Swear off TV shows, fashion magazines, and other media that depict only thin women. (Just 5% of American women are naturally underweight. Among the actresses on televisionàit's 87%.)
*Reinvent your sense of female beauty with images of all types of women. Old art is one of the best choices. Go out of your way to view old paintings and sculptures to help get you started.
*Reeducate your eyes to appreciate the natural, average female body.
*Don't talk about your own weight loss or gain and don't comment on others' bodies in that way.
*Appreciate the women in the world around us. Practice seeing without the anorexic eyes we've been trained to view the world through. There is beauty in our natural curviness.
*Move with grace and pride.

You are beautiful. Reject the propaganda of starvation imagery. Love the body you're living in, it’s the only one you get and it deserves your love, honor, and affection.

Avoiding The Scams: Buying Vitamins And Nutritional Supplements On The World Wide Web

In the 21st century, an every growing number of men and women are flocking to the Internet and World Wide Web to make purchases of products and to engage services from different providers. One type of product line that now is offered in abundance on the Internet is that of vitamins and nutritional supplements. At the present time there literally are thousands of different website venues that cater to people who are interested in purchasing and utilizing vitamins and other nutritional supplements.

Unfortunately, there is a small segment of the Internet market consisting of scams and flim-flam artists. There are people who have created less than reputable sites in the vitamin and nutritional supplement business. Naturally, if you are new at seeking these types of products online, you will want to avoid these types of disreputable sites. There are some tips and pointers that you should keep in mind when seeking reputable sites on the Internet that are involved in the vitamin and nutritional supplement trade.

First of all, if you are a novice at seeking and purchasing vitamins and nutritional supplements online, seek at those websites that have been established in business for a reasonable amount of time. Of course, there are websites that deal in these products that crop up all of the time -- and many of these sites are very good. However, until you get your feet wet and understand what to look for in regard to legitimate websites that market vitamins and nutritional supplements, you will be better served by relying on those sites that have been better established.

Second, as you go about looking for a reliable website from which to make the purchase of vitamins and nutritional supplements, get references from other people who have used one or another. In many ways, referrals and recommendations are the best way through which you can make reasonable and educated decisions about which websites to select when you are in the market for vitamins and nutritional supplements for your use and for use by your family.

By educating yourself and by taking your time in researching different websites, you will be able to find a reliable and reputable venue through which you can make the purchase of vitamins and nutritional supplements.

Give Your Heart Its Due - Acomplia

Have a pity on your heart. It works endlessly day and night without saying anything. You might not be able to put a stop to what you eat or drink on your own but if someone advices you to take a pill to control whatever you eat or drink won’t it be nice?

But what is that drug? ’Acomplia’ the wonder drug, it can get your appetite decreased and can make you rid of smoking habit. It is like killing two birds with one stone, get rid of obesity and related diseases plus getting rid of the habit of smoking by taking the pills.

Thus Acomplia can help one to quit smoking, losing weight, increasing good cholesterol. As per clinical test one can reduce his waist-line up to 9.1 cm with 20 mg of Acomplia. Yes the results may vary from individual to individual.

Though there are lots of benefits associated with this drug like every other allopathic drug it also has its share of side effects. The side effects are û depression, anxiety, nausea, irritability, sleeping disorder. But the intensity of these side effects is mild and is short-term so it is not worth mentioning.

In the recent clinical trial of Acomplia, they say that it does not only help obese people to lose weight and reduce waist line but it also helps them control their blood fats and blood sugar level. The trial results also showed that the effects of Acomplia on blood sugars and fat level for persons with diabetes improved by 57 percent what could be explained by weight loss alone.

So, this is a multipurpose drug whose side effects are mild and are short-term so the advantages of the drug far exceeds it disadvantages. Thus having it for getting over obesity would be a great option to look after your heart.

But from where does one get it? As the manufacturer of Acomplia, Sanofi-Aventis hopes that the drug would get approved for sale in EU countries in next few months. It might be available in the market before the end of this summer. So, till the time the drug gets approval in EU one has to wait to get its benefits. But to gather more information on Acomplia you can go for online pharmaceutical websites.


Get A Slimmer Body - Weight Loss Program Advice

Do you get frustrated with your body, most especially your heavy weight? Do you wish that you have Jessica Alba’s svelte frame or Katie Holmes’ lithe body? Well, while some people are incredibly lucky to have been born with these kinds of physical attributes, or a hyperactive metabolism that prevents them from gaining weight despite whatever they eat, the majority of us have to constantly look out for our body. If we don’t discipline ourselves enough, avoiding scrumptious glazed donuts for example, it is likely that you will soon be needing a weight loss program to shed off unwanted pounds.

1. Nutrition And Fitness

Aside from dieting, a person who is seeking to have a successful weight loss program should have some knowledge about nutrition and fitness. First, start with your overall attitude, not just towards food and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Think about your everyday habits and your everyday routines. Is it something that constitutes as what fitness and diet experts might consider healthy?

2. Maintain Dicipline

Going through a weight loss program requires you to have enough discipline and patience because some people would like to shed off the pounds in as little as a month but that’s just not a healthy weight loss program. Well, yes, you can eliminate a couple of excess pounds in a limited time, but it's not good for you in the long run. Your body will go into shock because it will think there isn't enough food in your environment, meaning it will end up storing more fat, and that will make losing fat even harder. So never deprive yourself food.

3. Avoid Eating Disorders

Never totally deny your body food and water. You need to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day as well as healthy meals. And while anorexia is denying the body food, bulimia is characterized by excessive eating then binging. Both are known to be deadly, and you should know that neither are proven methods. There is a huge difference between weighing less pounds and being healthy.

4. Weight Loss Regimens

People who are under a weight loss program, even while they’re still at the start of their weight loss regimen, need not put themselves down further by insisting that they’re ugly just because they are fat or even just a little bit overweight. Such poor self-esteem could lead to further damaging yourself. While having a weight loss routine, it is best that you keep a positive attitude and never set goals that are too unrealistic for you to achieve. Everyone has his or her own way of being able to gain or lose weight. Some have faster metabolisms than others while other’s weight loss progress may actually take some time. Either way, it’s best to stick to a weight loss program that would not only be able to make you look great but will also make you healthy. There’s no point in having a great outer appearance if your stomach walls are bleeding due to ulcer or if you’re suffering from fainting spells because of food deprivation.

5. Work Together!

- Ask around like friends, family members or colleagues what they did
- Consult a registered dietician
- Enroll in a nearby gym or fitness center
- Quit smoking and don't drink on a regular basis


Are You Sabotaging Your Weight Loss Program

You've no doubt heard that it is better to eat many small meals throughout the day (approximately 5-6), than to go all day without eating and then gorging yourself on dinner in the evening. But did you ever wonder why?

The fact is, your body can only process about 350 calories every 90 minutes. Eat more than that, and you're most likely overloading your digestive system. If your body cannot use all the fuel you provide it at any given time, it will use what it can (and only what it can), and then store the rest as body fat. It assumes, through thousands of years of experience, that there will be lean times when it will need those fat reserves for fuel. But in this modern age, we, thankfully, seldom face those lean times.

Because of this, if we are to keep our weight from spiraling out of control, we must, by CHOICE limit our quantities of food, as well as the KINDS of food.

So, how do we use this information in losing weight? Simple. Eat light, but eat often. There are many benefits to this strategy.  First, you are only providing your body what it needs, when it needs it. Second, you are able to better maintain a consistent blood sugar level, and so you're not left feeling tired all day.

And by making certain wise and healthful choices, you will find the 350 calorie limit CAN be quite filling. Make poor choices, however, and you'll be left feeling unsatisfied. So be sure to choose healthful fruits & vegetables and limit your intake of breads & cereals (these calories will add up fast). Also, when including meat in the diet, choose ONLY healthful, low-fat fish & fowl.

This one simple tip, if practiced FAITHFULLY, will help you achieve your weight loss goals.

Is Barbecuing Really Healthier?

People used to question the nutritional effects of barbecuing because they were concerned about the fat content of traditional barbecue fare like hot dogs and hamburgers. That concern is valid, but it's easily avoided by substituting skinless chicken and fish.

Unfortunately, researchers say there is still another concern about the health impact of barbecuing any animal meats; when they are cooked in the intense heat of the barbecue, substances are formed that have been clearly shown to be carcinogens (substances that can start the development of cancer). And these substances develop regardless of whether low-fat or high-fat, red meat or white meat is on the grill.

In a landmark report on diet and cancer risk, the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) notes that as meat - red or white - is cooked, natural substances that it contains react under intense heat to form compounds called heterocyclic amines (HCAs) that have been linked with increased cancer risk in some animal studies. The longer the cooking time and higher the temperature, the more these carcinogenic substances formed.

Studies in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute have shown that people who frequently eat heavily browned or very well done meat are three to five times more likely to develop breast, colon and stomach cancer than those who eat it less often. Studies of rodents demonstrated that these HCAs are distributed to mammary (breast) tissue and cause changes in a cell's genetic material. However, we don't have proof that this process occurs in people.

Does this mean that if you care about your health you must banish the grill? Not necessarily. Researchers note that how people barbecue affects the risks. For example, marinating meat or poultry even briefly before cooking reduces the amount of HCAs formed by about 96 percent. Partially pre-cooking meat for two minutes in the microwave just before grilling prevents 90 percent of the HCAs normally formed.

Avoid the black char that often forms during grilling, since it is particularly concentrated in cancer-causing substances. Other carcinogens of concern come from the smoke. You can limit the meat's contact with smoke and decrease this risk if you raise the grill a little higher from the heat and choose leaner meats and trim all visible fat so it can't drip and cause smoking. Placing food in a foil packet also prevents smoking.

The rest of your meal can reduce the risks of grilling as well. Antioxidant vitamins and phytochemicals in fruits, vegetables and soy foods seem to block some of the damage HCAs do to cells. Studies from Oregon State University demonstrate that substances in tea increase the body's ability to detoxify and excrete HCA before they do their damage.

Look at the overall balance of your meal. AICR recommends that at any meal, animal protein like meat, poultry and seafood should occupy no more than a third of your plate. And that's especially true when it's grilled. By limiting your meat portion, you limit your exposure to HCAs and other carcinogens. And by enjoying a healthy portion of fruits, vegetables and whole grains, you get loads of cancer-fighting, health-promoting nutrients and phytochemicals. If you want to grill some of these veggies, that's no problem, since the HCA reaction occurs only in foods with animal protein.

Go Low-Glycemic To Burn Away That Excess Fat!

Obesity -- it is as much the scourge of the developed world as poverty is of the Third World. Thousands in the developed world have been desperately -- and rather unsuccessfully -- trying to shed their pounds, even as thousands in the underdeveloped world have been trying to put some fat into their bodies.

The World Health Organization says that the United States is now the fattest country in the world. Ask anyone who has tried to burn away those calories. It's easier to look for the proverbial needle in the haystack! And they will tell you that there are no shortcuts in a fat loss regimen.

There are many causes that contribute to weight gain. Often, it may not only be the intake of food. Hormonal factors, side-effects of medical conditions, and many other factors cause weight gain. Recent research has shown that the increased amount of chemicals and toxins in the environment is a factor contributing to obesity.

Dieting and fat burning exercises are often considered the only solution for fat loss. But such a regime should be tailor-made for your body composition and lifestyle to be effective. However, many people do not follow professional advice and cause more harm to their body than good while on a fat loss regime.

This is where we need to look at the new low-glycemic standard of healthy eating. Glycemic indexing basically measures by how much a given food raises blood sugar and insulin response. This is important because the rate at which your blood sugar rises after eating is important in managing your weight.

High-glycemic food causes many negative effects, including weight gain. They increase your appetite, and raise fat in your body system by increasing triglycerides. However, a low-carbohydrate diet is not necessarily a low-glycemic diet as is the popular misconception. Such a diet will only lead to more fat in the body.

So what is a low glycemic diet? Fruits and vegetables are low-glycemic food, and you should include them most in your daily diet. However, it is often not quite possible to stick to such a diet.

That is where glyconutritionals or glyconutrient supplements come in. Glyconutrients are a class of sugars that are found in fruits and vegetables and are necessary to keep the body ticking along perfectly. The are needed to some the fundamental biochemical process of cell-to-cell communication in the body, and tone up the immune system.

Eight of these essential sugars have already been discovered and six of these are not available in our daily diet. Taking glyconutritional supplements made from fruits and vegetables helps in two ways: they help you maintain a low-glycemic diet and also keep your body strong while on a fat loss regime.

Cashing on with Acomplia to Reduce Obesity

Some things in your life need not be changed but those extra pounds are not one of them. It is human tendency to have more and more of anything. Having excess intake of food is one of them. But it is a tendency which can give way to more fat than your body needs, that way making you obese.

The obesity is termed as a disease. Science today has progressed so much that it has given way to multiple ways to deal with obesity. The major ways to deal with obesity are exercises, controlled diet, surgery, obesity removal pills and liposuction. Amongst them surgery and liposuction are costly affairs. Exercises and controlled diet program are the best and sure way to success but are time consuming.

So, the best way to put forward is a combination of diet pills, exercises and a controlled diet program. The diet pills give a short term solution to remove obesity. And if it is used in conjunction with exercise and controlled diet one can rest in peace of the fact that he would be losing weight in no time and will be sustained for long.

Amongst the various diet pills available Acomplia is in the news these days. Acomplia (Rimonabant) and is developed by Sanofi-Aventis. It is approved for sale in the UK and the EU and is waiting for approval from FDA for sale in the USA. But it is hard to get Acomplia from local pharmacy or online pharmacy as it is just introduced. But there are certain online pharmacies which sell Acomplia. It would be worthwhile to go and search Acomplia from online pharmacies rather than running around the pharmacies in your locality in the quest for losing weight.

This is how Acomplia works - there is a receptor called CB1 which is activated by endogenous cannabinoids and Acomplia helps in blocking the endogenous cannabinoids. It releases chemicals such as anadamide which increases appetite. But as Acomplia (Rimonabant) blocks the endogenous cannabinoids the appetite becomes lower.

As stated earlier, Acomplia (Rimonabant) is a short term weight loss drug so, it is imperative that a person should not continue it for long. If you are thinking of taking it you should consult a doctor before taking it. It has side effects like depression, nausea and irritability. But the side effects are mild and for short period only. It is advised that a person consult a doctor in case any side effects or symptoms appear after taking the drug. There is saying that goes this way ôLook before you leapö and it applies in case of taking Acomplia too.

Diet For Heartburn : Heartburn is a common digestive complaint which affects ...

Heartburn is a common digestive complaint which affects an estimated 15 million Americans every day, and 60 million once a month. Relief of mild heartburn is typically achieved through diet and lifestyle changes, although medication (eg. antacids) is usually necessary if the heartburn is caused by gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

What is Heartburn? What Are The Symptoms?

Heartburn is a digestive problem: it has nothing to do with your heart. It occurs when small amounts of stomach acid accidentally rise up the esophagus (the food canal running from the mouth to the stomach) causing symptoms like a burning pain in the chest which rises towards the throat. Sufferers may even taste the fluid in the back of the mouth, and this is called acid indigestion. In many cases the pain and burning sensation is relatively mild, but sometimes is so severe that patients think they are experiencing a heart attack.

What Are The Causes Of Heartburn?

In general, the immediate cause of heartburn is the acidic digestive juices which leave the stomach and rise up the esophagus. The acid burns the tissue of the esophagus causing inflammation and pain - a condition called esophagitis. Heartburn may also occur in pregnancy when the baby is pressing up against the underside of the diaphragm and squeezing the stomach. An occasional episode of acid-regurgitation or indigestion is quite normal. But persistent heartburn (eg. twice a week), is usually a sign of something more serious. The two most common underlying causes of heartburn symptoms are gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and hiatal hernia.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

GERD is characterized by a failure of the muscular valve, known as the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), which is located at the bottom of the esophagus. The function of this valve is to keep acid in the stomach and prevent it leaking back up the esophagus. When this valve doesn't work properly, reflux (leak-back) and heartburn can occur. Factors that contribute to gastroesophageal reflux disease include obesity, pregnancy, smoking and, in particular, hiatal hernia.

Hiatal Hernia

Hiatus or hiatal hernia is a condition in which part of the stomach herniates (protrudes) upwards into the chest through the hiatus (opening) in the diaphragm normally only occupied by the esophagus. This puts extra pressure on the LES valve preventing it from closing properly. As a result, stomach acid leaks into the esophagus causing heartburn. The underlying cause of hiatal hernia is unknown. Contributory factors include: obesity, pregnancy, constipation, abdominal muscle strain, and smoking.

Dietary Treatment For Heartburn

In cases of persistent heartburn, dietary improvements are not sufficient. So as well as advocating a digestion-friendly diet, your doctor is likely to recommend one or more of the following types of medication. Antacids to neutralize the acid in your stomach; H2 blockers or proton pump inhibitors to reduce acid production; or prokinetics to strengthen the lower esophageal sphincter and expedite stomach-emptying. However, if heartburn symptoms are mild and occur only from time to time, usually you will be advised to make the following changes to your diet

If Overweight, Switch To A Healthy Weight Loss Diet

Obesity, especially excess fat on the chest and abdomen, is a common contributory factor to GERD and hiatal hernia, and therefore to heartburn. So if you are obese (BMI > 30), take steps to normalize your weight and thus reduce your risk or symptoms of heartburn. Choose a healthy calorie-controlled diet and customize it by following the eating tips below.

Stop Eating Large Meals

A big meal distends the stomach and causes a rise in the production of stomach acid. Both these factors lead to an increased risk of heartburn. So opt for 4-6 small meals or snacks, and allow a maximum of 3 hours between eating. In addition, choose foods that are easier on the stomach and more more easily digested.

Avoid Acidic Food

Reduce your intake of very acidic foods by avoiding items such as: tomatoes, tomato-based sauces, citrus fruits, rhubarb, gooseberries, unripe fruit, vinegar and acidic pickles or relishes.

Cut Down On Fatty and Spicy Food

Fried or very fatty foods, including candy, encourage indigestion and should be avoided or eaten sparingly. So go easy on butter, mayo, sausages, salami, pate, meat pies, and full-fat cheese. The same applies to very spicy food such as: black pepper, chili peppers, curry, mustard and other hot spices, as well as raw onions and garlic.

Avoid Carbonated Drinks

Fizzy or carbonated soft drinks cause belching and upward pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), increasing the likelihood of heartburn. The best drinks include: water, herbal teas or diluted non-citrus fruit juices. Please also note that some soft drinks (eg. cocoa, coffee, orange juice) are not helpful for heartburn as they can over-relax the LES, thus encouraging the backward flow of acid from the stomach.

Eat More Fiber, Especially Soluble Fiber

Constipation can lead to extra strain on abdominal muscles and increase the risk of heartburn. To prevent constipation, eat more high-fiber foods such as: oats, apples, pears, dried apricots and vegetables. When increasing fiber intake it's also important to increase your water intake by at least 40 fl oz a day.

Reduce Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol is not helpful to heartburn for several reasons. So take steps to reduce your intake to one unit a day, or avoid it altogether. Alcohol is also a source of non-nutritious calories and can contribute to overweight.

Other Digestive Tips

For digestive disorders like heartburn, some dietitians and alternative health experts recommend patients to eat (or cook with) digestion-friendly aromatic herbs like basil, camomile, caraway, dill, fennel, rosemary and thyme. They also recommend that you end each meal with a glass of herbal tea (eg. camomile, fennel) to reduce acidity and wind.

Lifestyle Improvements To Reduce Heartburn

There are several lifestyle changes that can help to reduce the symptoms of heartburn. One obvious one is to stop smoking, as tobacco smoke increases acidity in the stomach. Other recommended changes include:

Avoid placing extra strain on your abdomen or chest. Wear loose-fitting clothes, and do not overstretch or lift heavy weights.

Do not lie down after eating, and try not to eat anything for at least three hours before going to bed. The less there is in your stomach when you come to lie down, the lower the risk of heartburn.

To minimize night-time discomfort, raise the head end of your bed by about 3 inches by using bed-blocks or by placing a solid object under the bed-legs. This helps to prevent stomach acid from leaking backwards into the esophagus. Do not use extra pillows - you simply end up with a stiff neck as well as heartburn!

Heartburn symptoms can be caused by certain over-the-counter drugs, such as aspirin, or other pain-killers or anti-inflammatories. So if you take this type of medication regularly, check with your doctor or pharmacist that it's safe to continue.

Lose Weight The Natural Way While You Sleep

You probably didn't know it, but one of the best times to lose weight is while you sleep. That's because the human body is designed by nature to repair itself during the hours we are sleeping.

Our bodies use sleep to repair and strengthen our muscles, joints and other parts that get tired and damaged through use and exertion during waking hours.

This restorative process uses energy to rebuild lean muscle mass and to help rebuild other kinds of body tissue. That is worth repeating -- this rebuilding process uses energy -- and if the rebuilding process is running smoothly and efficiently, that energy comes from places in our body where energy is stored -- from fat.

In other words, the body rebuilds tissue, organs, bone, and lean muscle by burning fat.

Several things about this process are worth noting. They have an important bearing on how efficiently it works.

**Collagen is very important to the body repair process

Collagen is the most common protein found in our bodies. It is the main component of our skin, nails, bones, cartilage, and connective tissue and is found in all of the body organs. Cartilage is the cushion and shock absorber between joints, and the reason we stay flexible and mobile. Healthy cartilage is constantly being regenerated by the body naturally and this process contributes to keeping us youthful and flexible.

As we age, our bodies lose the ability to produce collagen at sufficient levels needed to support the deep restorative sleep processes that our bodies are designed to perform. This can be a major contributor that leads to a premature aged appearance and can definitely affect our flexibility and mobility. It stands to reason that a collagen supplement combined with other natural ingredients can have a dramatic effect in better supporting the deep restorative sleep process. This in turn can allow the body to experience more energy, build more lean muscle, and burn more fat.

**Amino acids enhance the regeneration process

The rebuilding process is also influenced by the efficiency of the amino acids normally used for this purpose. As part of the rebuilding process, amino acids help maintain lean muscle mass and allow the body to more readily consume fat for energy. This contributes to weight loss.

Again, as we age, our body's production of efficient amino acids is reduced. A supplement such as L-Carnitine is a special amino acid that enhances the body's normal function and helps your body convert excess fat into readily available fuel. During deep sleep, these special amino acids work like a natural turbo charger to help your body repair, preserve and build lean muscle while burning stored fat to supply the needed energy.

**Not eating before sleeping is important

Since the body uses deep sleep for the restoration process, it is important when using a collagen supplement not to eat three hours before going asleep. This is because we don't want nutrient competitiion between undigested food and the collagen supplement special nutrient formula itself. If the body has to concern itself with digestion it will not absorb the collagen formula properly. Therefore your body will not be performing its natural restorative process while you sleep, but rather will be concerned with undigested foods and will actually be storing fat from the continuing digestive process rather than burning fat as the energy for the deep sleep restorative process.

This tends to put us into a diet circle of frustration. The less time your body spends in deep restful sleep (without competing digestion), the less time it has to restore its natural health, and the less fat that is burned in support of this natural rebuilding process. Now we understand the key connection between deep restorative sleep and weight loss many times goes hand in hand with our overall health.

Reducing or eliminating the intake of food three hours before bedtime allows the body to use its natural fat reserves for metabolic fuel during the deep restorative sleep cycle.

**Collagen weight loss program build on this process

A natural collagen product such as Lose and Snooze enables this natural process to once again help people lose weight. Lose and Snooze consists of a blend of Collagen, L-Carnitine and Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera). The Collagen contributes to a more youthful appearance, greater flexibility, and all round mobility and strength.

In addition to all of this, most importantly, Collagen allows the deep sleep necessary to enable your body's natural metabolic functions to occur, like when we were children. L-Carnitine promotes the burning of fat in support of the natural rebuilding, restorative process that occurs during deep sleep. The Aloe Barbadensis (Aloe Vera) contains numerous nutrients and amino acids that help create a healthy environment in support of your body's own ability to create its own collagen, in addition to the remarkable Lose and Snooze formula itself.

Thousands of satisfied users of the collagen weight loss program have reported that using the liquid formula in combination with an empty stomach before bedtime, has been beneficial to their health and has helped them naturally lose weight.

And because the collagen weight loss program only helps lose excess fat (while rebuilding muscle), it can be used by anybody -- not just people wanting to lose weight. It has also been beneficial to folks who want to enjoy better sleep, build lean muscle, improve their appearance and to reshape their body while maintaining their proper healthy weight.

Cardiovascular Training for Excellent Health

Everyone on the planet has to have aerobic exercise. A healthy constitution and quality way of life requires it. It has a lot of perks and will make you perform improved in all areas of your life. So why should you do aerobic exercise?

Aerobic exercise is beneficial to you by developing the lungs to be stronger by boosting levels of oxygen to the body and the heart by helping it to use that oxygen more efficiently. The word aerobic translates to with oxygen, or with air.  Exercise that is less intense and longer in duration is aerobic. With aerobic sessions, an athlete implements the same big muscle area in a steady motion for between fifteen and thirty. A maximum heart rate of about sixty to eighty % is the goal to maintain. Swimming, cycling, light running, and walking are some examples of aerobic exercises. These exercises should be able to be done without someone breathing hard. If you cannot carry on a short conversation while working out, you may be moving it up a level by anaerobically exercising.

Muscle groups get extra blood and oxygen from the body during an aerobic exercise session. Halting all of a sudden in the midst of an aerobic session is not a wise move. This can lead to dizziness and muscular cramping. After a fairly intense work out, a cool off session is usually a wise idea. Moving in place for a few minutes is a good idea if somebody gets too exhausted during a work out session. Anaerobic exercise is different from aerobic in that it is usually shorter in time span and greater in intensity. With anaerobics the body wears down faster and muscles build more quickly. Football, soccer, skiing, basketball, and weight lifting are sports considered anaerobic exercises. Sprinting or running is another example. Anaerobic exercise will escalate the chances of the body being sore.

Working a certain group of muscles for a specific amount of time to reach your target heart rate is the point of aerobic exercise. This exercises the heart out better and has the body expend more calories. The aerobic curve is something some people will often hit. This is when you begin working out and elevate your intensity  to the max then slow down gradually. Keeping a continuous heart rate is more efficient. The lungs and heart endure longer and work more efficiently when they are trained. People who perform aerobic exercise on a steady basis will have to exercise longer to achieve their target heart rate as their stamina increases. People that are only beginning will achieve their target heart rate quickly until their body gets adjusted to the exercise.

Aerobic exercise has so many benefits that it is strange to imagine that we often fail to take the time to do it for ourselves. It controls and lowers body fat, expands our whole endurance, gives us more energy, aids our resistance to tiredness, develops our muscles, and increases our lean body mass. It also aids us mentally by lifting mood, lowering anxiety, reducing depression, reducing tension, and making us sleep better at night. Who can't benefit a bit from all that?These are advantages that people would all use.

An aerobics class might be a good beginning for people who want to reap the rewards of aerobic exercise and aren't sure how to begin. In an aerobics class, you can do higher or lower intensity exercise. The class instructor should be able to show class members how to do these moves either way. How much you carry your limbs up during the aerobic session is how the intensity is measured. Athletes must perform at the level of intensity pertaining to their level of fitness and the frequency of their exercise sessions.

This type exercise is without a doubt essential for cardiovascular fitness even though it may be a little hard at first. A good body requires regular cardiovascular sessions and is a continuous process. People who have already achieved good cardiovascular condition can keep this by exercising a minimum of three times a week. Four to five intervals a week should be the intervals of people who are attempting to lose weight and elevate their level of health.

Do you really want to lose weight and get rid of extra body fat forever? If so, which is the most convenient and effective method to achieve permanently weight loss? Do I hear you say by taking weight loss pills or diet pills?

Well, by taking weight loss pills or diet pills may be convenient for you to lose those unwanted body fat, it certainly is not effective if you want to lose weight permanently. I am sure many of you have already tried taking weight loss pills and once you stopped taking them, your weight starts to creep up on you again didn’t they? That is frustrating and an awful waste of money isn’t it?

There are many types of weight loss pills and diet pills in the market. Some of these pills will curb your appetite, some supposedly speed up your metabolism and some are supposed to prevent your body from absorbing too much oil from your diet or restrict absorption of carbohydrate. But they all have one thing in common. Once you are off the pills, you will put on weight again. Therefore taking weight loss pills or diet pills are only temporary solutions. They do not condition your body to burn unwanted fat forever. On the contrary, your body may even adapt and resist the effects of the pills making you waste even more money and causing you more frustration.

So what is the best solution for permanent weight loss? Well, just do these 3 things:-

ò Build Muscle û The more muscle you have, the more calories your body will burn. So when extra calories are being burnt everyday, over a period of time, you would have burnt off massive amount of calories. Furthermore, you will look good with a well toned body and your posture will also improve making you look even slimmer. That means you are a calorie burning machine when you have more muscle.

ò Change Eating Habit û Eat your carbohydrate early in the day and restrict carbohydrate consumption later part of the day. This will help your body to regulate insulin level and reduce the chances of carbohydrate turning into body fat. Also avoid starchy carbohydrate and refined carbohydrate like white rice, refined flour foodstuff like cakes and pastries, white bread, pasta etc. Replace these with high fiber and slow to digest carbs like brown bread and brown rice. Carbohydrate turns into body fat quickly if digested too fast.

ò Exercise Your Heart and Lungs û Go for regular exercise and perform exercises that will make you puff, pant and sweat such as jogging, skipping or take part in ball games. These activities not only improve your heart and lung health, they also burn massive calories.

When these 3 activities become part of your routine, you will be burning extra calories every day. That means you will not put on weight easily and will lose body fat forever. Best of all, it is free. So why spend money on temporary solutions like weight loss pills and diet pills?

Calorie Definition and Weight Loss

The food calorie is sometimes capitalized as Calorie to distinguish it from the chemistry calorie; however, this capitalization is rarely observed in practice.

The Nutrition Calorie

Nutritionists measure the energy content of food in calories (sometimes capitalized and abbreviated as Cal or sometimes C, or abbreviated kcal as if small calories were being used), where each food calorie represents 4,186 joules. This is equivalent to 1000 of the calories used in chemistry, and thus the food Calorie would be called a kilocalorie if small calories were being used. However, in chemistry calories have been deprecated as a scientific unit of measure in favor of joules, and therefore in common modern usage the word calorie usually refers to a food calorie.

This situation provides two ways of talking about the amount of calories in food which look quite different but that express the exact same amount of energy. One may say that dietary fat has nine kilocalories (kcal) per gram, while proteins and carbohydrates have four kcal per gram, or, one may say that fat has nine Calories per gram while carbohydrates and proteins have four Calories per gram.

The amount of food energy in a particular food is measured by completely burning the food in a bomb calorimeter, a method known as direct calorimetry. Dieticians recommend counting calories to avoid obesity. The government of the United Kingdom recommends consumption of no more than 2000 Calories (2000 kcal) by women each day and 2500 Calories (2500 kcal) by men each day.

The Physics and chemistry calorie

In physics or chemistry, a calorie (abbreviated cal) is a unit of energy that equals the amount of heat necessary to raise the temperature of one gram of water by 1 degree Celsius, at a pressure of 1 atm. This amount of heat depends somewhat on the initial temperature of the water, which results in various different units sharing the name of calorie but having slightly different energy values:

* the 15 ?C calorie,
* the 4 ?C calorie,da
* the mean 0 ?C to 100 ?C calorie,
* the International Steam Table calorie,
* the thermochemical calorie,

The slight variations in these units can be seen if you convert them to joules. For example, one 15 ?C calorie is the amount of heat necessary to raise the temperature of 1 g of water from 14.5 ?C to 15.5 ?C. This is approximately equal to 4.1855 J or 3.968?10-3 Btu. The International Steam Table calorie is approximately equal to 4.1868 J and the thermochemical calorie 4.184 J.
Of these various units, what is most commonly meant by calorie in cntemporary English text is the 15 ?C calorie.

The nutritional Calorie represents 1000 of these 15 ?C calories. Since this could be a source of confusion and error, these units are now deprecated. The International System of Units (SI) unit for heat (and for all other forms of energy) is the joule (J), while the (obsolete) cgs (centimeter gram second system of units) system uses the erg (unit of energy and mechanical work in the centimeter-gram-second system) - From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Before start losing weight and counting calories you must first calculate the number of calories your body needs everyday, because this amount changes from person to person, depending on sex, age, weight, muscle content or height. Averages are situated around 2000 calories for women and 2500 for men. An easy, but not so accurate calculation is that for every 500 less than your normal amount of calories eaten every day you will lose up to one pound (453,6g) per week.

Counting calories must be included as part of your diet, because when you loss weight is best to know how many calories your food has, and so ensuring that the amount of calories burned each day is more than the amount stored.  All nutritionists agree that a healthy low fat diet without counting calories could not exists, so take your time and solve that problem with various calorie calculators.

By knowing all the time the amount of calories consumed you can control how much you can eat and how it will affect your body. When dieting and counting the calories you can eat almost anything as long as you do not exceed the number of calories burned every day.

When you eat fewer calories, your body is forced to consume the fat stored to make up the deficit in your calorie count. Nutritionist’s advice is that you must combine psychical exercises with healthy eating in order to create some calorie deficit.

Forget the Diet Men - Learn How Weight Training Can Literally Shed the Pounds Off You!

It's a fact - In this day and age, more of us are overweight than underweight. Everyone seems to be on a diet or weight loss program. The problem with diets is most people see them as a temporary thing they need to do to get them where they want to be.

We constantly hear things like Bob lost 20 pounds in one month on the Super-Spectacular diet. Sounds great, but what happened to Bob when he went off the diet after that month. He went back to his old ways and put on 20 pounds. So he then went on the Fully-Fantastic diet plan and lost his 20 pounds again. What really needs to change is his lifestyle, not his diet.

Our diet is an important part of our life, and a change in diet can definitely help us lose unwanted weight. But what's the point if our lifestyle involves nothing but watching TV, lying on the couch, sitting on our butts in our office job all day, and trying to remember what this new diet allows us to eat and when.

If you really want to lose weight then build muscle. Sounds contradictory doesn't it. Most people know muscle is heavier than fat so why would you want to start getting heavier.

One of the greatest things about muscle is that it burns calories all day long, even when you're lying on the couch. What this means is that the more muscle you have, the more calories you'll burn during the day and the more you'll be able to eat without gaining weight. This is great news for all of us who like eating.

By putting focused pressure on our bodies through weight training our bodies react by growing muscle to compensate. The big benefit is that it also chews up our fat cells faster than a diet resulting in a stronger, thinner and a better looking you.

By simply doing some basic weight training, we are also stimulating our metabolism more than any aerobic training such as cycling or walking. This means that you'll continue to burn calories long AFTER you've completed your weight training session. The calorie-burning effect of aerobic training generally declines rapidly once you stop the exercise.

Weight training has many advantages over simply taking up a new diet. You will feel better, look better, and experience better results faster.

For more information on weight training and to meet others like you looking to make a difference to their physique, then head on over to

Walking For Health And Friendship

Many studies show that walking is good for your health, but sometimes it helps to get out of the "around the block" rut and into something more challenging and fun.

Long-distance walking events help get you in shape--and if you walk for a good cause, your stroll can raise funds for groups that need it. An added bonus: Walking as part of a team can increase the enjoyment, keep you focused and build great friendships.

But what is a walking team? In the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer, teams include two people or dozens-women and men, neighbors, colleagues, family, spouses or new acquaintances, from the same town or across the country-who share a commitment to taking personal steps (literally) in the fight against breast cancer.

One team that takes humor in stride is the "Back of the Pack Walkers." It consists of nearly 10 women who come together each year for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in Washington, D.C. They walk in memory of a friend, Robyn Cain, who lost her battle with breast cancer in 2004. Team Captain Candi Hoffman says that "after spending so much time together, training and at the Walk, I consider the girls on my team to be some of my closest friends."

"Team Maureen" is a fixture at the Avon Walk Chicago, with team members participating as walkers, volunteers and cheerleaders, all in bright green shirts. According to Donna Lahey, "Team Maureen" Walker Captain, the 2006 team has 64 members from age 1 to 81. The team is named for Maureen Buescher, who died of breast cancer in 2002. It includes family and friends who walk for their own health and the health of all women.

Mike McElduff has put a unique spin on the team concept by leading "Team Peggy's Spirit," named for his mother, at all eight Avon Walk events across the country from April to October. "Peggy's Spirit" includes McElduff's siblings, friends and solo walkers who are seeking camaraderie as they tackle the long walk.


Make Way For A Healthy Life With Phentermine

Gaining weight abnormally is a sign of an unhealthy health. It is a sign that a body is preparing to suffer from various health factors like heart disease, diabetes high blood pressure etc. On the other hand adjusting our life style with a heavy body can hampers our daily life a lot. We may tend to get tire out soon and fell like resting all the time. So it is very necessary to keep a check on our increasing weight and try to get keep fat at bay from our body.

Obviously, there are ways to keeps our health fit and free from over weight. A daily routine of balanced diet and a bit of work out in a gym can help us a lot in the long run. But following a right routine is a very tedious affair and keeping oneself attached to it daily is not always possible. This type of irregularities in a balanced health routine creates trouble in our body and fails to protect our body from being overweight and fatty. To overcome this type of problems effectively and with positive results, medical science proved that if a diet pill is added to one’s life daily, the problem of overweight can be solved to a larger extent. On that pretext, Phentermine diet pill proved to be very productive. Satisfactory results are discovered from its users. Thus FDA trails approved it as an appetite suppressant way back in 1959.

Phentermine diet pills stimulate the hypothalamus gland in our brain and inhibit those neurotransmitters that urge us to have food at any time. Thus help us to suppress our appetite for a longer period. So that’s why it has been proved that much more improved results can be achieved if added it to one’s daily health routine.

As any other drug, usage of Phentermine also shows a few side affects. Headache, dizziness, dry mouth is common among them. But clinical trails proved that body gets used to it after a few days of its usage. It a doctor’s prescription drug and hence recommended to check a doctor for a proper dose and course as well.

How to Naturally Turn Your Slow Metabolism into a Fast Fat Burning Machine

When Thanksgiving, Christmas, and other holidays come around where I eat more than usual, I never feel guilty about how much I had eaten.  The reason is because I’ve learned how to train my metabolism to burn enough body fat to allow me to have more ôcheatö days.   I’m not saying to eat anything and everything once you increase your metabolism (this is unhealthy), but what I am saying is that once your body is use to being in the fat burning mode, the guilt of eating ôfatteningö foods on holidays is not there (at least not for me).  Whenever I feel that my metabolism is slowing down, I don’t worry at all because I know exactly what to do to get my metabolism back on its fat burning track.  Once you understand how powerful your metabolism is when you feed it energy (continuous small meals throughout the day along with exercise) and how powerful it is to burn fat, you will experience guilt free ôcheatö days too.

Increase metabolism for easy weight loss and fat burning

Metabolism = the amount of calories our bodies burn per day.

To permanently lose body fat weight, you must increase your metabolism. In order to increase your metabolism, you must do weight training exercises to condition your muscles and feed your metabolism by eating regularly throughout the day.

A slow metabolism results in less fat loss

When we lose weight, we also lose protein from our muscles.  The faster we lose weight (by cutting down too much on our calorie intake), the more protein is used for energy; and when you lose too much protein from your muscles the result is a slow metabolism.  This happens because your muscles need protein to grow and stay strong.  When protein is taken from your muscles, you lose muscle tissue.  Muscle tissues are metabolically active and burn calories (even at rest).  Your body needs calories to feed these metabolically active tissues so that it has energy to continue to burn calories.  The calories that are burned also come from the fat that is stored in your body.  So in other words, the more calories you eat, the more energy your metabolism has to burn the fat that is stored in your body.  Without the calorie intake, your metabolism has no energy therefore it will slow down and you will burn fat at a very slow rate (if you burn any at all).  Having energy is not the only reason for a fast or slow metabolism.  You see, when you significantly cut down on your daily calorie intake, your metabolism burns calories slower to prevent your body from starving.  Being that your body now doesn’t know when you will feed it; your body will store the calories to be used later.  The calories that are stored, are stored as fat.

Increase your metabolism and lose more body fat weight than water weight

When you lose protein from your muscles, you not only lose muscle tissue, but you will also lose water.  Protein holds about 4 times its weight in water. To lose 10 pounds of body fat, you would need to burn 35,000 calories (3500 calories = 1 pound).  If you lose those 10 pounds in one week do you honestly believe that it was body fat?  The answer is no, only about 2 pounds was fat and the rest was water (Do not be fooled by what the scale says!)  When you increase your metabolism, your body has a reason to hold onto the protein (remember protein holds water) and use the energy to burn fat.

Yes you will lose some protein from your muscles even if you lose weight the right way.  The key is to provide your muscles with enough protein each day so that it can not only replace your protein loss, but use the extra protein to help build new muscle tissue and stay conditioned.

Eat more food to increase your metabolism

Protein helps build muscle, but carbohydrates are your body’s main source of energy.  When your body has a deficiency of energy (carbohydrates) and takes the protein from your muscles as energy, the protein is converted to carbohydrates before it’s used as an energy source.  Therefore, when you eat, you must have the right amount of carbohydrates and proteins in your body so that energy can be used efficiently.  You must also eat more frequently to fuel your metabolism all day long.  Eating at least 5-6 small meals each day will give your metabolism the continuous supply of energy it needs to burn fat longer and faster.  If you are short on time and not able to cook, do not resort to eating junk food as one of your meals; instead opt for a good meal replacement product to satisfy your body.

Exercise to increase your metabolism

Exercise in general burns calories. Weight training will help you to increase your metabolism because that is how you condition your metabolically active muscles. Whenever you increase your physical activity, especially through exercise, you must increase the amount of calories you consume each day.  Remember, the more energy (calories) you give your muscles, the more energy it has to burn fat that is stored in your body.  Also remember the less energy you give you body, the more protein will be taken from your muscles to be converted to carbohydrates as energy, which leads to a slow metabolism.

Hoodia Weight Loss Supplements Add To Jenny Craig Diet Programs

Jenny Craig diet programs run neck and neck with Weight Watchers as the most utilized diet programs worldwide.  Jenny Craig programs revolve around good nutrition, along with moderate physical activity.  Adding Hoodia diet pills to your regular Jenny Craig diet program can help increase your chances of meeting your set weight loss goals.  The following paragraphs will discuss the Hoodia Gordonii plant, as well as how Hoodia weight loss supplements can help you with your diet.

The Hoodia Gordonii plant was discovered many centuries ago by South African San people.  While the plant was commonly used to ward off excessive hunger and thirst during times of extreme famine, the Bushmen would also eat Hoodia as a way to prevent becoming too hungry or thirsty during long hunts for food across the Kalahari Desert.  Often mistaken for a member of the cactus family because it is covered in spikes, Hoodia Gordonii contains a natural ingredient that fools our brains into thinking our stomachs are full, when we really haven't eaten that much at all.  Although this ingredient has been given a name, P-57, it has yet to be effectively synthesized.  For this reason alone, it is very important for you to make sure to buy Hoodia products that are 100% pure, with no fillers, no additives, and no preservatives.  Not all Hoodia diet pills will be as equally effective.  Only Hoodia diet pills made from authentic Hoodia Gordonii plant from South Africa will work the way they should.

In addition to moderate levels of regular physical activity and exercise, Jenny Craig diet programs are based on limited daily calorie intakes to levels as low as 1,200 per day.  With calorie intakes that low, it is common for the dieter to grow hungry, and slip on their diet.  Hoodia weight loss supplements can aid in controlling your appetite, and help prevent becoming hungry between meals.  100% pure Hoodia diet pills, when used with Jenny Craig diet programs, can help you increase your chances of successfully reaching your dieting goals.

If you are following a Jenny Craig diet program in order to lose weight, there are many reasons to consider using Hoodia weight loss supplements to help you achieve your weight loss goals.  Hoodia weight loss products act as a natural appetite suppressant, and help you to reduce your daily calorie intake without bothersome or harmful side effects.

HungerAway is one of the Hoodia weight loss supplements available.  Manufactured by HoodiaPharm, HungerAway is made from pure and authentic Hoodia Gordonii, and is packed in to 100% vegetarian capsules to keep them natural.

Before starting any type of diet program, you should consult your doctor.