

South Beach Diet Recipes - Why Are They Popular?

South beach diet recipes have become the staple of today's diet programs. They have replaced the bland, boring, and most of the time tasteless food of the traditional diet recipes most people hate about. They are preferred because of the plethora of honest-to-goodness recipes which can all fit into the daily routine of all individuals. Without giving up on the food you liked, south beach diet recipes will let you enjoy them provided you replace some ingredients with those with less contents of bad calories, carbohydrates, and fats.

They are made famous by mostly celebrity people, but there is no reason for you not to have them if you want to reduce weight. In fact, south beach diet recipes may be perfect for all individuals out there who are determined to lose weight. And if you fear weight-reducing diets means giving up favorite foods, south beach diet will make you happier because it will let you savor healthy meals without sacrificing delicious flavors.

How can you reduce weight but still indulge in the everyday favorite foods you like?

South beach diet recipes suggest modifying your old recipes such that they would contain less the harmful elements which are easy to create havoc on healthy diet ideas. Some of these modifying tips are below:

Use monounsaturated or polyunsaturated oil instead of saturated oils like your margarine or butter. Canola, peanut, and olive oils are best recommended for south beach diet recipes.

Dairy products are regular staple to everyday recipes, and they are a killer to weight-reducing diets. In this case, use low- and non-fat dairy foods. You will have to remember that south beach diet recipes do not include low-fat food products but non- and low-fat dairy foods are made an exception, so you can use them if your recipe calls for those.

If your food requires sugar, use natural sweetener instead of honey or sugar. All-natural sweeteners can be easily found in the grocery stores so get rid of those containers holding your sugar and honey.

When your recipe requires pasta and grain foods, opt for whole-wheat and whole-grain recipes. They contain more fibers which are great to slow down absorption of sugars and starches by your digestive system.

Of course, you cannot live without meats and poultries. These are some of the foods easy to ruin diet, so south beach recipes suggest you take a closer look on the cuts they are making for you. Choose leaner cuts instead of the fattier ones, like chicken breasts over chicken thighs.

The above tips are generally recommended for those taking south beach recipes, but you must remember of the pattern, such as the first two weeks concentrating only on foods without the carbohydrates. South beach diet program is composed of three phases and it is vital to learn of all these, so consulting south beach diet experts is a must.
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Fast Weight Loss Diet Plan With Cabbage Soup

There are some flashy diets out there that promise to have you lose weight fast. While the diet described in this article will help you lose weight fast, it's not flashy. There are no groups to join, no books to buy. What is this magical fast weight loss diet plan? The Cabbage Soup Diet!

The soup diet is based on the idea that a person can eat as much soup and drink as much water as they would like with a combination of a very strict diet of other foods. This needs to be done for seven days. Although this diet will help a person lose weight, it is certainly not meant to be used as a long-term solution. The recipe for the soup is a combination of cabbage, onions, and tomatoes, flavoured with bouillon, onion soup mix and tomato juice. Below is a list of the seven days and what a dieter on this program may eat for those days, keeping in mind that for all days you may eat as much soup as you want.

Day One

· Eat as much fruit as you want, except for banana

· Drink unsweetened tea, black coffee, cranberry juice and water

Day Two

· Eat all the raw or cooked vegetables that you want, except for sweet corn, dry beans, and peas

· Have a baked potato with supper

· No fruit

Day Three

· Combine Day One and Day Two eating as much fruit and vegetables as you would like but no baked potato

Day Four

· Eat as many as eight bananas

· Drink as much skim milk as you would like

· This day is supposed to curb any craving for sweets

Day Five

· Eat 10-20 ounces of beef and a large tin or up to six fresh tomatoes

· Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water

· Eat soup at least once today

· Baked or broiled chicken may substitute the beef as may broiled fish

Day Six

· Eat beef and vegetables today

· Do not have any baked potatoes

· Eat soup at least once today

Day Seven

· Eat all you want of brown rice, unsweetened fruit juices, and vegetables

· Eat soup at least once today

· No bread, alcohol or carbonated beverages
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Low Carb Vegetarian Diet - Five Things You Absolutely Must Know

Low Carb Vegetarian diets are popular today. Here are the top five things should know when considering a low cab vegetarian diet.

1. Low Carb Vegetarian diets are unbalanced.

Wrong. Remember low carb vegetarian diets when done right provides a nice balance between proteins, fat and complex carbs. These are important and needed in every responsible diet. Plus vegetarians tend to consume more vegetables and fruits compared to the average American.

2. Vegetarians because of their diets will automatically live longer.

Well this would seem to be the case but in fact it's not. There really isn't enough evidence to support this claim. Yes a low carb vegetarian diet does provide some awesome health benefits however these diets don't automatically ensure a longer life, simply a healthier one.

3. Vegetarians don't need as much exercise as Meat eaters.

Do I even need to comment on this one? Well just in case I do, this is obviously incorrect. No matter what your diet choice you NEED to exercise. Exercise is not just about losing weight. The benefits to exercising are so far reaching. I would need a whole other article to discuss them. So get your daily exercise, it only takes 20 minutes a day.

4. Low carb vegetarian diets lack sufficient Calcium and are therefore harmful.

Yet still another misconception. Here again many people are trapped in the mindset of believing calcium is derived only from cheese and milk. This is so far from the truth. Believe it or not green leafy vegetables of which Vegetarians consume quite a bit is very rich in calcium. Another benefit here is that digesting calcium is easier and more efficient for vegetarians also which in turn leads to less cases of osteoporosis.

5.Low carb vegetarian diets are perfect for everyone.

Again on the face of it this seems the case. However keep in mind again that not all diets are perfect for everyone. A little experimentation is always needed to find out what works for each person. Vegetarian diets are great when practiced responsibly however they are not necessarily for everyone. It's a matter of choice.
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Calorie Shifting Diet - Why is it Better Than Other Diets?

The Calorie Shifting diet, better known as the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet, has become very popular all around the world. Why did this diet become so popular? What makes it so successful? And the most important question: Why is this diet better than other diets?

Most of the diets on the market today are basically deprivation diets marketed under different names. The various low carb, low fat, or low calorie diets, which were so popular in the 90's and early in this decade, held great promise but for many turned out to be a grave disappointment. The statistics state that over 95% of diets fail. This happens because deprivation diets cause your metabolism to slow down and they are also extremely hard to stick to for a long time.

The reason why your metabolism slows down when you go on a deprivation diet is that, on a biological level, your body believes it is starving. Your metabolism slows done in order to burn less and less calories. That's why so many deprivation diets provide short termed initial weight loss but not a long termed one. After a while you simply stop losing weight.

The reason why it's so hard to stick to these diets for a long time is that they just starve you. How long can you avoid eating carbs or eat very little of them? It's unnatural, and most people break sooner than later. The road to gain back all the weight you lost is very short from that point.

The Calorie Shifting Diet (Fat Loss 4 Idiots) is different because the weight loss isn't based on deprivation. You eat a balanced menu of 4 meals a day. You lose weight by constantly shifting the types of calories you eat. This keeps your metabolism running high at all times and burning more and more fat. Because you eat 4 meals a day, you never starve and it's easy to stick to for a long time. Because your metabolism remains high, your weight loss rate remains steady over time. You get a fast and continuous fat loss.
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The Mediterranean Diet - Lovely Food That Benefits Your Health

It has been found that people living in Mediterranean Countries such as Southern France, Spain and Italy live longer than people in other parts of the world. Why?

It's what they eat and how the Mediterranean's cook their food that makes all the difference.

What Is The Mediterranean diet?

Common to the diets of these regions are a high consumption of fruit and vegetables, bread, wheat and other cereals, olive oil and fish; making them low in saturated fat and high in monounsaturated fat and dietary fiber.

A main factor in the appeal of the Mediterranean diet is its rich, full flavored foods. Margarine and hydrogenated oils are considered bland and lacking the flavor olive oil can impart to foods. You'll be surprised that olive oil is the main contributing factor to their healthy secrets. Red wine is also consumed regularly but in moderate quantities. Added advantages of these foods are their nutritional value; they provide antioxidants, fibre, vitamins and minerals.

What makes the Mediterranean diet a healthy option?

Olive Oil - Olive oil lowers cholesterol levels in the blood and also lowers blood sugar levels and blood pressure. While we are using oils that are high in animal fats, they are using oils which are lowering their cholesterol levels! See the difference?

Red wine - Red wine contains flavonoids with powerful antioxidant properties. ("Antioxidant" is a classification of several organic substances, including vitamins C and E, vitamin A (which is converted from beta-carotene), selenium (a mineral), and a group known as the carotenoids.) In short, antioxidants help prevent cancer, heart disease, and stroke.

Fruits & Vegetables - I'm pretty sure I won't need to tell you why eating fruits and vegetables are beneficial for your health. However, do remember to take them in moderation, as too much isn't good either! Fruits contain high amount of Fructose, which is a form of simple sugar, taking fruits late at night isn't too good an option as these sugars digest very quickly and if your body does not need them, they're going to be stored as fats.

Bread, Wheat & Cereals - These are basically their carbohydrates intake. Essentially, instead of potatoes (West) or rice (East), they take bread, wheat and & cereals. These forms are carbohydrates fall under complex carbohydrates. Wheat & Cereals have low glycemic index which means, they digest very slowly, which is beneficial. They are also high in fiber, vitamins B6 and E, Magnesium, copper, Zinc, the list continues.

Fish - Eating fish has many health benefits, such as reducing the risk of heart disease. However, too much is again not good. Fish is a good source of protein, it contains lots of vitamins and minerals, and it is low in saturated fat. It contains omega-3 fatty acids, a type of polyunsaturated fatty acid that helps reduce the risk of heart disease. All fish contain these oils, but oily fish contain much more of these oils than white (non-oily) fish.

Mediterranean Food List:

Honey, Olive Oil, Olives, Red/white/sweet/rose/church wines, Brandy, Liqueur, Feta, Cod, Tarama, Sardine, fruit juices and many more!


Mediterranean diet is indeed a healthy choice. If you are able to get your hands on recipes and their food stuff, please, go ahead and try it. You might just end up becoming a fan!
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Weight Loss for Idiots? Review of How the Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet Works

One of the diets I see listed most often in weight loss forums is the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet. Though this diet is not new, it has been seeing a renewed interest in the past year. Many of the questions that I have run across regarding this diet are in regards to exactly how the diet is supposed to work. The Fat Loss 4 Idiots website touches briefly on what is involved with the program, but does not give much in the way of detailed information as to what exactly the diet entails.

When you purchase the diet you will be given access both to an ebook and to a menu generator. The menu generator creates meal plans for you that are designed to vary the types of food and amount of calories that you are eating each day. The reason for varying the food from day to day has to do with tricking your metabolism.

Often times other diets can deprive your body of enough calories and as a result your metabolism slows down to compensate. Then when you do try to start eating normally again your body doesn't burn enough calories and you can quickly gain any weight that you lost back.

With the Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet, some days are low calorie and others have more calories so your body doesn't go into starvation mode and cling to the fat that you are trying to lose. Besides just varying the amount of calories you eat each day, the program also varies the types of food that you eat each day. The combination of these two elements is supposed to keep your metabolism from slowing down.

Most people find this diet easy to stick to because you are constantly eating. The program is designed so that you eat many times a day with little time between meals, which can help you to keep from feeling hungry. Feeling too hungry is one of the main reasons that people go off of diets, so the frequent meals are a nice benefit of this program.

Just like any diet, you should not stay on this program forever. The Fat Loss 4 Idiots diet runs in 14 day cycles. Typically you can do as many of these cycles as it takes to reach your weight loss goal. However, once you have reached your goal you should resume normal, healthy eating and consume a well balanced diet to be sure that your body is getting the nutrients that it needs.

The only downside that I can see to this program is that they do not stress adding much exercise to their diet plan. While there is not really any specific exercise plan with the diet, you would probably see faster results by adding some walking or other light exercise to the program.
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Stay Healthy With The Raw Food Weight Loss Diet

The raw food weight loss diet is one of the most hyped-up diet fads in recent years. It has been endorsed by celebrities, approved by doctors and nutritionists, and is the subject of many weight loss books. Its claims are certainly worth looking into: according to its proponents, it's impossible to gain weight on raw food, and you can eat as much as you want without gaining an ounce!

Of course, such claims should be taken with a grain of salt. Before starting a raw food weight loss diet, it's important to know its risks and benefits. Read on to learn more about raw food diets and what they can do for you.

What is it?

The raw food weight loss diet promotes the consumption of uncooked and unprocessed plant foods. By "uncooked," they mean subjecting food to temperatures above 116oF, which is believed to destroy enzymes that help the body absorb nutrients. Fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, grains, sprouts, seeds, and seaweed make up most of the diet.
Raw food proponents believe that eating right is only part of the process that make up a good life. According to them, cooking deprives food of its "life force" and makes eating simply a means of sustenance, rather than part of one's overall well-being.

How much raw food?

It's near impossible to limit yourself entirely to raw foods. The raw food weight loss diet recommends that raw food make up around 75% of your diet; any more that and you're at risk for vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Raw food also includes meat and seafood: raw shrimp, sashimi, and rare to medium rare meats. However, most raw food dieters prefer plant foods because they are lower in fat and preservatives.

What are the risks and benefits?

Raw foods contain little to no saturated fats, trans fats, and sodium. These are the most common culprits of serious diseases such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer. A study featured in the Journal of Nutrition shows that a raw food weight loss diet significantly lowered cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Raw foods are also high in antioxidants, which help fight free radicals that contribute to cancer risk. Other nutrients abundant in raw foods are fiber, folate, potassium, and magnesium. Proponents of the raw food weight loss diet also have more energy, clearer skin, and better digestion.

One common reaction to the raw food diet is detoxification symptoms, which indicates that the body is flushing out toxins. Symptoms include nausea, mild headaches, and food cravings. They usually last several days and may be more severe in people whose previous diet was rich in meat, sugar and sodium. Raw food diets are also not recommended for children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, anemics, and people at risk for osteoporosis.

What cooking methods are allowed?

"Raw" doesn't mean you have to eat foods right off the counter. There are ways to prepare your foods without breaking the 116oF mark. Here are some techniques you can use.

1. Blend vegetables together to create a dip or salad.

2. Make a healthy shake using fresh fruits.

3. Dress salads with fresh juice extracts instead of prepared dressings.

4. Soak dried fruits and nuts to enhance their taste and make them easier to digest.

5. If you're eating grains or seeds, you can eat them young or sprouted. Eat them together with citrus fruits to improve iron absorption.

6. Replace processed drinks like coffee, tea, and soda with homemade juice or purified water.

What will you need?

If you're considering a raw food weight loss diet, you will need to adapt your kitchen to your new lifestyle. Be sure to have the following:

A food dehydrator. Dehydrators remove water from your food, making them easier to store for longer periods. It uses temperatures below or just above boiling, so you're still within the 116oF limit.

A juice extractor. Fruit and vegetable extracts are a major part of the raw food weight loss diet. It's not just for making juice--you can also use extracts to flavor your food or create salad dressings.

A blender, chopper or food processor. This helps save time when chopping or mixing your vegetables.

Glass containers. If you're sprouting your seeds and grains, put them in large glass containers. This allows you to check their progress at a glance. Plastic and metal containers also leave residues which may affect the taste of your food.
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Did You Know That Fiber Diets Can Reduce Water Retention?

Diets high in fiber have been proven to provide many benefits. In addition to facilitating weight loss, high fiber diets are often the solution to common health problems as well. Among other health problems, one issue that can be eased by consuming more fiber is water retention, or edema. Fiber diets have been shown to play a direct role in controlling water retention.

Water retention, or edema, is an abnormal amount of fluid found under the skin. Water retention is not itself a condition, it is a symptom of what could be many conditions. Water retention could occur for many different reasons, some of them more serious than others.

Dehydration is one cause of water retention. Your body excretes less water when you are dehydrated, which means that you could become bloated. Constipation is another cause of water retention. Infrequent bowel movements can cause your body to absorb poison from partially digested foods; to dilute these poisons, the body often retains excess fluid. Something else that could be causing water retention is an excess intake of dietary sodium. Finally, there are more serious conditions that could be the cause of water retention, such as kidney, liver, and heart failure.

Many of the conditions related to water retention are related to your diet, so the first thing to do if you are experiencing water retention is to make changes to your diet. One of the things you could do is to consume less sodium. Another possible dietary solution is to increase the amount of fiber that you consume.

One of the major reasons for water retention is constipation - in fact, it is the most common reason for water retention. Because fiber is known to reduce constipation, fiber diets and water retention often go hand in hand. You should investigate different fiber diets before choosing one that will reduce water retention, but typically people choose to consume a greater amount of fiber.

If you want to find a fiber diet to reduce your water retention, then you have many options available. You could simply consume more of the many delicious fruits, vegetables, and grains that are high in fiber. Another option would be to take fiber supplements, which provide similar nutritional benefits.

Fiber diets can be the solution to numerous health problems, but it is important to consult your doctor if your health has not improved after making these dietary changes. Your doctor can provide you with a diagnosis and treatment.
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Simple Weight Loss Diet Plan - The Calorie Shifting Die

Are you looking for a simple weight loss diet plan? There are many approaches to weight loss. There are diets out there that are based on reducing calories. There are diets out there that are based on reducing fat. There are diets out there that are based on reducing carbohydrates. What do Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, and the Atkins diet all have in common? Each one of these types of diets all have one thing in common:

They all require you to cut back on something. Each diet plan has its own merits and can yield tangible weight loss results over time, yet because each of the diets requires you to sacrifice, many people end up throwing in the towel because the magnitude of the short-term sacrifice required is not worth the long-term benefits, not to mention the fact that these diets are not intended to work well as lifetime choices.

One alternative to these reduction diets is what is known as The Calorie-Shifting diet. The emphasis of this highly effective yet simple weight loss diet plan is on changing what you eat when, not how much you eat. This simple diet plan allows you to eat comfortably from each of the food groups for four meals a day. The difference is that you may only eat certain types of foods at certain times of the day. Your menu also varies on a daily basis.

In so doing, you are triggering a metabolic response from your body that results in rapid weight loss. You do not feel deprived of any foods. You feel satisfied as you eat. Plus you are eating a healthy balance of every food group.

The simplicity of the diet speaks for itself. Here are a few simple rules to follow the calorie shifting diet properly and thus achieve the rapid weight loss results you desire:

1. Eat as much food at each meal as you want from each of the four food groups until you feel satisfied.

2. Eat four full meals per day.

3. Shift your calories so that each meal contains only certain types of calories.

The calorie shifting diet is more than a theory. It is a bona fide diet plan that comes with a structured meal plan.
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Diets for Fast Weight Loss and Low Fat

To some degree, I have been involved and infatuated with diets for fast weight loss and low fat for many years. Diets come and go -- The Rice Diet, The Fruit Diet, The Low Carb Diet, The High Carb Diet, The High Fat Diet, The Low Fat Diet, The Fiber Diet, the list goes on forever.

What each and every diet has in common is a controlled caloric intake. One thing we know for sure, when calories are reduced, the body calls upon other sources for fuel, one of them being stored body fat. So, unlike others who say, "Diets do not work," I disagree and say, "All diets do work!"

The problem is this -- they are either too difficult to maintain for long periods of time, or they do not supply enough calories, so a discouraged dieter usually throws in the towel and quits.

Years ago, scientists discovered a special phenomenon that occurs with food intake called thermogenesis. Thermogenesis is just a fancy word for the production of heat.

Foods are really forms of energy. When food is eaten, the body breaks down the fuel from the foods to obtain this energy in order to maintain life and to do work. The fate of this energy is threefold. First, energy can be used up by the body. Second, it can be stored as muscle glycogen to be used at a later date, or it can be stored as body fat. And the third fate of energy derived from food is that it can be "wasted as heat."

Our bodies are always producing heat, much like a coal furnace. When foods are consumed, the body temperature rises and some of the calories from the foods we eat are simply burned off as heat, leaving less net calories available for the body, the muscle cells and fat cells. Some foods exert a strong thermic effect upon the body, while others do not. Most importantly however, protein food sources exert the greatest thermic effect upon the body.

Roughly 20% of the calories derived from protein foods are not available to be used by the body because they are burned off as body heat. Of course, dieters adopted this fact, and protein became the dieters choice food. People ate a lot of protein hoping it would have a thermogenic "overdrive" effect. As with any diet that is lower in calories, the approach worked to some degree, mainly due to a total lower caloric intake.

Over time, as dieters failed in their quest for a lean body, psychologists postulated the theory that people over-eat or under-eat due to their emotional state. Some studies showed a correlation between depression and overheating. Psychologists reasoned a person could only free themselves from overeating with intensive therapy.

Once the underlying psychological problem was found and treated, a patient would resume eating normally. While therapy may be helpful for some, it did not accommodate the fact that millions are overweight who seem to be perfectly content with their lives, and many can not lose weight who have undertaken years of exhaustive therapy.
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Extreme Advantage

Atkins food products have changed a lot in the years I've been sampling and writing about them. Back in the day some were absolutely awful, like their original baking mix that tasted like chemicals. I'll never forget how a few of their snack bars that contained so much sugar alcohol I spent a lot of time catching up on my bathroom reading, because the after-effects kept me there.

Not only did many of them taste bad, they were also overpriced.

But as time went on the flavors improved. The Atkins people may have oversaturated the market at first, but they seemed committed to improving their products.

And now we have their two latest low-carb products, and they're the best yet. One is even a home run.

The real winner is the Atkins Advantage Café Caramel Latte Shake. Each single-serve 11-ounce can costs $1.87, and the serving has 160 calories, 9g fat (1.5 saturated, zero trans), 5mg cholesterol, 120mg sodium, 720mg potassium, 4g carbohydrate (2 fiber, 1 sugar, zero sugar alcohol) and 15g protein.

You also get 15 to 40 percent of the Recommended Daily Values of 24 vitamins and minerals.

I love coffee and caramel, so the flavor was extremely appealing to me. The texture is not thick like a shake; the consistency is more like skim milk. And did you see the amount of sugar alcohol? ZERO, none, zip, zilch. How did they do that? There's only one gram of sugar, but it tastes sweet.

My only complaint is that it has a slight tinny taste, I suppose from the can it's in, but that isn't enough to keep me from buying this product. I like it, it's healthy and as a breakfast replacement it kept me full all morning.

Atkin's other new product is a Peanut Fudge Granola Bar. I'm not so much in love with this, mostly because of the nutrition numbers: 200 calories, 10g fat (5 saturated, zero trans), zero cholesterol, 150mg sodium, 17g carbohydrate (7 fiber, 1 sugar, zero sugar alcohol) and 16g protein.

I know the whole point of the Atkins weight loss method is low carbs, but that's just too much saturated fat for one granola bar. Also, the chocolate on the outside doesn't taste chocolaty, just sweet.

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How Easy is it to Follow Fat Loss 4 Idiots?

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is a unique and highly popular weight loss programme. Formerly known as weight loss 4 idiots, this diet has been used by tens of thousands of men and women all around the world, from the United States through Europe to the Far East. Many people have reported excellent results with this diet and the success rate is estimated to be over 95%.

One of the key questions you should ask yourself when it comes to picking out a diet plan which will work for you is whether or not you'll be able to use it. Many diet plans are so difficult to pursue that people fail in them by the thousands. These diet set up ridiculous rules, either starving the people who use them or forcing them to eat strange foods which are so difficult an expensive to get that they can't last at it for a long time.

Is Fat Loss 4 Idiots so easy to use to be known as the Diet 4 Idiots?

Fat Loss 4 Idiots gives you 2 things: A diet ebook and a menu generator software. The more important of the 2 is the menu generator. It works by asking you to select your favorite food and it give you an 11 day menu plan with 4 meals a day. It does so automatically. All you need to do is follow the menu plan and drink a lot of water each day. It's as easy as that. Even an Idiot could do it. That's why they call it Fat Loss 4 Idiots. Since all the meals are made out of regular food, it's no problem cooking or buyingthem for yourself. Because you eat 4 meals a day you never starve and it's easy to stick to for a long time.

The diet works by cycling the calories you eat all the time (better known as the Shifting Calories Method). This keeps your metabolism high and has you burning up calories at a fast pace.

You will need to stick to the menu for this to work as well as it should, but it's very easy. It is indeed a diet 4 idiots.
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Fat Loss For Idiots Review - Is it a Diet For Busy People?

Fat loss for idiots, which is also known as Fat Loss 4 Idiots, is one of the most successful weight loss programs all over the world with tens of thousands of global users. The reviews which users write about this diet plan are encouraging. Of course, this diet, like any other, works better for some people than for others, but overall this diet has well over 90% customer satisfaction rate.

However, many people who wish to pursue a diet plan are worried whether or not it will fit their way of life. The people who usually have the most trouble with following a weight loss program are busy people. Many weight loss programs demand their users to go to the gym a few times a week or to spend hours working out at home, or by finding special kinds of food which can only be found in specialized stores, or by cooking special dishes. These kinds of programs are hard for busy people to stick to. They simply can't spare the time.

Fat loss for idiots works by providing you with a balanced menu containing regular kinds of food. The thing which makes this diet work is the Shifting Calories method on which this diet is based. The menu tells you what to eat and when to eat and constantly shifts the kind of food you eat, so your metabolism remains running high. Because all the food in the menu is ordinary, it isn't hard to find it or cook it. And it doesn't take long.

Fat Loss 4 idiots doesn't require going to the gym. It is recommended to take some short walks once in a while to accelerate the weight loss process, but it doesn't require hours at the gum or at home.

Most of the meals in the Fat Loss For Idiots menu can be taken to work with you so it won't upset your day. Overall, it's a great diet for busy people.
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What to Expect in a Good Glycemic Index Diet Book

What would you expect to see in a good Glycemic Index Diet Book, well since you are probably trying to find one right know you would have a little bit of an idea but that is probably all you have.

In this article we will look at what you would expect to see in the table of contents of a good book or guide that is specifically written for individuals that want information on the Glycemic Index in relation to weight loss. Before we do so let's start off by covering the basics and explaining what the Glycemic Index, or GI, is all about.

The Index places a numeric classification on each food type from which you can determine if the foods that are currently in your diet are conducive to weight loss. Low Glycemic diets are good for everyone but the people who need these diets most are diabetics and those trying to lose weight. Low Glycemic diets are easy to follow, and if you stick to it you can eat as much of the low Glycemic foods as you want and still lose weight, something that is more conducive to a good quality of life than a very restrictive diet allows.

Accordingly low Glycemic diets are the way to control the problem of obesity and other aspects of ill health that are directly linked to obesity such as diabetes.

That's the good news and even better news is that there are Glycemic Index Diet books available for download that address all the issues regarding diets and eating plans by following low Glycemic Index principles.

Now with this in mind what are the contents that you should look for in an example of a superior book on the subject to help your in reaching your ideal weight safely? What kind of information do you need to know as a MUST?

First of all you need to know what information you can trust and what to ignore. How you can cut through all the diet misinformation that's out there and focus on the tried and true tips that are guaranteed to help you. You don't have enough time to read subject matter that is going to be useless to you and this sectional should help dispel myths and get you up the learning curve quicker.

Straight to the chase information and facts as to WHY going on a low GI diet offers so many health benefits such as lower blood sugar, lower blood pressure, and reduced chances of contracting heart disease. This section should help you identify if the health problems that you may have can be improved upon by concentrating on low GI diet lifestyle.

What the Glycemic Index is, why it matters and how you can use your knowledge about it to address losing your excess pounds in a safe manner. You want to reach a point whereby you actually understand how this works and why it works in order to provide you with confidence and believe in it.

How you can combine a low GI eating plan and an exercise regime to increase the effectiveness of your exercise sessions. Which type of exercise routines produce the most efficient and effective results? How much exercise you need to lose weight and when you should do it for maximum impact.

What are the best foods and the worst foods to eat on the Low GI diet? A snapshot view of the foods to avoid at all costs and the food types that are beneficial. This will help you to identify very quickly from an table of ingredients which to substitute and which to include.

Why eating too little food can slow down your metabolism and have the effect of you actually gaining weight plus what you can do to help yourself falling into this type of trap. This is one of the major reasons why people tend to fail when starting a new diet or eating plan that involves restricting calories.

If you suffer from low energy levels you most definitely want to see a section that tells you how, by incorporating a healthy GI based eating plan, these can be improved upon.

An overlooked principle in successful weight loss is the effect the status of your mind has on how you respond to food at certain times of the day. In is very important that a chapter is included that looks at what you need to do to develop a mindset that will ensure you maintain permanent weight loss and create a habitual like tendency to move towards low GI foods instinctively.

A must is an easy to follow guideline that shows you how to incorporate a Low GI Diet when eating out at restaurants and fast food establishments. If you have a busy lifestyle chances are that you will 'eat out' at some point in the week and you would benefit from information that clearly shows which common fast food meals limit your progress on a low GI diet and which ones benefit it.

How you can create meals by incorporated low GI foods to make easy examples of breakfasts, lunches, dinners and quick snacks. Some detailed examples of shopping plans and predetermined shopping lists to help you up the learning curve as quickly as possible.

The low Glycemic diet should not be confused with the Atkins diet or any type of diet that relies on cutting out carbohydrates to a level that becomes dangerous, for this reason low Glycemic diets are most likely going to be around for a long time as a maintainable, workable solution to weight loss and weight related illnesses.
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Weight Loss With The Volumetric's Diet

The Volumetric's Diet was created by Barbara Rolls PhD and is a very popular diet that has been part of a weight loss program for a number of very successful dieters.

Volumetrics is based on a very simple fact - people like to eat! And that if people are given a choice between eating more or eating less then in 99% of cases they will always choose to eat more.

The Volumetric's Diet isn't based on deprivation like many other diets. It's based on this natural human preference just mentioned and the natural human dislike for dieting (i.e. hunger and unhappiness).

The basis of the Volumetrics diet is finding foods that you can eat lots of whilst you are still losing weight. Volumetrics focuses on the feeling of fullness that many other diets exlude. According to Rolls, people feel full because of how much food they've eaten and it has nothing to do with calories, grams of far, protein, carbs or anything else. The trick is to fill yourself up on foods that are not full of calories. In most cases, following the Volumetrics diet will allow you to eat more and not less whilst you are still easily losing weight.

In 2000, Barbara Rolls and her co-author Robert A. Barnett released The Volumetrics Weight Control Plan detailing her theory. She followed it up in 2005 with The Volumetric's Eating Plan which provided even more recipes whilst reminded people of the basis of the diet.

You may be wondering who Rolls is and what credentials she has. She's the profession of nutrition and directory of the Laboratory for the Study of Human Ingestive Behaviour at Penn State University. She's written well over 200 research articles and based the Volumetric's diet largely on the work she has done in her laboratory.

In the Volumetric's diet, there are no banned foods, nor are foods divided into good and bad foods. You are urged though to evaluate foods based on their energy density, which is a vital concept for the diet.

The energy density is the number of calories in a specific amount of food. Some foods, particularly fatty foods, are much more energy dense than others, i.e. they have a lot of calories packed into a small amount. Water is the complete opposite because it has a zero energy density.

By eating foods with a high energy density you are consuming a lot of calories. By eating less energy dense foods you can not only eat more, but you get less calories too.

Some very low energy density foods include things like soup or broths, fat free milk and non-starchy vegetables. In contrast, some of the very high density foods include things like crackers, chips, cookies, chocolate, nuts, oils, butter, etc.

At the heart of the Volumetric's Diet are foods with a high water content, such as vegetables and fruits, which are often up to 95% water. These will fill you up without adding too many calories. Of course, you could drink a lot of water and consume no calories at all, but you would still feel hungry.

The Volumetric's Diet also recommends eating foods with filling fibre, lean protein (i.e. not fatty meat) and some healthy fats such as those you find in fish. You can still eat energy dense foods like sweets, fats and alcohol, you just eat them a little bit more sparingly that you would have before.

At its root, the Volumetric's Diet is very clever. It is essentially a sensible eating program that almost any nutritionist would recommend. Reduce your calorie intake, lower your fat intake and eat lots of vegetables and fruits.
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Who Shouldn't Try Juice Fasting?

Juice fasting is a very extreme method of detoxification. While it is extreme, it is also highly effective. Juice fasting has been responsible for complete life overhaul of many, many people. It is a great (and healthy) method of rapid weight loss. It can lead to a dramatic change in your overall complexion. Your skin will glow and your hair will shine.

Juice fasting is an excellent method to detox the body, but not for some people. For some people, juice fasting could be potentially dangerous or harmful. Are you one of these people?

Juice fasting may not be suitable for people that are...

- Pregnant - your body will undergo some extreme changes that could be potentially damaging to the health of your unborn child.

- Suffering from a variety of diseases and illnesses such as: diabetes, eating disorders, liver disease, low blood sugar, malnutrition, addictions, anorexia, anemia, asthma, low blood pressure, infection, gout, cancer, epilepsy, terminal illnesses.

- People with other chronic conditions should only attempt the juice fast diet with supervised medical attention.

- People currently taking prescription drugs and medication should consult a doctor or medical professional before embarking upon a juice fasting program.

If you don't suffer from the above, then it is more than likely that you can start the juice fasting diet program. But, as with any extreme change to your traditional lifestyle, you should seriously consider consulting a doctor or health care professional before you begin with the juice fasting program. Good luck!
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Diet Without Exercises - Learn How to Diet Without Exercises with These 3 Basic Rules

Most of us who are overweight or are currently gaining weight will be increasingly aware of the numerous advertisements these days promoting the latest diet pill or diet product that claims to lose weight fast without having to exercise. Is it really true that there is such a thing as a diet without exercises that can actually deliver the results?

Or is it simply a creative marketing angle adopted by witty copywriters to manipulate the emotions of people who are fat and do not have the luxury of time to visit the local gym or run a few laps around the track?

There is little to believe until there is empirical proof that these programs can make the masses lose weight quick and easy without the hassle of exercising. However, we do know that one can simply lose weight by observing certain standard rules of dieting. This is what we called the real diet without exercises routine.

Here are few tips to start off on how to diet without exercises, and believe me, if practice regularly you can lose weight in no time at all.

Rule No #1 - Consume More Water

There are so many good benefits by drinking a lot more water. One of which is, water flushes out toxins that are produced whenever the body burns fat. In fact, most of our body functions require water and the lack of it will produce unnecessary stress.

Rule No # 2 - Eat Smaller Meals

It is best recommended that if you want to diet without exercises, start by eating smaller meals more often. Consume 4 to 6 smaller meals each day that are spaced 2 to 3 hours apart. Eating smaller meals will ease digestion and help to boost your metabolism.

Rule No # 3 - Never Skip Meals

Plan your meal times in detail. Be regimented if you have to. Always be prepared to consume the right amount of food at the pre-scheduled hours. If you are serious about getting into a diet without exercises, then you must not eat your meals in sporadic patterns.

These are just a few tips on how to diet without exercises. Ultimately, you will encounter more information from health and fitness experts that a healthy wealth management is all about proper eating habits and an active physical lifestyle.

You can find out more on how to combine these two integral components together so that you can burn fat, lose weight and stay at your optimal health level by visiting the link provided below.
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Naturally Low Carb Foods - How To Go All-Natural?

In low carb weight loss system, you have a great list of naturally low carb foods that you can eat on a regular and unlimited manner. But you always have to remember that anything that is purely made of carbohydrates should be eliminated from your list of food appropriate for low carb diet. And in general, most foods with high protein content is allowable.

Among the naturally low carb, high protein foods in the meat section are the veal, lamb, venison and pork dishes. However, be sure not to eat too much of the processed foods since these contain chemicals and substances that are not only unhealthy but are also potential carriers of unnecessary carbohydrates. Also, try to avoid fish that are treated with nitrates because they could possibly act as carcinogens.

Poultry, fish and seafood are also great additions to your list of naturally low carb foods. Among the long list of naturally low carb fish are tuna, sole, salmon, flounder, trout, herring and sardines. Sea foods such as lobster, quail, clam, crabmeat, squid, shrimp and mussels are also highly recommended. But, if you are a big fan of mussels and oysters, you have to be very careful with limiting your consumption of these foods since these have relatively higher carb content than other shell fish.

The case of the vegetable selections, on the other hand, should be highly discriminated when compared to salad foods since they have moderately higher carb content. But among the most recommended selections of vegetables are the following: eggplant, broccoli, chard, sauerkraut, spinach, eggplant, rhubarb, celery root, artichoke, pumpkin, cauliflower, water chestnuts, bean sprouts, scallions and basically all other vegetables that are not starchy.

There are quite a lot of fruits that you must get away from though. But berries are some good exceptions. Also, be sure to eat a lot of metabolism-boosting fruits like oranges or any citrus and grapes so you can help your metabolism work extra hard for easier energy consumption.

Basil, cayenne pepper, cilantro, dill, pepper, thyme, oregano, sage and garlic are among the many species that you can use when you are on a low carb weight loss plan. As for oils, look for expeller-pressed and cold-pressed ones.

As you may now have seen from the array of choices for naturally low carb foods, you actually have so many choices that there is no need for you to expect long, blue days with nothing but protein shakes and ill-tasting meals.
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Drinking a Cup of Green Tea And Dieting Benefits

The popularity of green tea drinking in the West has exploded throughout the past few years. It's become a desirable holistic patent medicine for a conglomerate of acute diseases known to mankind. By drinking green tea a great many people generally testify to decreased degree of inflammation, improved skin conditioning, lowered their cholesterol, and decreased risks of various types of cancers.

People at large have experienced that by taking green tea and dieting efforts are improved. On the whole, it's considered that green tea will improve body metabolism and therefore calories will be burned of rather more efficiently and weight loss is more likely. Obviously the regular dieter will find this an immense help on the journey to weight loss heaven.

It is possible to feel real results even from consuming just a single mug of green tea each day and when the consumption increase so does the benefits. If you are dieting then you should be aware of the diuretic qualities of drinking and dieting. The tea can lead to dehydration and the way to avoid this is to ensure that you have an adequate intake of other fluids, preferable natural water.

Purchasing Green Tea and Dieting

These days you will not have to travel far and wide to buy your green tea, quite frankly you can get it almost anywhere and every street corner shop and certainly every large supermarket chain has made the effort to introduce the drink onto its shelves. Previously you could only find green tea and dieting form specialist health food shops.

There are several green teas for dieting to be found on the World Wide Web. A basic Internet search will soon deliver a vast number of suppliers of the tea you would wish to buy. There is one supplier in particular, The Tea Farm, that will offer diverse varieties of green tea lots of these are cultured in countless different countries. The Tea Farm will even propose a green tea taster that comes with a range of five sundry teas. They may perhaps be a huge medley for the individual new to green tea dieting. This sample pack costs around twenty-five dollars or so, and can be bought from

You may also wish to try you'll find that that they offer a broad selection of different types of green tea and dieting. The tea obtainable on this website are all developed and produced in Japan. It comes in tea bags, loose leaf and powder. These also suggest a sample and sell a range of green tea and dieting accompaniments.

For persons in general who wish to consume green tea for dieting yet are not particular about its taste there are numerous corporations that will present green tea extract. The extract is added to other foods allowing a full advantage whilst not having to take it as green tea. Furthermore you can discover countless green tea additionals which are mixed together with other advantageous holistic products to provide something of an all round holistic supplementary diet.
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Idiot Proof Diet Reviews and Testimonials - What Do the People Say?

The Idiot Proof Diet, better known as Fat Loss 4 Idiots, has been acclaimed by experts and laymen alike. It has also been used by tens of thousands of people worldwide. The best source of information would be actual people who used this diet. What do users who used this diet have to say?

In my review on the Idiot Proof Diet, which you can see below, people have left their feedback on this diet. I have also corresponded with more users and read the reviews of countless other man and women who have used this diet. In this article I will attempt to provide an summary of what they have written.

I will lay out the information I gathered from the reviews, emails, and testimonials I have read into 3 groups: weight loss, simplicity of use, overall satisfaction.

Weight Loss

Although many people who used this diet failed to lose 9 pounds every 11 days as the diet promised, most were satisfied with their weight loss because the average weight loss was 6-7 pounds every 11 days. Some lost more than others. It depends on personal factors such as general health, age, gender, and initial weight.

Simplicity of Use

Most people had a pretty easy time with the Idiot Proof Diet because the generating menu software that comes with the diet instructs you on exactly what to eat and when. You basically don't need to make any decisions. Because no special food is required, it's easy to arrange the meals. The only thing that people complained about were some questions they had about whether it was really crucial to drink a lot of water each day and do some brisk walking once in a while like the diet prescribed. I can tell you that people who did those two things were more successful with this diet.

Overall Satisfaction

Overall, people were very satisfied. Of course, there were a few who didn't enjoy the diet (nothing works for 100% of the people), but the overwhelming majority of users found the diet to be very effective in terms of sheer weight loss.

I hope the summary of reviews and testimonials I've presented here has helped you come to a more informed decision about the Idiot proof diet (aka Fat Loss 4 Idiots)
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Are You Sure You Know All About the Fiber 35 Diet?

It's hard not to be aware of all the fad diets out there. There's the Atkins diet, the South Beach Diet, the NutriSystem Diet--the list just goes on and on. Other people skip the dieting all together and pop dangerous and ineffective pills in order to lose weight. These solutions might seem to work, but there is, in fact, a better and healthier solution.

The Fiber 35 Diet claims that by simply consuming 35 grams of fiber each and every day, you will be able to lose weight and keep it off. The diet was developed by Brenda Watson, who is a best-selling author, certified nutritional consultant, and naturopath doctor. The Fiber 35 Diet is a popular diet because it not only helps you to lose weight, but improves your health too!

How Does The Fiber 35 Diet Work?

The creators of the Fiber 35 Diet understand that the only proven way to lose weight is to burn more calories every day than you consume. Thus, they have designed the Fiber 35 Diet to work with this concept. The diet provides a system that can be used to calculate the ideal number of calories you should be consuming each day in order to achieve your weight loss goals. The dieter then combines this system with 35 grams of fiber every day, and this is when results are seen.

What Are The Benefits Of Consuming 35 Grams Of Fiber Every Day?

Fiber provides many nutritional and weight loss benefits, which is why the Fiber 35 Diet has been proven to work so well. By consuming at least 35 grams of fiber everyday, it helps to suppress your appetite. This is because fiber has no calories and takes up a larger amount of space in your stomach; thus, it makes you feel full.

Another benefit of fiber is that it promotes the production of CCK, or cholecystokinin, which also helps to make you feel full for longer. The Fiber 35 Diet also promotes effective use of glucose by the body because it slows the rate at which carbohydrates are converted to sugar.

By consuming at least 35 grams of fiber, you are eliminating calories that you have already eaten. Additionally, you are receiving the additional health benefits that come from heating high-fiber foods.

Fiber For Your Health

If your goals are not only to lose weight, but to improve your overall health levels, then you should consider giving the Fiber 35 Diet a try. When you combine a reduced caloric intake with more fiber, you will finally achieve the results that you have been hoping for.
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Fatloss4idiots Reviews - What I Dislike About This Diet

The Fatloss4idiots diet has become one of the most successful diets on the market today. There is no doubt that this diet has been used successfully by thousands of people all around the world. It is also clear from the countless reviews and feedbacks, that people lost a lot of weight with this diet, whether as little as 15 pounds or as much as 75 pounds or more.

However, as much as I appreciate this diet, there are some things I dislike about Fatloss4idiots. I wanted to share them with you.

Here are the things I dislike about Fatloss4idiots:

1. The name - Fatloss4idiots is a funny name, but I didn't think it was funny when I saw it for the first time. It can even be insulting. Later, when I understood that the name signifies that this diet is so easy even an idiot can do it, my dislike for the name diminished. But I still think that they could've chosen another name.

2. The 9 pounds every 11 days fat loss promise - Fat Loss 4 Idiots promises that you will lose 9 pounds every 11 days of use. I don't like this promise because every person is different and loses weight at a different pace. Sure, some people do lose 9 pounds every 11 days, others do even better. But most of the people lose an average of 6 pounds every 11 days. This is still a great weight loss rate, so I think Fatloss4idiots could've done without the 9 pounds promise.

3. Lack of support - The biggest downside to Fatloss4idiots is that you don't have a support group with this diet. The reason is that it's so easy to use that you don't really need any support, but sometimes it's nice to read someone else's feedback and get some more explanation. That's why I wrote an extensive review of this diet.

I want to make one thing clear: Fat Loss 4 Idiots does work. The fact that there are 3 things I think they could've done better doesn't diminish the achievement of this diet.
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Find Out How To Lose Weight Fast With Minimum Side Effects?

Every person has a question in mind on how to lose weight fast? But I was not able to get the exact answers for this question. Everyone has his own views but the result remains the same. The urge to lose weight fast may lead people to harsh effects. In the race to lose weight fast you may ruin your health. It is advised that you consult your physician before the start of any treatment to burn fat.

I have come across the fact that mild exercises are human’s best friend. You can easily burn hundreds of fat with regular exercises. These exercises comprise of simple stretching techniques so as to show significant effect. You should not overstress your body as this may bring adverse effects.

You should have complete knowledge of calorie intake and calorie exhausted by your body. Try to consume only that amount of calories that are essential for your body. Excess consumption of calorie brings obesity.

A balanced diet is also required in conjunction with exercises. Your diet should not contain excess of fats and carbohydrates, as these two are the main source of obesity.

Morning walk is essential to control your body weight and to remove extra pounds. If you want to lose weight fast then you can spend more time on mild exercises by keeping in mind that you do these exercises with an empty stomach. As more exercise you do, more calorie you burn.

Water plays an important role in metabolizing body fat. You should drink more water, as this helps the kidney to flush out more toxin waste.

You should have fat burning food to get rid of body fat. They are generally called negative calorie food.  A number of negative calorie foods are available in the market to lose weight faster as limes, lemons, grapefruit, oranges, watermelon, cabbage, carrot, apple and many more.

Market is full of number of Diet Pills to fight against obesity. These medicines should be taken with complete prior knowledge. Consultation with doctor is must when you are about to start your treatment through weight loss drugs.  You can find a collection of weight loss drugs in the market as:

ò Phentermine
ò Bontril
ò Diethylpropion
ò Ionamin
ò Didrex
ò Adipex and many more...

These medicines are termed as short term treatment of obesity. Strict prescription of doctors are be adhered to avoid any unwanted repercussions. These medicines may have some side effects and you should acknowledge those side effects to your doctor. Moreover, you should not overdose these medicines at any cost, as this brings adverse effects.

Master Cleanse Lemon Diet Works

Constipation causes hard stools and this in turn can cause pain and discomfort in the individual. It may be caused for a number of reason including hormones, diet, from certain medications or sickness. Whatever the reason for the constipation, it is still difficult to carry out daily activities. The urge to go to the bathroom is very strong and yet nothing happens when you get there.

Lack of fiber in the diet is a number one issue for those experiencing constipation. Diet changes can definitely make a difference in how your regularity changes. Fibrous foods and supplements help to move the food along and to take in the fluid necessary to provide a proper stool. When the fiber balance is shifted, you can have a bout of diarrhea or you can be tormented by constipation.

Some constipation sufferers find that cleaning out the colon does a great job in preventing constipation from occurring. When you clean the nasty toxic substances and blockages out of the colon, you not only feel better, you give your colon a fresh start to work better. When cleaning out the colon, it is advised that you stay away from solid foods and concentrate on liquid mixtures only.

One of the best mixtures to drink to clean the colon is known as the master cleanse containing lemon juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper. For ten days, this liquid is taken in and combined with a regimen of herbal laxative tea at night to help move the toxins out of the body and a saltwater mix in the morning right after waking to move the digestion process into high speed. This will help to clean the body out and give it a fresh beginning clean and working properly.
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Seven Ways To Control Your Calories

Obesity is increasing every year. Many claim that they are eating less, especially fat than they used to, but they are now more overweight now than ever. I think the reason is because people do not pay enough attention to the amount of calories they consume daily. In reality, if you eat more calories than your body requires, you are going to gain weight.

If you cannot fit in your current pair of jeans could simply indicates that you are eating too much. In other words, you are consuming too much calories. Generally, a person only requires about 1,200 calories a day for his bodily needs. If you consume less than 1,200 calories a day, your body will presume that you are starving. This result in your body hanging onto the few calories you had consumed.

You do not have to carry your diet book and constantly referring to it. A better plan is to know the nutrition basics, listen to your body's own signals for hunger and food preferences, and develop eating habits that you can sustain for life for seven days a week.

I would like to present sensible, basic guidelines for nutritious eating. When you adopt these common-sense rules, it will help you maintain your weight and your health, at the same time, keep your taste buds interested.

Here are some tips on how your can control your intake of calories.

1. Begin to learn to eat smaller portions of food at meal times. You can always go back for more. Try to buy single-serving packages of snack foods. You are less likely to keep eating when you have to rip open a new bag of potato chips than if you have your hand buried in a bargain-sized package.

2. There is a difference between fat-free and calorie-free. Many fat-free foods are high in calories because they make up for the lost fat by adding sugar.

3. Do not deprive yourself. When you lust for ice-cream, eat a smaller cup, or else you will end up eating the whole tub.

4. Take your time to eat. Learn to enjoy the food and chew 32 times before taking another spoonful. A lot of people are eating so fast that they do not taste the food. Let your body a chance to feel full.

5. Take it easy on the booze. Alcohol stimulates your appetite and weakens your reserve. This combination can lead to some serious overeating. Try to avoid drinking alcohol or beer before a meal but sip it while you eat.

6. Stop when you are satisfied. Begin to learn to eat three quarter of what's on your plate and then take a break to assess whether you are still hungry. People often eat for reasons other than hunger, such as depression and exhaustion. Make sure that you are eating for the right reasons.

7. Eat regular meals daily. Skipping meals sets you up for losing control and overeating.

No simple plans works for everybody. How often, how much and what time of day you should eat depends on many factors and your personal preferences. Trying to figure out how to eat should not be complicated. A better plan is to know nutrition basics, and listen to your body's signal for hunger and food preferences. Then you would be able to develop habits that you can help in your weight-loss program. Your diet is also part of your health and fitness program.

Kylie Hong is a fitness enthusiast.
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Weight Gaining Diet - All You Need To Know

Are you looking at gaining some serious mass? Well this article is going to take you through how to do this and show you how to gain quality mass rather than just fat!

It's really important how many calories you are taking in when trying to bulk up so you must set an eating plan and stick to it as you can easily lose track of your food. What you need to determine is how much carbohydrates, protein and fats should you be getting from your diet. A very popular ratio is a 50/30/20 ratio where you are in taking 50% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 20% fats in your diet. As far as the calories go you need to be taking in more calories then you are burning off. If you are not then obviously you are going to be losing weight no matter what!

A good starting method with your diet is to track your calories for a couple of weeks which involves writing down everything that you have eaten within that time period. You then need to determine the calories of each meal and find out the average number of calories you are consuming per day. Once you find out the average calories you have been consuming you are going to add 300-500 calories to your current diet for the first two weeks. For the next at least 8 weeks you are going to add 300 calories to your daily intake each week.

As far as how often you should be eating it really depends on how fast your metabolism is. If you have a really fast metabolism then you should eat every 2 to 3 hours so that all your fuel isn't being burnt so quickly.
Carbohydrates -

Carbohydrates are essential for energy in your diet and you need a lot of carbohydrates as stated earlier, up to 50% of your diet must consist of carbs. For the weight gaining diet there are two types of carbohydrates you will be consuming, simple and complex carbs. You should only eat simple carbs which consist of sugars/dextrose after your workout only as they will provide a large insulin spike in your body and this can cause you to store more fat. Complex carbohydrates on the other hand are great for bulking because the energy is released slowly into your body and do not create a spike. Therefore you will focus your diet on more complex carbohydrates.

Simple carbohydrates include:

o Dextrose
o Fruits
o Sugar
o Sports drinks
o Candy

Complex carbohydrates include:

o Brown rice
o 100% whole wheat bread
o Oats
o Pasta
o Spaghetti
o Beans
o Vegetables in particular the greens
Protein -

Protein is very important because it builds lean muscle tissue and that's how you get big. As we stated earlier your weight gaining diet should roughly consist of about 30% of protein and you should be getting about 1-2 grams of protein per pound of your body weight. You will find that your recovery after each workout with a good intake of protein is going to be a lot faster. Besides the food sources for protein sometimes time can be short and you may not be able to cook the food you need for you weight gaining diet as often. Therefore whey protein supplementation is very popular as you can drink a protein shake that gives you about 40 grams of protein and only takes a few minutes to prepare. These shakes are not to be the sole source of your diet as obviously they don't contain all the other nutrients found in other food sources. It's just that it's very important when you are sticking to a strict weight gaining diet that you are getting your necessary protein and don't fall behind. Important foods that contain protein include:

o Tuna
o Salmon
o Chicken breast
o Beef
o Pork
o Chops
o Turkey
o Egg whites
Fats -

The final 20% of your weight gaining diet should consist of fats. Most people today who are training seriously overlook the necessity of fats in their diet. In recent times 'fats' have got a bad reputation and people are trying to avoid it no matter what. Supposedly everyone feels that fat equals fat around your belly. There are two types of fat and that's the most important factor. You have saturated and unsaturated fats. Saturated fats are the fats that should be avoided at all cost as they are the bad fats and have no benefit what so ever. The unsaturated fats such as poly and monounsaturated fats are helpful and help the body and have been proven to raise natural testosterone. Salmon and fish are excellent sources of protein and the fat that we want. There's virtually no saturated fat in fish and that is good to keep your bulk diet clean. Be sure to consume a lot of nuts and cook with olive oil. Good fats include:

o Olive oil
o Sunflower oil
o Safflower oil
o Flaxseed oil
o Walnuts
o Avocados

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Diverticulitis Diet - The Right Way To Treat Diverticulitis

Diverticultitis is a common disease of the bowel and in particularly the large intestine. It involves the formation of pouches on the outside of the colon and results in one of the pouches becoming inflamed. Just in America let alone you have about 50 percent of all Americans aged 60+ who have small, bulging pouches (diverticula) in their digestive system. The usual cause of the pouches forming is when pressure inside the colon builds up, typically due to constipation.

Common symptoms may include mild cramps, bloating and as mentioned above constipation. Most cases remain minor and unnoticed. If unfortunately it becomes a problem a person's waste matter and bacteria are trapped inside the pouches. Unfortunately this blockage can interfere with the blood supply to the area and infection sets in. The tissue then becomes inflamed or infected, and in severe cases may even rupture. An attack of diverticulitis can result in fever, pain and tenderness around the left side of the lower abdomen.

Abdominal muscles may spasm due to the infection and irritation of nearby tissues within the abdomen. Of all the diverticulitis about 25 percent of patients will experience some rectal bleeding, although rarely it becomes too severe. Diverticulitis is three times more likely to occur in the left side of the large intestine, and men are three times as likely as women to suffer from diverticulitis.

In order to prevent or slow down the progression of the diverticultitis disease there are dietary measures that can be taken and this article will explain in more detail what approaches you can take.

o Eat more fiber - Fruits and vegetables and whole grains are examples of high fiber foods. By targeting high fiber foods in your diet when you are passing waste through your colon it will be quicker as the waste has been softened. Don't add excessive fiber or add too much fiber too quickly in your diet as you might experience bloating, abdominal discomfort and gas.

o What foods should you not be eating regularly? Nothing is forbidden by the Diverticultitis Diet, but foods that should be avoided include - Processed food - such as fried food, Meat, Processed white flour - such as white bread, nuts, and seeds.

o Drink plenty of fluids - Fiber will absorb water from your body and therefore increases the softness in your bulky waste in your colon. The problem is if you don't consume enough fluids then the fiber can be constipating.

Besides the diet there are other factors that can help prevent and slow down the progression of diverticultitis:

o Respond to bowel urges - Don't delay going to the bathroom in any cases as this can lead to harder stools that require more force to pass and increased pressure within your colon.

o Exercising regularly - Normal bowel function and reduction of pressure inside your colon can be promoted by regular exercise. A good program of at least 30 minutes on most days is adequate.

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Fat Loss 4 Idiots Feedback - How Much Do You Really Lose With This Diet?

Fat Loss 4 Idiots, one of the most successful and popular online diet plans in history, promises that you can lose 9 pounds every 11 days in which you use it. This is indeed a massive claim, but how does it stand up to the experiences of people who actually used this diet?

Over the past few months I've corresponded with a lot of people who used the FatLoss4 Idiots diet. My goal was to find out how well this diet works. I knew that I would need to discover how many people did on this diet, otherwise my research wouldn't be worth anything. This article is intended to relate to you what I have learned.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots Feedback:

Overall, it seems that being on FatLoss4 Idiots does get you to lose weight. Not a single person I corresponded with who went on this diet failed to lose some weight. But not everyone lost 9 lbs. every 11 days. In fact, most of the people failed to meet the 9 pound mark. Most people I've corresponded with or whose feedback I've read, lost around 6-7 pounds. I think Fat Loss 4 Idiots would've done better if it had set this number as it's weight loss promise. The lowest weight loss which I encountered was 5.5 pounds over the 11 days cycle. The highest was 10 pounds! Yes, that's right, a few people do manage to lose even more than 9 lbs. every 11 days, but they are the minority.

I'm not saying that only a fraction of the people manage to lose 9 pounds. Many of them do. But if you plan to use this diet, you should be prepared for a slightly slower rate of fat loss so you wouldn't lose your motivation.

By the way, the highest weight loss which I've seen reported was by a guy named Scott who lost 75 pounds with Fat Loss 4 Idiots.
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The Popcorn Diet Plan - Would You Like Butter On It?

You just have to love all of these fad diet plans. There have been some real winners come down the line, and the "Popcorn Diet Plan" is yet another example.

We've seen the Cabbage Soup diet plan, Special K diet plan, and we get the Popcorn diet plan. Perhaps they should add a free DVD movie rental with it. Isn't that the mental image you get when you think of this type of diet plan?

So, what does this diet plan include? You know it has to be more than just eating popcorn all day.

The Popcorn diet plan is actually similar to all other diets; you change your eating habits to include more nutritious foods and vegetables, get regular exercise and limit portion sizes. The thing is, that will help you lose weight regardless. That's just sound advice.

Where does the popcorn come in? That is what you have between meals as a snack.

What kind of popcorn can you have? The popcorn diet plan calls for popcorn that has no butter and no salt. In other words, it's not the type of popcorn you will enjoy eating for any length of time.

And therein lays the problem with these specific food diets. Regardless whether it's popcorn, Special K cereal, cabbage soup, etc. The all become hard to swallow in a quick amount of time. Eating these foods morning, noon, and night will drive you nuts after a few days.

The biggest question you should ask yourself with any diet plan is; is this diet a long term solution? Will I want to be on it a month from now? I'm sorry to say, but the Popcorn diet plan is not a long term weight loss solution. Although it's great for a movie night at the house.
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The Jenny Craig Diet Plan - Is This The Right Weight Loss Plan For You?

The Jenny Craig diet plan is another commercial weight loss system that continues to get heavy TV advertising to this day. (That means someone will be paying for that exposure.) The question is, does the expense of this diet plan live up to the results? Here's a look.


The Jenny Craig diet plan calls for you to visit one of their weight loss centers and meet with your own personal weight loss consultant. It's no different in that regard than Weight Watchers or some of the other diet plans.

After talking with a consultant you will be put on a low calorie diet plan that is suitable for your body type and weight loss goals.

The food menu calls for foods that you purchase from Jenny Craig and therein lays the catch with this program. More on that in a minute.

The Jenny Craig plan is like others in that it is a low fat, low carbs and high protein plan like so many other popular diet plans.

You will meet with your consultant every week while on the plan and they also have an online forum to discuss everything to do with weight loss.


The Jenny Craig diet plan is not inexpensive. While there are several choices as far as plans go. You can expect to pay $25-$50 for your initial 6 week period.

As you can imagine, buying your Jenny Craig food can also get expensive. For one person you can expect to pay something in the range of $100-$150 a week. You can buy the food right at the center you attend.

The Verdict

While you can lose weight with Jenny Craig the costs are very expensive to continue with month after month. There are many other diet plans that will give you success at a more reasonable cost.
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Slimming Down For Summer

Hectic summer schedules can distract even the most dedicated exerciser, while backyard barbeques tempt Americans with high-calorie foods and snacks. Since it's the time of year to start trading winter wraps for warm-weather clothes, many are trying to slim down for summer and find healthy ways to improve their lifestyles.

According to a recent survey by Wrigley, nearly 85 percent of Americans believe a key to losing weight is to consume fewer calories. Most experts agree that combining physical activity while watching calorie intake is important in the quest for weight management and a healthier lifestyle.

There is no need for a total diet makeover; taking small steps to enjoy a variety of foods and being more active can go a long way for Americans trying to lose some weight for the summer, says Molly Gee, registered dietitian at Baylor College of Medicine.

One easy way to control calories is to reduce high-calorie snacks or choose low-calorie alternatives. Chewing gum works well as a low-calorie snack substitute at an average of five to 10 calories a piece, and may be able to help Americans cut some excess calories during the days before summer. In fact, a recent study out of the University of Liverpool, conducted by Dr. Marion Hetherington, shows that chewing gum before snacking can help reduce hunger, diminish cravings for sweets and decrease snack intake by 36 calories.

Gee offers these additional tips to help people manage their weight for the summer months:

• Steer clear of temptation-have conversations far from the picnic table where the food rests; • Party hearty, not hungry-don't skip meals-saving yourself for parties or barbeques can lead to binging; • Move more-take advantage of the warm weather by taking walks around the neighborhood or through the park; • Stay active-fill your days with warm-weather activities that don't emphasize food, including a trip to the zoo, gardening or window shopping; • Chews wisely-replace high-calorie snacks with a piece of chewing gum (average of five to 10 calories). Chew gum when preparing meals to avoid nibbling and pack it when you travel to divert attention from high-calorie snacking.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots Vs Weight Watchers - Which is Better?

Fat Loss 4 Idiots and Weight Watchers are two of the most popular diets today. But which is better for you?

In order to answer that question you need to take a look at the pros and cons of each of these diets.

Weight Watchers - Pros and Cons


1. You have a support group which helps you each week at regular meetings.

2. You work by calculating points on food which isn't really hard

3. Weight Watchers many centers around the world


1. You have to continue to pay a membership fee as long as you come to Weight Watchers meetings

2. You need to come to meetings often which is sometimes difficult to handle

Fat Loss 4 Idiots - Pros and Cons


1. You pay a one time membership fee which makes it cheap

2. You get a customized menu for yourself which means it's very easy to follow

3. Has an excellent track record


1. Doesn't have an established support group

If you know that you won't be able to stick to a diet by yourself without having a group to support you, than I suggest you pay the extra fee and go for something like Weight Watchers. But if you're the sort of person who can get by on your own, can follow a simple diet and can motivate yourself, than I suggest you save your money and use Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

Which ever diet you choose, remember that you will only get results if you're willing to commit to it. Don't let yourself down. Start your fat loss quest today.
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What You Should Know About The Scarsdale Diet Plan

Although you may not be too familiar with the Scarsdale diet plan, it has been around for several years now. So, what kind of diet plan is it and does it actually help you to lose weight fast?

Dr. Herman Tarnover is behind the Scarsdale diet plan. The plan claims a very bold one pound weight loss per day while following the diet.

As with most all fad diet plans, snacking is not allowed and you are limited to 3 meals a day. And like so many diets, this is another low carb, high protein system.

In order to lose the amount of weight the diet claims you can, you must follow every instruction to the letter. The problem is, once you are finished after 7-14 days, you often just put the weight right back on because of the difficulty in finding an eating plan.

Something I found a little out of the ordinary is that the Scarsdale diet plan does not advocate exercise in addition to the diet. But, when you see that your body is only getting 900-1000 calories a day, doing any kind of exercise would be difficult at best. That is a major issue with these types of fad diets.

A typical meal on the Scarsdale diet plan includes:

-One slice of toast, half a grapefruit and a cup of coffee or tea for breakfast.

-Some deli meat for lunch without bread along with carrots and celery.

-Roast turkey, lean hamburger or lamb for dinner. Fruit salad is also allowed.

The Verdict

Following the Scarsdale diet plan you will lose some weight. But, this plan can not be recommended as a long term diet plan due to all of the restrictions. Your body needs more calories to remain healthy and this diet would be difficult to follow after a week.
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The South Beach Diet Plan - How I Made it Through Phase 1

I love to eat! I guess that's why I hate dieting so much.

Most of those fad diets either totally restrict you from eating the foods you love (and crave), or they make you eat an overabundance of the foods that are well, not my favorite.

After all, how many eggs, peanuts or oranges can you really eat? I guess that's why I was so hesitant to follow my friends on the South Beach Diet bandwagon.

They were all trying it, and yes, even losing weight. I watched enviously as their waistlines got smaller and smaller, but couldn't get their groans and complaints out of my head during those first few days and weeks on the program.

Give up all sugar, carbs and fats for two whole weeks! Not me! No way! Not even for a smaller dress size.

Then I went to see my doctor for an unwell feeling I couldn't shake. I wasn't really sick, I just felt tired and icky all of the time. After some tests, he told me my glucose levels were rising, my cholesterol was hitting an all-time high, and even my blood pressure was boiling.

Me? Ms. Healthy? I knew it was time to get serious, so I asked around and did some research and actually found out that, in addition to being a "diet," the South Beach plan was being used by people not only as a safe way to lose the weight that affects your health, but it also teaches you how to eat in a more nutritious and satisfying way.

Okay, time to give it a try. And the very first thing I ran up against - you're probably heard about it -- was the dreaded "Phase I" of the South beach Diet Plan: the "hell of restriction," as my friends like to cal it.

Luckily, I knew so many people who've been on the diet already, I could turn to them for assurance and advice.

By the way, that's Tip #1: Get a Support System in Place.

For me it made all the difference. I honestly don't know if I would have succeeded without the support of my friends. They shared their tips and stories of surviving the first 14 days on the program and made me feel like I could too. Here are some of my favorite survival tips:

o Indulge in one last favorite meal and dessert before starting the diet

o Get everything that's not allowed to touch your lips in the first 14 days out of the house and threaten anyone who dares to sneak in contraband foods

o Keep a daily journal about your feelings during Phase I (its great to read how those cravings and yearnings really affected the way you think and feel after it's all just a distant memory

o Avoid mall shopping during Phase I (the smells of the food court will kill you)

o Don't plan on attending any family gatherings, school functions, parties, etc. for two full weeks (become a hermit)

I'll admit it, during those first few days on South Beach all I wanted was to dive headfirst into a bag of chocolate chip cookies, dipped in whipped cream, with a side a fries and a big slice of pizza.

But when a friend came over and cooked me the most delicious meal of lean chicken and sautéed veggies sprinkled with low-fat cheese (yes, I said cheese!), I knew that I'd make it.

That's Tip #2: Presentation.

The plate she set before me could have rivaled one found in any five-star restaurant. I learned that night that a beautifully prepared plate of colorful veggies cooked to perfection out beats a bag of Oreos 10 to 1.

Within a week my grumpiness was subsiding - after all, my sugar levels were leveling out and my blood pressure was coming down - and I wasn't even craving junky stuff anymore. I was actually looking forward to finding new ways to prepare and serve my new healthier food choices.

Which leads me to Tip #3: Learn to Cook.

Since starting South Beach I have learned how to really enjoy cooking. Watching a variety of cooking shows and incorporating their ideas using my South Beach approved foods was one way I found to survive the first phase of the program, since you can always find new and interesting ways to prepare and enjoy the foods I was permitted.

I couldn't believe when the two weeks were over. It seemed to go by so fast, and then I was allowed to start reintroducing some of my favorites again into my daily eating plan, like fresh fruit and bread (thank God!).

The best part was I no longer craved some of those no-no foods like cake, ice cream and even, yes, those diet buster cookies! And I managed to lose a whopping 12 pounds, a true triumph for someone like me who had never been able to follow any diet for longer than a day or two before!

Was starting the South Beach Diet difficult? Yes, in the first few days, but it sure was worth it!
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Healthy Eating Tips To Keep You Healthy And Strong

What you put in is what you are. Sounds familiar? Our grandparents ate well balanced healthy meals and they had healthier lives. In today's time-conscious, fast paced, urban lifestyle, quick convenient meals have become the norm. Scientific studies have shown that diet is the most important factor for a long, healthy life. Many common disorders and diseases can be avoided by improving the daily diet. Eat healthy by getting rid of the low saturated fat foods and increasing foods and servings with high fiber content, like fresh fruits, vegetables, grains and legumes.

Plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables are a daily must. The FDA's new guidelines recommend five servings of fruit and vegetables. Today, a great variety of fresh produce is available all year round. Fruits and vegetables are important sources of vitamins and antioxidants in addition to soluble fibers that help eliminate the toxins and waste products from our bodies. Eat a good mixture of green, yellow, orange and red-purple fruits and vegetables. Eating a wide variety of foods is important for the daily intake of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

Meat is good but it is best to eat lean meats with all the fat trimmed off. Avoid processed meats as they are high in fats and salts. Grill meats quickly and avoid frying them in fats. Eat different kinds of lean meats.

Fish is a great source of protein and has good, heart protecting omega fatty acids. Two to three portions of fish a week will really help lower cholesterol and improve the skin tone. Nuts too provide both nutrition and healthy fats.
Choose dairy products that are low fat or nonfat. This includes milk, yoghurt and cheese. Avoid butter, cream and ice-cream. Dairy products are important for their calcium content.

It is very important to use the right cooking oil. Oils add fats and lots of calories and it's best not to use oils with unhealthy saturated fats. Oils containing polyunsaturated fats like olive oil and soybean oil are cardiovascular protectors. Do not use lard.

Whole grain foods like whole wheat bread are better and have a greater mineral, vitamin and fiber content than highly processed foods like white bread and cakes. Beans and legumes provide good carbohydrates and are nutritious.

Take into consideration your current state of health with a checkup which includes blood pressure, cholesterol and other routine blood and urine tests. This will give you a base to start from. A regular physical once a year along with healthy eating could save your life.

Healthy eating is a choice. It does not have to be boring or bland. An occasional burger will not harm you. Eat a healthy balanced diet and you will feel better and the bounce will be back in your life. That's all it takes. Recipes and books are available on how to make healthy dishes. So the next time you are grocery shopping, stop and think what's good for you.
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Benefits To The Raw Food Diet

The raw food diet is gaining much attention and press lately. After all, it has strong supporters from high profile celebrities such as actor Woody Harrelson, model Carol Alt, designer Donna Karan, and Chicago-based celebrity chef Charlie Trotter. The raw food diet sure sounds like a healthy diet. But is it only a fad? What are the benefits to the raw food diet?

The raw food diet is one that is about the consumption of uncooked, unprocessed and largely organic foods. This means that foods are not allowed to heated above a certain temperature. What this temperature is depends on the type of raw food diet you are on. Yes, there is more than one to choose from. But typically, maximum temperatures range from 92 degrees farenheit to 118 degrees farenheit.

If you equate raw food to only vegetarian food, then this is not entirely true. For some raw food diets, only vegetables, fruits, seeds and nuts are allowed. In others, it can also include fish, meat and unpasteurized dairy products such as raw milk, cheese or yoghurt. This will help ensure that you get much needed protein from other food sources as well.

There are many benefits to the raw food diet. One of the main reasons why people go on a raw food diet is because they believe that raw food can heal or treat several diseases. Raw foods contain live enzymes, thus aiding in digestion. It frees the enzymes of your own body to work on its various metabolic processes. Unfortunately, most enzymes in foods are destroyed through heating when we cook and through processing for preserving them for sale.

Another benefit to the raw food diet can be on your weight. This is simply because raw food usually has fewer calories than other types of food. A raw food diet can help you achieve weight loss as you will have to cut out all junk or processed foods.

Raw foods also contain bacteria and other micro-organisms that are said to be helpful for the balance of your intestinal flora. They can help stimulate your immune system and improve on the digestive process.

Another benefit to the raw food diet is that you can find yourself having loads of energy. This happens because your body can more easily digest and use the fuel from raw foods rather than meats and refined foods. Also, raw foods have higher nutrients than foods that are cooked, since they are not all destroyed via cooking.

However, to be on a raw food diet means that you should refrain from eating even the smallest amount of cooked food. Your body will find it more difficult to process the raw foods, because the acid levels in your stomach will be increased.

You also need to ensure that you take supplements especially if you are on a vegetarian-only raw food diet. Vitamin B12 is one supplement that many vegetarians are deficient in, because it is found in meats and other animal products. It is difficult to get this in raw vegetables and fruits. Some other supplements that are normally needed are zinc and copper, because they are primarily found in meats. Eating seeds and nuts may help you to get some of the vitamins, because they are a very good protein source that can help you to rebuild your tissues and create new ones. Calcium and protein deficiency must also be looked into, with a raw food diet.

You may find that your appetite increases with a raw food diet. You can eat a lot of food and still be hungry and will be tempted to eat more. Although raw foods contain less calories, you may find that you undergo more severe detoxification side effects such as headaches and mild nausea, if your stomach cannot take too much raw foods suddenly and all at one go.

The raw food diet is also not suitable for those who are pregnant, young children, anemic people or those at risk with osteoporosis. Those who go on a raw food diet tend to have lower bone mass.

Also, implementing a raw food diet takes up considerable time, effort and commitment. You need to make many of your foods from scratch. Not all food ingredients are as readily available as the ones catering to a normal diet.

Despite the various criticisms, the raw food diet movement is gaining popularity. The many benefits to the raw food diet is tempting: balanced body weight, clear skin, more energy and less sickness. It is also much easier to find restaurants offering raw food meals in large cities now across the world. A raw food diet is not boring either. There are several cookbooks published with appetizing recipes that you can easily follow if you want to go on this diet.
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