

Do You Know What You're Putting In Your Mouth?

The least important thing to add to your daily diet is Omega 3! What is the most important? Knowing what you're putting in your mouth in the first place. You may be going, "Oh sure! That was hard to figure out." Yet BIG FOOD has got your number and they're callin' it everyday. "I'm reading the labels!" So what good does that do when some of the most dangerous products don't have to be listed on that label? What are they?

GMO's. Plain and simple, major chemical and seed companies are fighting tooth and toenail to keep labeling of GMO's off the products in the grocery store, and the supermarkets are helping fund that effort!

You can't even trust the USDA Organic seal on food, as it has been clearly shown they don't inspect those companies claiming Organic status. Check out this article in the Washington Post for starters. Also check out the link below for Cornucopia for even more in depth revelations. Now does it begin to take on new meaning about what you put in your mouth, and the importance of really understanding what it is?

Let's talk about wheat products for just a moment. Seed companies have worked on creating hybrid wheat for decades. They have been successful, and as a result the majority of wheat grown around the world is a "dwarf" variety. "Wheat Belly" by Dr. William Davis paints a pretty grim picture of just what you think is healthy for you to eat and all those in your family. To quote from his book, Dwarf Wheat contains "4- to 5-amino acid long polypeptides that increase appetite and cause addictive eating behaviors." Get it? Addictive eating behaviors! So you think by cutting out bread or those things made with processed flour will do the trick to improve your health? Think again. Do you really know all the things wheat is found in? Probably not, so here's a list that might surprise you.

Canned soup 
Dry soup mixes 
Seasoning mixes 
Frozen dinners 
Candy bars 
Lunch meats 

"The newer forms of gliadin (created by agricultural scientists and agribusiness that are in question) from modern high-yield semidwarf wheat that are a source for more potent gliadin-derived opiates that bind to the human brain and increase appetite and calorie consumption-eating processed foods results in eating more processed foods." (Wheat Belly)

So there are two sources, GMO's and hybridized dwarf wheat that have been developed and no have been shown to be detrimental to your health. Does the USDA know this? They choose to ignore studies that show the negative effect on human consumption, or in the case of Organic certification, enforce the standards that are openly being abused.

So if there was ever a case of "buyer beware" this may be it. Should you just stay away from your favorite supermarket? Take into consideration where the money is to keep the public from knowing what's in your food. Here's another link that will divulge the companies and organizations in league with this effort.

Alan is a charter "Boomer", a Viet Nam veteran, grandfather of 13, resides in Ecuador, works with coffee farmers and writes about whatever pops into his mind. He loves to build and ride recumbent bikes, play racquetball, write, and talks to anything that does not move fast enough! The twinkle in his eye is a combination of the sun, and an active sense of humor.