

Nail Care System - 12 Tips

Finding a quality nail care system is very important!


When it comes to making a good impression, well kept fingernails rank highly. Poorly kept nails are almost immediately noticed and can greatly impact a person's image and the all important first assessment when meeting someone for the first time.

Use these 12 care tips as part of a fingernail care system that ensures your nails serve as a good advertisement and help build a positive image:

1. Healthy looking fingernails should be smooth, curved, void of any spotting, and should not have any hollows or ridges.

2. Make sure your fingernails are completely dry before you file them.

3. Shape your nails with a fine emery board, do not use any type of metal file.

4. When filing, try to keep the shape of your fingernails oval not pointed, thus making the nails less susceptible to breakage.

5. The cuticle acts as a seal between the finger and the nail. Gently exfoliating the dry, rough, cuticle skin layers by actually sloughing off the dead outer layers exposes new and vibrant skin.

6. This new healthy skin protects the nails matrix which is the growth center of the nail and should be treated with care.

7. Don't over manicure your cuticles. Over-grooming the cuticle damages the cuticle and causes it to thicken and overgrow.

8. Never use metal or sharp instruments on your cuticles.

9. Wear rubber gloves if your hands are going to be immersed in water for any length of time. Extensive periods in water can dry out the fingernails making them brittle.

10. Apply colorless nail polish or a nail strengthener to the tip of the nail to provide a protective shield.

11. Apply a base coat before putting on nail polish to avoid the nail polish staining the nails. Sometimes the dye in the nail polish can leave a residue and stain the nail.

12. If your fingernails carry stains you will need to let them grow out to remove the stain. Alternatively, lemon juice applied around the tips of the nails can remove some stains.

Nail Biting

If fingernail biting is a problem, setting up a good nail care system can do much to conquer the habit. Those who have the nail biting habit often neglect their hands and give up on them altogether.

As a first step, using a fingernail biting deterrent such as a bitter tasting coating which is applied to the nails can help. Patience is needed while nails grow out to eliminate the effects of mistreatment

Then, investing in quality fingernail care products as part of an overall nail care system will gradually help an individual take pride in having attractive hands.  Article Source

Can a 30 Minute Workout Really Work?

If you talk to almost anyone who goes to the gym to workout and ask them how long a good workout usually takes, they will often answer with; “it takes a good hour to get in a good workout”, or even; “if I don’t spend 1 ½ to 2 hours in the gym, I just don’t get enough from my workout”.

Based on these kinds of typical responses, you can imagine how surprised many of these same people appear to be when I tell them that I only workout for 30 minutes a day, yet still get the kind of results that they do! Many of them will say, no way you only workout for 30 minutes a day! How can you ever get results doing that?

The plain fact is there are a lot of people who have such busy schedules that finding more than 30 minutes to dedicate to a workout is just impossible. It’s not that they don’t want to do it; there just aren’t enough hours in the day to be in the gym for 1 to 2 hours at a time.

If there was a way to get an effective workout in 30 minutes however, then perhaps they could spend half of their lunch hour in the gym, and the other half eating their lunch. That would be perfect, wouldn’t it? But is it really possible to do a workout in 30 minutes that will bring real results? The answer is a definite yes, but you will need a few simple strategies to make it happen.
 Here are some tips on how to make your workouts really work in only 30 minutes a day.

To start with, make sure you have a plan for each day. Write down all of the exercises you will be doing for that day and write down all of the weights you will be using for each exercise. Write down how many sets you will be doing for each exercise and how many repetitions you will be doing during each set.

Do split body part routines. For example, on Monday and Thursday, do legs, arms and abs. On Tuesday and Friday, do chest, back and shoulders. This way you only have half of your body parts to work on each day cutting down significantly on time spent in the gym.

Upon arriving at the gym, set up as many things as you can in advance so that when you get started, you can keep moving from one exercise to the other without wasting time getting the next piece of equipment set up. This way, you can go strait through each exercise without stopping, take 1-2 minutes rest, and then simply repeat until you finish all of your sets.

Avoid socializing. While being friendly is ok, don’t let yourself get distracted by having a conversation with others in the gym. Remember, you only have so much time and 5 minutes spent talking rather than exercising is 5 minutes wasted. Explain to people wishing to talk to you that you are on limited time and you just can’t stop what you are doing at the moment or better yet, put on a pair of headphones before you begin your workout; they’ll get the clue.

Always do your weight training and cardio training separately. On days you are not doing weight training, you can spend 30 minutes on the treadmill or on the stair climber. This way you are still only working out for 30 minutes. Combining the two only means you will have to spend more time in the gym and time spent in the gym is what you are trying to cut down on.

In summary, just remember to write out a plan for each day, split those body parts on different days, keep moving during your routine, don’t socialize, and don’t do weights and cardio on the same day and you will see excellent results in only 30 minutes a day.

ll About The Best Stomach Exercises

It is only natural, most people want to look their best, and exercising their stomach muscles is usually a huge part of most fitness programs. If so much time and energy is going to be focused on this muscle group, it is a good idea to know what the best stomach exercises are. There are many resources available for finding the best stomach exercises, and plenty of people to say what they consider the best, so how can a person decide for themselves which truly are the best exercises for working their stomach muscles?

First of all it is important to note that the best stomach exercises are those that a person is willing to do. No matter how effective the exercise is, if a person isn't going to do them consistently the exercise will not benefit that particular individual. It is also important to note that the best stomach exercises do not necessarily require equipment to perform them, although some machines and equipment may work quite well for some people.

When a person decides on a fitness program that includes stomach exercises, it is best to include stomach exercises that work the different parts of the stomach. If a person simply concentrates on one area of their stomach, there workout will not be as effective. The best stomach exercises, combine working the oblique, which are the side muscles, the lower abdominals, the mid section and also the upper section.

Some of the most popular stomach exercises are crunches. These are a very effective exercise and very convenient since they can be performed anywhere without any equipment. The next stomach exercise that is also very popular and goes along with the basic crunch is the side crunch, which works out the oblique.

Some people consider the best stomach exercises to be included in a Pilate's workout. The reason for this is because in Pilates, the whole focus is on the core of the body which is the abdominal, or stomach muscles. Every movement in a Pilate's workout will work the stomach muscles either directly or indirectly.  These exercises can be found on the internet, either the exercise itself or video's that can be purchased.

Another good exercise that some fitness experts considers to be one of the best stomach exercises involves laying flat on your stomach, leg straight and then raising your body up using your arms as your hands are clasped together and keeping your body straight as if doing a pushup. Hold this position as long as you can stand. This is an excellent movement to strengthen the whole stomach.

Remember again though that just because one person may consider a specific exercise to be the best stomach exercise that does not necessarily mean it is the best for everyone. Each person's body is different and will respond differently to certain movements. Any one serious about working on the abdominal muscles will find it most helpful to try several different stomach exercises and then determine which one they can both feel and see results with. If one exercise is simply too hard to do correctly, or does not feel like it has done anything for the muscle group worked, that exercise is clearly not the best and the person should find what works best for them.

5 Diabetes Travel Tips

Planning ahead when you travel reduces stress.  This is particularly important for a diabetic.  These 5 diabetes travel tips are simple to implement and crucial to your diabetic management.  They are particularly important if you are traveling abroad.

1)  Have a pre-travel check-up.  Make sure your A1C blood sugar levels; your blood pressure and your cholesterol levels are OK.  Get the appropriate shots for any country you plan to visit.

2)  Wear a diabetes medical ID.  Ideally it should be in the language spoken in the country you're visiting.  Not everyone speaks your language and you don't want medical problems through misunderstandings.

3)  Keep your medication and glucose snacks in your hand-luggage.  Check-in baggage does, unfortunately, go astray. Don't risk your diabetes medication by packing it in your main luggage.

4)  Keep your medication in its original box, complete with pharmacy labels.  It will prevent misunderstandings about why you are carrying drugs and, if you are on insulin, syringes.

5)  Be aware of time zone changes, especially when altering your watch.  Remember when you travel east your day becomes shorter; if you travel west your day becomes longer.  You may need to alter the timings of your medication.

Traveling need not be traumatic.  A sensible attitude and a bit of pre-travel planning can make things go far more smoothly.

Which Is The Best Diet? Dukan, Dorm Room, Paleo, Raw Food, Alkaline or Cambridge?

Despite the claims of an overwhelming number of diets, it is not surprising that when they are tried and found wanting, there is no choice but to eat what mother nature serves you. For natural foods are indisputably anti-inflammatory, fat burning, energy boosting and naturally diuretic. Why aren't other diet foods?

Dukan Diet

Firstly, the Dr Dukan diet supports a high intake of proteins, which is rather hard on your wallet since animal proteins are pretty costly. Why not consider plant proteins which are cheaper, equally sustaining and multifarious in range.

For example, for vegetable proteins, there are the avocado, broccoli, spinach, kale, peas and sweet potatoes. Legume proteins include lentils and beans, nuts and seed while grain proteins can be found in quinoa, amaranth, bulgur, brown rice, wheat germ and oat bran. Moreover, eating too much protein can cause liver and heart problems, as well as weight gain.

Further, the Dukan diet sets a limit to high sugar foods On the contrary, in a plant-based diet, there are intelligent nutrients that willregulate your blood sugar. These foods include wholegrain breads and cereals, brown rice, legumes, fruit and vegetables.

Dorm Diet

In the case of taking supplements by college students following the Dorm Room Diet, pointing out the difference between a synthetic and a natural product, is most judicious.

For instance, Jerome Rodale, taking the example of vitamin c, explained that the man-made pure ascorbic acid cannot be compared to the more balanced natural product packed with other vitamins and minerals for curative effects. Whole foods like citrus fruits, dark green leafy vegetables, guavas and papayas are always superior to those of the coal tar variety.

Paleo Diet

A paleo meal plan does not make room for grains and instead, relies heavily on 'safe starches' like sweet potatoes, pumpkins, yams and nuts. This is tantamount to eliminating a great food source as rice, quinoa and millet can help balance your body's pH balance.

Further, grains are protected from all kinds of poison sprays by their husks, making them relatively safe foods to eat. For instance, the corn is protected by its sheath while the brown rice has minimal chemical exposure.

Raw Rood Diet

In addition, the raw food diet upholds the belief that healthiest foods are uncooked foods. However, the truth is that some vegetables are more digestible if cooked. Also, juicing fruits in the raw food diet will remove the fibers so much needed in digestion.

Alkaline Diet

Abounding with alkalizing foods.the Chinese plant-based diet is never lacking in tofu, onions, garlic, ginger, root tubers, cruciferous vegetables and leafy greens. However it is nicely balanced by including acid-producing foods like rice and oats, pastas and breads. Nevertheless, eating too many alkalizing foods will affect your health in the long run.

Cambridge Diet

To weight watchers, the Cambridge diet claims of quick weight loss is music to their ears. Totally banking on nutritionally balanced snack bars, porridges, soups, and shakes, the dieter does not have to look for any other source of nutrition.

But would not the missing raw food factor be the cause of fatigue, and bad breath; while a lack of fiber, constipation? Worse still, missing valuable grains like oats; and fruits like bananas is no cure for insomnia. Certainly, nothing beats eating whole foods and all their wonderful life-giving vitamins and minerals.

As for the Cheater's diet, it makes no bones about cheat days on which you are allowed to eat and drink absolutely anything however unhealthy it may be for you. This strange phenomenon is called binge eating, an idea which is foreign to a plant-based diet, where you can fill up on many whole foods like the pumpkin, avocado, beans, apples and oatmeal, without piling on the pounds.

Underlying the Fasting Diet is the practice of detoxifying your body and reversing disease. Well, most whole foods detoxify as well as nourish your body so naturally that it escapes your attention. In fact, your body will detoxify itself when given enough water and fiber.

Oh, for the want of a rhyme, while it goes, 'Oh, what a riot, Blubber's on a diet!'  Article Source

Make the Most of Your Local Playground This Summer With These Great Exercises

Playground equipment provides countless opportunities to get in your cardiovascular ('huffy puffy') activity as well as your resistance ('muscle') exercises.

Today I highlight three exercises that can be done using only your local playground equipment.

1. Modified Chin ups:

Main muscle groups worked: Back, rear shoulders and front of arms

Find a playground bar at an appropriate level - the lower the bar, the harder it will be. Hold onto the bar with 2 hands - either over or underhand grip is fine, and bring your legs underneath the bar. Keep shoulders drawn back and down, and tummy pulled in strong. Pull yourself up to the bar, aiming to get the chin above the bar and puff the chest out towards the bar. Lower back to the start position with control. If you need a bit more assistance, you can use the legs to do some of the drive to the top of the movement.

As your strength progresses you can attempt a full chin up - choose a bar that you can completely hang from. Even just hanging from a bar will prove a good challenge for the hands, arms and shoulders to begin with.

2. Bench Step Ups:

Main muscle groups worked: Legs and buttocks. This exercise includes cardiovascular as well as resistance components

Start by standing on the floor in front of a park bench. Step one foot up, all the way onto the bench, then the other, then step back down 1 foot at a time. You can either step the first foot, tap the second foot, step the 2nd foot down, and then the first foot... or can step up 1st foot, 2nd foot, 1st foot down, 2nd foot down.

3. Tricep Dips on Bench

Main muscle groups worked: chest, front of shoulders, back of arms

Start with your hands on the bench and feet on the floor. Hands are shoulder distance apart and facing forward, and feet are hip distance apart. Shoulders are drawn back and down, and your buttocks should be close to the bench. Lower body down by letting elbows bend back, and then push back to the top. Elbows should stay close (shoulder distance) throughout. Extend the legs in front for a more advanced version Article Source


Top 3 Turbulence Training Bodyweight Workouts

Turbulence Training is an effective home fitness system which incorporates a variety of cheap, in home fitness equipment to design high intensity workouts to help you burn fat and build lean muscle mass.

Author Craig Ballantyne has helped hundreds of thousands of individuals all over the world to reduce stubborn body fat and literally change their lives. He has done this solely through his main Turbulence Traininge Book.

Well, in addition to his main fat loss manual, he also has hundreds of other workouts which he sells separately. Most cost as low as $10. So, if you do not wish to spend $40 on a full program, you may interested in an individual workout that gives you even more results but costs much less.

Turbulence Training Bodyweight Workout

Craig has developed a lot of bodyweight-only workouts. This is because he realizes that one of the main excuses people use to not working out is the fact that they are unable to afford a gym.

An average gym may cost up to $400 per year. Most people would rather spend that $400 paying the bills, or investing in education for their children. Well, Craig says, save your $400 and just train with your bodyweight in the comfort of your own home.

Before Turbulence Training, bodyweight exercises ere only used properly with a few, handful of people. These individuals were usually athletes who had been training with their bodyweight for many years.

Well, Craig has taken what he knows about bodyweight training, developed a program, and has helped made bodyweight workouts available to the general public. So lets take a look at three of his best bodyweight workouts:

Workout #1: Bodyweight Cardio 2.0

Bodyweight cardio is recent "buzz word" that basically means that you're replacing your regular cardio exercises with bodyweight exercises. So instead of spending 30 minutes on a treadmill, you'll spend 15 minutes doing a bodyweight circuit designed to get your heart rate up.

You'll need to spend less time performing bodyweight cardio then regular cardio since the workouts will be done at a higher intensity level. The question here isn't whatseparates Bodyweight Cardio from regular Cardio, but instead what separates Bodyweight Cardio from regular Bodyweight Training.

The answer to this question is....I don't know. In terms of Turbulence Training, Craig tends to refer to Bodyweight Circuits as Bodyweight Cardio. And his regular bodyweight workouts are usually in the format of supersets.

Workout #2: 30 Minute Bodyweight Circuit Training

As you can see, I love bodyweight circuits. This particular workout is formatted a bit differently. Craig gives you a set of exercises to perform in a circuit. You set a timer for 30 minutes, then do as many circuits as you can, nonstop within a time frame of 30 minutes.

This sort of training is extremely beneficial, since it pushes you to try to complete more rounds within the 30 minutes. What I like to do is record how many rounds and total repetitions I completed within the workout, then try to beat my performance the following week.

Workout #3: Advanced Bodyweight Training

Bodyweight Cardio is a great program for beginners. 30 minute Bodyweight Circuit is more of an intermediate workout. The following workout is an advanced routine. It's known as the Bodyweight 1000, and it's hard core.

Ultimate Bodyweight Package

There are two ways you can approach purchasing all these workouts. You can buy each workout one by one (which I prefer), or you can buy all the workouts at once. The benefits of buying a workout one by one is lack of confusion.

In other words, when you have access to hundreds of workouts all at once, you just don't know where to start. Instead, it would be better for you to buy a workout, go through the full 4-week program, then move onto the next routine. Article Source

How Depression Affects Relationships


I am realizing that happiness is not found in the outside through material goods but, how well I can explore and discover more about myself intimately. As I learn to get closer to understanding and building a relationship with myself I feel content with my personality. Perhaps, as I learn to recognize my own thoughts and feeling, I am learning to accept myself as who I am and something intimate emerges from within.

Happiness is reached when I listen to myself internally. As I learn to understand my personality, I become more human and realize that sometimes I am afraid to face myself and hide from me. In other words, depression comes to visit me when I find myself hiding away from the things that bring me joy, anger, fears that follow me unresolved, unconquered by my fearful self. I am conscious of this but, I hide away from my happiness.


As I began to explore myself honestly, I realize that perhaps my unhappiness is a result of lacking who I am. I don't know who or what am I. This comes to me from not taking the liberty or time to analyze, understand and accept myself as is.

Because I lack knowledge of who I am, I question myself with questions of what is happiness? What is feeling whole for me? For me! I have no idea. Do you? Now, because of this I feel lost and lonely at times. I could stop. I know the answer but I am to scare to plunge even deeper into my psyche because of what I will find. Perhaps I will find something I don't want to discover about myself that I hidden purposely for some time. This why I am afraid and blind in life. I hide.


I am discovering that the journey to happiness is unique for each of us. The journey of happiness starts with me, exploring who I am understanding how I think, how or what I feel and most of all how I see myself entirely. As I dig deeper through self dialogue, I began to discover how imperfect I am.

Don't get me wrong, my mind is full of bad and wonderful memories but, there is also another part of me that tells another story. The story I decided to hide from others and myself that is killing me inside. A story that makes me unhappy.


I noticed that I am the happiest when I am my true self. I call this the authentic me. In depression, this may sound roughly peculiar but, I believe I am two people, the ego or false me filled with shame, imperfections, fear then, the other half that is complete and full of life. this my authentic me that I am talking about or my true self that I wish was present more. I like this me.

Because I hide my true self from the world, I struggle to find meaning for myself in relationships. The relationship with myself is a struggle, the ego vs. The true self. This makes it difficult to relate to others. As I jump from relationship to relationship trying to find meaning, all it does it make me feel empty inside. When you refuse to explore your own self, you fail to understand who you are and what you need for yourself. This is why you roam unhappily.

My true struggle is becoming who I must become. As I live a dishonest life I become dissatisfied with myself. I am not content with who I am. All I am looking forward to is becoming authentic, real when I reach these conditions in some events of my life I will be happy. There will be no need to have to pretend to be strong, happy, perfect, just become me. Happiness for me is when I am authentic.

For instance, when we are in a relationship that feels inauthentic or unreal it's because we're dishonest. When I am not true with myself of who I am then most of my relationships feel superficial, void. I become defensive and angry with myself. However, when it's a relationship where I am free to express my true thoughts and feelings I become content. I also noticed there has to be conditions for my guard to come down. The ideal relationship is where the other will accept me and willing to surrender itself completely as I am and vice versa. Now, I am learning this about myself because of self-exploration, taking the time to understand what I am, who I am and what I need.


What does it take for the self to feel whole?

There is one special element that a relationship needs, I need a relationship where I won't be forgotten. I need for the other to always remember me, also to have a space for me in their heart and soul. I don't want to become another memory vanish through the wind.

Perhaps that is why I find relationships with others unsatisfactory, we need someone who creates meaning for us. I need to be important to them and them to me.


How can the self feel significant and whole in this world?

Besides feeling accepted and true to myself in a relationship, I have found what makes me happy in a relationship or what I am in search for is for someone who will change the way I see and feel about life. I discovered this on my own. For that I adore those that come through my life and change the way I see life differently in a positive or curious way. Those people are worth living for. I will end these thoughts for now but ask yourself the quest who is that person in your life?

Someone that can change the way you see life is the ideal person that will make you happy.

As a psychotherapist I have seen what makes the human being reach it's own happiness. I have witnessed it. Article Source

11 Fail Proof Habits for Producing a Floodgate of Energy

Feel less tired, more alive, and energized by adopting the following energy
boosting strategies:

* Always eat breakfast

Believe it or not, the first meal of the day is the most important one which
provides your body the required fuel to keep you going throughout the day.
Never miss breakfast; snack on an energy bar, a banana or apple, or drink a
glass of juice, if you’re in a hurry.

* Eat smaller meals and more often

Studies have proven that by eating smaller and healthier meals actually
give you more energy as opposed to bigger meals which often make you feel
tired and sleepy! Try to eat a healthy snack every four hours to maintain your energy levels.

* Exercise!

Walk, jog, or cycle at least fifteen minutes everyday. Any kind of physical
activity will boost your energy levels. Find time between breaks, classes,
before or after work. Plan ahead and establish a schedule for exercising.
You’ll notice an immediate difference in energy!

* Feed your cells!

If you feel run down and extreme fatigue often or just sometimes, this may be a sure sign that the cells in your body are not receiving enough nutrients. When our body does not get its required dosage of nutrients from our diet, we become exhausted much faster. A powerful way to feel more energized is to supplement our diet with Cellfood. Personally, I take Cellfood every day like clockwork; because of Cellfood I feel more energetic, I sleep less, and I don’t easily get so tired. For information on Cellfood go to:

* High energy foods

Consider adding high energy foods to your diet such as low-fat cheese, milk,
yogurt, beans, eggs, fish, poultry, and lean meat.

* Hoodia Gordonii

To get an added natural flow of energy, consider taking Hoodia Gordonii. This amazing cactus-looking plant is fast becoming popular around the world. To learn all of its benefits, visit:

* Juice

Drink a whole glass of organic apple or pure orange juice. These two will provide you with plenty of energy, especially when you are running low!

* Water

Drink water on a regular basis.

* Reduce caffeine consumption!

A great way to help maintain your energy levels is to reduce or eliminate caffeine from your diet. Remember: caffeine is a stimulant and will make you jittery.

* Vitamins

Take supplements of vitamins C, E, and B6. Or, eat foods rich in these vitamins like oranges, almonds, peanuts, and pecans.

* Minerals

Take iron as a supplement; it will boost your overall energy.

7 Tips For Fast Weight Loss - Get Rid of Your Belly Fat and Look Good in Less Than 6 Weeks!

So you want to lose weight fast? Well the solution is to burn a lot more calories than you take in, it really is as simple as that! One of the keys to burning calories is to speed up your metabolism. The 7 tips below are designed to ensure that your workouts maximise the calories you burn and get your metabolism going!

1. Use More Multi-Muscle Exercises

If you want to lose weight fast, forget about those isolation exercises that body builders use to define certain muscle groups. Choose exercises that allow the most load. Lifting heavier weights will build muscle quicker, and muscle burns fat! So choose a range of lifting exercises that cover your largest muscle sets and that allow you to lift the most weight. Lifts like the bench press for chest and arms, or squats for the legs are good examples. These types of exercises will also be good for your metabolism.

2. Rest For Less Than 60 Seconds Between Sets.

Keeping your rest periods under 60 seconds will keep your heart rate elevated, thus burning more calories. To help, alternate between leg exercises and upper body exercises, that way you keep your heart rate up but allow different muscle groups to rest to ensure you can keep lifting heavier weights.

3. Perform Total Body Workouts

By performing all over body workouts you'll hit all of your larger muscle groups to ensure maximum calorie burning, your larger muscle groups will burn more calories than the smaller muscles.

4. Allow 5 Days Rest Between Your Weights Workouts

When you're trying to lift heavy weights, you need to allow your muscles time to recover and grow. The growth burns calories and will reduce your body fat ratio. You need to allow 5 days minimum for the muscles to recover and grow after a heavy workout. If you do, you'll be able to lift more quicker as the muscle grow stronger. Over training will vastly reduce the benefits you see from your workouts.

5. Run, Run, Run

Forget all the fancy machines in your gym! Running burns more calories per hour than any other exercise. So get on the treadmill (or get some fresh air) three to four times per week, and try and run for longer each week. The more minutes you run for, the more calories you'll burn. Try to run for between 40 - 60 minutes each time and the weight will drop off quickly when coupled with the weight lifting. You should look to vary your runs. For example do some 60 minute runs at a steady speed, then do some 40 minute runs where you run in intervals, which means run fast, then run slow, then run fast again. Interval training will improve your stamina and burn a lot of calories. Lifting heavy weights will tone your body, you don't need all the fancy machines that most modern gyms offer ... run for lengthy periods and lift weights, that's really all you need to do!

6. Six To Eight Are The Magic Numbers

When it comes to weight training, you need to aim to lift heavy weights that target your whole body. So choose between six to eight different lifts that cover your legs and upper body muscle sets, then do two to three sets of between six and eight reps. Keep the reps downs so that you can lift heavier weights.

7. Try And Do Your Cardio Training Early In The Morning

If you do your cardio training on an empty stomach in the morning, you'll burn up your blood sugar reserves quickly, and then your body will have to turn to your stored body fat for fuel. So by doing your cardio exercises early in the morning before breakfast you'll burn more body fat than if you exercise later in the day.

These 7 tips should be combined with a controlled intake of calories. You need to make sure that your diet restricts the calories you consume to less than you're burning each day. Don't starve yourself, just be controlled. Eat slightly smaller portions, chew your food more and try and reduce your fat intake by choosing healthier options. You'll be amazed how you actually crave food less once your gym routine kicks in. Without resorting to diet pills, the tips in this article are the best way to lose weight fast! Article Source

Burn Fat Faster With Shorter Workouts

The most frequent reason I hear for not working out is: I don't have time. With that in mind, I'd like to suggest a couple of ways to effectively work your muscles and increase fat burning while spending less time in the gym.

The simplest way to decrease your time in the gym is to increase the "density" of your workouts. Workout density refers to the amount of work you perform in a specific period of time. One way to do this is to use supersets.

Most weight training routines involve performing a set of one exercise, resting for a minute or two and then repeating the same exercise. With this protocol, the rest between sets takes up a lot of time.

With supersets, you perform two exercises for opposing muscle groups (such as chest and back), back to back, which enables you to do more work in a shorter amount of time. So rather than rest after the first exercise, you quickly perform another set for the opposing muscle group, then rest, and repeat this sequence until you have completed all of the sets for those two exercises.

One benefit of this type of training is that it raises your metabolic rate so you burn more calories following the workout. This concept is known as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). It refers to the idea that you use more oxygen after a workout than you normally do at rest. And since oxygen is used to burn calories, taking in more oxygen will cause you to burn more calories.

According to researchers, the higher EPOC is caused by elevated blood lactate, an increase in circulating catecholamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine) and anabolic hormones. And, the latest findings suggest that a well-designed workout can keep your metabolism elevated for as long 48 hours following training!

Another way to manipulate your workouts so that you burn more calories with less time in the gym is to use complexes. A complex involves performing two or more exercises, with little or no rest between sets, using one piece of equipment with the same load.

One advantage to using complexes over supersets is that if you workout in a busy facility during peak hours, you only tie up one piece of equipment. Another distinction is that complexes usually involve a sequence of exercises with little or no rest between sets, so you elevate your metabolic rate even more than you do with supersets.

An example of a complex is a barbell stiff-leg deadlift, followed by a barbell bent-over row, followed by a barbell upright row. The best exercise choices are movements that you can transition to seamlessly. And, the key to finding the right weight is to use the weakest exercise in the sequence to determine the load.

Obviously, this type of training is not for beginners, nor the faint of heart. But if you're looking for a way to crank up your metabolism and are short on time, give supersets and complexes a try! Article Source


The Symptoms of a Hormone Imbalance and What You Can Do About It

Many women feel that painful periods, irritability, bloating, breast swelling and tenderness are all a normal part of menstruation. Whilst these symptoms are extremely common among women, they are not normal. A healthy menstrual cycle should ideally be pain and symptom free. Unfortunately, in today's society, hormonal imbalance and premenstrual tension are commonplace and more serious problems such as infertility and hormone related conditions such as polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis, uterine fibroids and cancers such as uterine, breast and cervical cancer are all on the increase.

Other typical symptoms associated with hormonal imbalance may include depression, teariness, anxiety, cravings, headaches, cold or flu like symptoms, skin outbreaks, low energy, digestive complaints (constipation or diarrhoea), hot flushes and insomnia. These symptoms typically occur 7 to 14 days prior to menstruation and for some women may be extremely debilitating.

Let's explore some of the factors contributing to this epidemic of hormonal disorders.
• Poor diet & nutrition: increased incidence of pre-packaged foods, takeaways and cold storage of fresh foods means most are devoid of essential vitamins and minerals. In addition, there has been a significant increase in the level of fat consumption in our diet. The type of fat has also changed from relatively unsaturated vegetable fat to saturated animal fat, causing a significant shift in the hormones that promote or modulate inflammation in the body called prostaglandins. An excess of inflammatory prostaglandins causes painful periods, breast pain and even headaches.
• Pollution: we live in large cities with high amounts of air and water pollution. Unfortunately, our water supply is contaminated with a variety of harmful substances such as pesticides, fungicides, and heavy metals. These pesticides can attach to the hormonal receptors on our cells and provide an estrogenic effect contributing to the symptoms mentioned above.
• Toxicity: increased exposure to poisonous chemicals contained in cosmetics, cleaning products, deodorants, pesticides in the food supply, plastics, cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, hair dyes, drugs (both recreational and pharmaceutical), anaesthetics, etc. As mentioned above chemicals such as pesticides are able to attach to our estrogen receptors and cause unfavourable effects. Every chemical we ingest or absorb through our skin must be detoxified by our liver. The more chemicals we consume the more stress we place on our liver. If our liver is stressed, our body's ability to detoxify and remove chemicals is reduced. Hormone breakdown may be affected so that hormones such as aldosterone required for fluid balance accumulate and lead to sodium and water retention resulting in bloating. In addition, estrogen may not be broken down and excreted from the body leading to symptoms of estrogen dominance, including breast swelling and tenderness, pain, bloating, etc.
• Electromagnetic radiation in the form of x-rays, electricity and transmission towers, mobile phones, cordless phones, electronic appliances, microwaves and any form of wireless appliance may have negative effects on our immune system and consequently our ability to produce hormones.
• Genito-urinary infections, particularly gonorrhoea, chlamydia and pelvic inflammatory disease may lead to irreversible damage to the reproductive organs and consequently reduce our fertility.
• Stress and lifestyle habits (physical and emotional stresses, overwork, cigarettes, alcohol, excessive exercise or lack or exercise, etc.). Stress is a well-known hormonal disruptor. Exposure to stressful situations will induce the hypothalamic pituitary axis (HPA) located in the brain. The HPA sends messages to our thyroid, and ovaries to produce various hormones to keep our body in balance. An excess of stress may alter ovarian and thyroid function and result in imbalances in estrogen and progesterone levels which may manifest in premenstrual symptoms or altered menstrual cycles. In addition, stress also negatively impacts digestion and immune responses.

Having established some of the factors which may adversely affect our hormones, let us now explore what we can do improve our hormonal health and reduce some of the unfavourable symptoms associated with hormonal imbalances.

• Avoid toxin exposure: Where possible try to avoid exposure to chemicals and toxins by drinking filtered water; eating organic foods or washing all fruits and vegetables thoroughly to remove chemical residues; buying organic eggs free of antibiotics and pasture fed hormone free meat; using organic, sulphate free shampoos and natural cleaning products and cosmetics; avoiding excessive amounts of heavy metals: lead, cadmium (active/passive smoking), mercury (dental amalgams, fish, vaccines), aluminium (cookware, antiperspirants, antacids), copper (intra uterine devices, oral contraceptive pills), paints, glues, solvents, household cleaning products (especially bleach based products), insecticides, industrial products, hair dyes, perfumes; and minimising electromagnetic radiation exposure, including, microwaves ovens, wireless networks and broadband, cordless phones, transmitters, electric blankets, water beds, and clock radios.
• Avoid excessive amounts of saturated fats such as red meat, butter and dairy products as these are pro-inflammatory and aggravate hormonal imbalances and premenstrual symptoms. Remember grass or pasture fed meat is not only lower is pesticides but contains more omega 3 fats which are anti-inflammatory. Also avoid excessive amounts of refined carbohydrates such as sugar, white bread, cakes, biscuits, pasta and potatoes. Instead eat a balanced diet with an emphasis on fresh fruit and vegetables (aim for 5 serves per day), nuts and seeds, healthy oils such as olive oil and coconut oil, deep sea fish, organic eggs and lean red meat and chicken. Also drink at least 2 litres of filtered or spring water per day.
• Reduce social toxins such as caffeine and alcohol. Not only do these substances place extra stress on our liver, they have also been shown to exacerbate hormonal imbalance and reduce fertility.
• Take a good multivitamin or mineral supplement. In particular, B vitamins are required for healthy energy and nervous system function, as well as to support our liver detoxification pathways. B6 taken in the week prior to menstruation may reduce premenstrual tension (PMT), bloating and breast tenderness. Magnesium is very beneficial for those suffering with headaches, period pain and PMT and is often deficient in our diets. Essential fatty acids such as evening primrose oil and fish oil are also often deficient in the Western diet and may reduce bloating, headaches, breast swelling and tenderness and improve mood.
• Detoxification programs: since many environmental toxins have been shown to have a direct effect on hormonal pathways and foetal development, a detoxification program may be useful excrete harmful chemicals and heavy metals from the body and improve liver function. This is of particular importance for those having difficulty conceiving or suffering from disorders such as fibroids and endometriosis. Detoxification programs are best conducted under the supervision of a naturopath or herbalist.
• Herbal medicines are extremely effective in alleviating premenstrual and menopausal symptoms, balancing hormones, improving uterine tone and enhancing fertility. Chaste Tree is a herbal remedy used to alleviate premenstrual symptoms and regulate periods. Black Cohosh is traditionally used to reduce hot flushes, night sweats and menopausal symptoms. Other herbs which may be effective in treating hormonal imbalances include Dong Quai, Shatavari, Wild Yam and Peony. Often a combination of herbs works best so it is best to consult a professional herbalist or naturopath for an individualised prescription.
• Stress Management Practices. With our increasingly hectic schedules it is becoming more and more difficult to find time to exercise and relax. Since stress has a direct effect on our hormones, it is essential that we find time to incorporate practices such as meditation, yoga, tai chi, and "down time" into our schedules. This will not only improve our feel good chemical or "endorphins" but also increases our immune system function. Exercise is also extremely beneficial for our overall health. As well as increasing our endorphins, it also improves our bone density and cardiovascular function. Aim for 40 to 60 minutes of exercise 4 to 5 times per week.

Remember that balance and moderation are the keys to a healthy life. Finding the time to eat well, exercise, relax and avoid harmful toxins and chemicals is an essential prescription for healthy hormones and a healthy life.

Naturopath Terrie Beresford is committed to providing her clients with effective healthcare options to empower them to take control of their health and create happier, healthier and more prosperous lives. Article Source

Scarsdale Diet Information - An Overview of the Rules to Follow For Weight Loss Success

To ensure your success on the Scarsdale Diet, the information that follows is a basic overview of the rules and tips to make you successful in your weight loss quest.

Scarsdale Diet Information Basics

Stick to the outlined Scarsdale diet information plan. Do not substitute foods. The following foods are not allowed on the plan:

o Alcohol or alcoholic beverages including beer and wine.

o No prepackaged salad dressings. Stick to lemon and vinegar vinaigrettes. You may use some fat free packaged dressings when you are on the maintenance plans.

o No mayonnaise or condiments except ketchup (sugar free) and mustard.

o You cannot eat these vegetables: corn, peas, lentils, any type of beans except green beans or wax beans, avocadoes.

o No potatoes of any kind (such as white, red, sweet and yams).

o Do not use any butter, margarine, or other added fats.

o Do not add any sugar, cream, milk or honey to coffee or tea. You may add lemon and artificial sweeteners such as aspartame (equal), saccharin (sweet and low) or one of the newer ones such as splenda or truvia.

o No protein bars, energy drinks, protein drinks and meal replacement drinks or shakes.

Scarsdale Diet Information Tips Adding Interest

There are many variations and tips you can use to make your diet a success and not boring. Here are some Scarsdale diet information tips to help you spice up your diet and give it pizzazz; so you don't give up and quit before you reach your weight loss goals:

o Between meals you can eat carrot sticks and celery sticks. Give these a little more flavor by adding some seasoning salt or other spice.

o Use spices abundantly when you are cooking your meals. Spices add flavor without adding calories. Some examples include parsley, oregano, thyme, salt (sparingly), pepper, cayenne and many more.

o You can use limited quantities of mustard, ketchup, Worcestershire sauce, and cocktail sauce.

o Drink no calorie flavored waters, such as club soda and seltzer water. These are available with flavoring such as raspberry and orange.

o Add lemon to your tea or water for a little added flavor and the lemon is a natural diuretic to flush toxins out of your body.

Scarsdale Diet Information Tips for Optimum Weight Loss

In order to achieve the best results for your hard efforts; here are a few suggestions to ensure you achieve maximum weight loss.

o Remove the skin from chicken and any visible fats from all meats you consume.

o Try to keep your caloric consumption to between 850 and 1000 calories a day.

o Drink at least four 8-ounce glasses of water a day, preferably with lemon in it. You can substitute seltzer water or club soda.

o Eat proper portion sizes

o Do not eat while engaging in other activities such as watching television or reading the newspaper.

o Eat until your hunger is sated but you are not stuffed. Article Source

3 Tips Show You How to Lose Weight Fast Naturally

You want to know how to lose weight fast naturally? Of course you do. Everyone wants to know this secret. But from experience, you've come to know that losing weight can be frustrating, especially if your goal is to lose weight without the use of diet pills. The trouble that most people make is that they fall victim to the advertising hype. Soon, you've spent a lot of money on pills that don't work, or if they do, you have to keep using them and quickly gain the weight back when you stop. Either way, you're out a lot hard earned money with nothing to show for it. In this article I'm going to give you 3 killer tips for losing weight naturally, and safely-no pills required. In fact, the tips I will show you for how to lose weight won't cost you a dime, and you can start doing them right away. So get ready to experience fast, effective, and natural weight loss that will have you looking better than ever in no time.

The first tip I will cover for how to lose weight fast, and naturally, is to work out less. You're probably already doing some sort of low intensity cardio session that lasts an hour or two. You do this 2, even 3 times per week, and most likely you've yet to see any appreciable weight loss. So why not try replacing those long cardio sessions with high intensity, four minute workouts? These aren't just any four minute workouts. They are based on the Tabata method which is scientifically proven to get rid of fat in record time. The goal of Tabata training is to perform an exercise at maximum intensity for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, and then repeat this cycle until you reach 4 total minutes. So your workout might look like this: sprint for 20 seconds, walk for 10 seconds, sprint for 20 seconds, walk for 10 seconds, sprint for 20 seconds, walk for 10 seconds, and so get the idea. That's 8 sets of 20 seconds of active work, with 10 seconds rest in between each set for a total of 4 minutes. The cool thing about the Tabata method is that you can choose just about any exercise, i.e. bike riding, jumping jacks, deep knee bends, pushups, burpees, squat jumps, dumbbell thrusters. The bottom line is that you'll get more fat burning benefits from your Tabata workouts than you'll ever get from that low intensity cardio. By including Tabata style workouts into your routine, you'll start shedding that fat faster than ever before.

The second tip for how to lose weight fast naturally is to eat more often. The human body is a remarkable machine. It knows that if you're stuffing your face once, or even twice per day, then it's obviously experiencing a famine situation so it must store whatever calories it receives. Of course, in our society food is plentiful, but your body doesn't know that. Our bodies are literally still living in the stone age so, when you consume the majority of your calories in 1 or 2 infrequent meals, your body gears up to what it perceives as an impending famine and is thus more likely to store those calories as fat. However, by eating smaller, more frequent meals, you're actually speeding up your metabolism because you're working a fundamental physiological reaction. If your body is receiving a constant and steady stream of nutrients throughout the day, then there's no reason why it needs to store away calories as fat to be used at a later time. Instead of one or two large meals, try eating three smaller meals per day, and eat a healthy snack in between meals. By doing this, you'll boost your metabolism and you'll start shedding that unwanted fat in no time.

The third and last tip I will cover for how to lose weight naturally may not be as fast as the previous two, but it is probably the easiest one to implement. This third weight loss tip is to drink less soda. As a matter of fact, instead of drinking less soda, choose to eliminate it altogether from your diet. Currently, sugary soda accounts for about 10 percent of the daily caloric intake of the average American. If you're ingesting a 2000 calorie diet, then 200 of those are coming from soda. If you replace your soda with water, or a diet soda, you'd be eliminating about 6,000 calories per month, and about 73,000 per year. All these calories saved by eliminating sugary soda from your diet equates to a loss of about 1.7 lbs per month. This may not seem like a lot at first glance, but when you add that up for the whole year, that's over 20 lbs lost. Not too bad, all from doing nothing more than reaching for the water, or choosing the sugar free version instead of regular, sugar filled soda. By making the right choice in beverages, you'll spare yourself the spare tire.

As promised, I have shown you 3 tips that don't require for you to buy anything, are proven to work, and that you can start doing right away. Instead of long, boring cardio sessions, you can try the Tabata method. Instead of one or two huge meals per day, start eating smaller, more frequent meals. Eliminate soda from your diet and shed pounds with absolutely no effort. Anyone, regardless of age or sex, can try these tips and start achieving results. If your goal is to lose weight fast naturally, without the aide of expensive, potentially harmful and probably useless diet pills, then why not get started with these tips today? Article Source

7 Myths About Female Sexuality And The Truth About What Women Really Want In The Bedroom

In this article you are going to discover 7 huge myths about female sexuality. So if you want to know the truth about women and sex -- read on carefully...

Myths About Female Sexuality #1: Women Don't Like Sex As Much As Men Do

Many people think that women don't like sex as much as men, but the truth is that women absolutely love sex.

However, unlike men who are usually happy to get any sex -- women only want GREAT SEX.

Myths About Female Sexuality #2: Good Girls Don't 'Get Naughty' In The Bedroom

Here's another faulty belief -- that good women only have plain old 'vanilla' type sex and it's only promiscuous women or 'bad girls' who like to get naughty in the bedroom and do taboo things.

The truth is that good girls like to GET NAUGHTY too and it's my experience that the more high value a woman is -- the more dirty she wants to get with her man in the bedroom.

Myths About Female Sexuality #3: Women Don't Want Men To Take Control During Sex

Some people believe that women want to take control in the bedroom and hate it when a man tries to do the same.

The truth is that most of the time, women want their men to TAKE CONTROL during sex. This is because women are usually sexually submissive in the bedroom and submissive people don't take control. Instead -- they follow.

Myths About Female Sexuality #4: Some Women Can't Have An Orgasm

30% of women have never had an orgasm.

However, this does not mean that some women can't orgasm. Every woman who has a brain and a vagina has the power to experience an orgasm.

As men, we need good sexual beliefs, sound knowledge of female anatomy and proven sex techniques and the ability to take control in the bedroom. When we have these things -- will have the ability to teach any woman how to have an orgasm.

Myths About Female Sexuality #5: Women Only Want Guys Who Are 'Big Down There'

Ah, the old 'size matters' myth.

The reality is that women want men who give them incredible sexual pleasure and mind-blowing orgasms.

Big or small -- it really doesn't matter. Just give your woman powerful orgasms and she'll be happy in the bedroom.

Myths About Female Sexuality #6: Women Only Want Sexually Experienced Men

Again, women don't care how much sexual experience a man has. What women really want is a man who gives them incredible sex.

Myths About Female Sexuality #7: Women Aren't As Sexual As Men

This last myth is a bad joke.

Consider this fact:

Women are capable of having clitoral, vaginal, multiple, squirting and anal orgasms. Heck, they can even have 'mindgasms' (orgasms without any physical touching).

And you're telling me women aren't as sexual as men?

The reality is that women are way more sexual than men, but as a man -- you have to bring that sexuality out of your woman. She cannot do it all on her own. Article Source

Develop a Program of Activity to Improve Your Heart and Lung Fitness

A physiological process in the body called autophagy deals with the destruction of cells. It's important for balancing sources of energy and in response to nutrient stress and is considered normal in the human body. It is a process of breaking down old cells to use their molecules for making new cells. As cells are weakened, they go into autophagosomes, cup-shaped double membranes with enzymes to break down the cell contents.

One of the gravest complications of Type 2 diabetes is heart disease. In diabetes, heart cells are lost and replaced with fiber. A team of scientists at the University of Otago in New Zealand compared heart autophagy in people with and without Type 2 diabetes, to learn whether too much autophagy could cause heart damage for people with diabetes.

Their study, reported on in the International Journal of Cardiology in August 2015, looked at pieces of the heart taken from different surgical patients having coronary artery bypass grafts. The diabetic hearts showed much more autophagy and more autophagosomes than did non-diabetic hearts. This evidence helped researchers to conclude autophagy does damage the heart of diabetics. New treatments for diabetic heart conditions could come from this discovery.

Heart and lung fitness is also a risk factor. We know heart disease is a complication of Type 2 diabetes, but only recently has it been found reduced heart and lung fitness is also a risk factor for this form of diabetes. Researchers at the University of Leicester and various other research centers in the UK and Finland conducted a 23-year study of 2520 Finnish men and went on to analyse similar research as if it were all one large study. Their work was reported on in the medical journal Atherosclerosis in September 2015.

Participants performed maximal exercise while the amount of oxygen they breathed in was measured - this is the standard way of measuring heart and lung, or cardiovascular fitness. Regardless of weight, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, or family history, participants with the best cardiovascular fitness had the lowest risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

When the results of eight other studies that included almost 93,000 participants were pooled, the results were similar. These results led to the conclusion there is a link between poor fitness levels and Type 2 diabetes.

"Someone," said once they cut exercise trainers out of their life, and they had felt better ever since. But physical activity need not be tiresome...

find a hiking trail with beautiful scenery and take a brisk walk, or
turn on some fast music and dance to your heart's content.
What other physical activities you know you like to do can you include in your life? Physical activity strenghtens the cardiovascular system - even a moderate amount has a correlation with longevity.
Article Source


Listen to Your Body's Wisdom

Friedrich Nietzsche was correct in his assessment when he declared, "There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophies."

We often take for granted how well our body serves us and eventually it no longer does. Motor racing analogies abound when referring to the human structure: a well-oiled and finely-tuned machine are common phrases used.

Your body communicates to you, albeit in silent whispers echoed through: aches, pains, emotions and gut feelings. Many of us drown out the connection with habitual thoughts occupying space in our minds.

From our teenage years onwards, we move from an exciting discovery of our body's innate wisdom to treating it like an instrument during adulthood. Stress, toxic foods and alcohol predominate one's adult years which correspond to the most important social period of maturity.

The notion of illness is baulked at by many during this time, accompanied by a sense of invincibility. Countless young adults are quick to proclaim, "This won't happen to me," when counselled to curb destructive lifestyle choices.

Yet disease and illness do not discriminate because you think you are immune to it. Nature is not so forgiving when you lose the genetic lottery. Just as striking a match makes fire, illness can pervade the body overnight. When the light goes out, there's little we can do to reignite it.

Though it need not be this way. We have the ability to create empowered health by paying attention to our body's innate wisdom through attentive discipline.

Robert Augustus Masters, psychotherapist and healing professional, states, "There is a wisdom in the body, a wisdom in feeling, that when accessed and allowed to operate in conjunction with our cognitive capacities, leads to a deeper, wiser, more integrated life."

We must pay attention to the signs the body communicates since those signals can turn into loud roars if we're unaware. However unjust, sometimes it's too late to reverse the progressive stages of chronic illness.

"So many people spend their health gaining wealth, and then have to spend their wealth to regain their health," states A. J. Reb Materi.

In our quest to attain material possessions, we conceal the body's cry for help while we satisfy our cravings. Yet we can never fulfil our desires if we are not in harmony with our inner world.

You are no doubt aware that tiredness does not mean reaching for more caffeine, instead it's a call to slow down and rest. Whilst it is simple advice, many people neglect these signals to plough ahead. Deadlines must be met, the children need to be fed and dropped off at school and we must please our boss, wife or husband's needs. Yet, before long the energy we long for has disappeared from our life and we're addicted to stimulants to keep the flame alive.

Coffee and alcohol are ways in which we numb ourselves from the strain of the day, much to the discontent of a wearied body. Whilst I do not intend to paint a grim picture, my experience spanning the past decade suggests some people are prepared to trade their health for work commitments.

It is neither my place nor duty to cast judgement on how one organises their life. Yet when I am called upon to guide people to rebalance their work-life commitments, it is viewed as heresy when I recommend more rest periods throughout their week.

So how can we be more attentive to the body's innate wisdom?

"Everything you need to know is within you. Listen. Feel. Trust the body's wisdom." - Dan Millman

To begin with, you cannot race through the week at 100 km/h and expect to stop on a drop of a hat. It is unwise to throttle your sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system since it will eventually wear down.

We must allow proper time to rest and digest, otherwise the body becomes trapped in a vicious cycle of stress, much to the detriment of our physical wellbeing.

In his book, The Genie In Your Genes, author Dawson Church affirms, "Meditation produces significant rises in a variety of antibodies and blood cells - all associated with increased immune function. It measurably improves the body's ability to resist disease and the effects of stress."

He further states, "Sustainable exercise - exercise done with somatic awareness - may be the most powerful discipline for conducting spirit energy. It literally saturates our body with regenerating life force, from our muscles and bones to our very cells."

In light of this, your priority to evoke these states of wellbeing should include:

1. Exercise in three-dimensional movement patterns.

2. Nourish your body with the proper ratio and quality of nutrients.

3. Get adequate sleep at night or rest throughout the day where possible.

4. Reduce or manage stress.

5. Make time for social interactions beyond online mediums.

6. Allow for quiet time, either through meditation or silent reflection.

7. Spend quality time in nature.

8. Be aware of your alcohol consumption so it does not become a vice.

Be attentive to your mental and emotional constitution. You need not watch every thought, yet notice the primary mental drivers and their associated emotional partners.

Are you prone to high levels of stress due to your work-life commitments? If so, reduce or eliminate caffeine and alcohol consumption by replacing it with a contemplative routine. This offers immediate and enhanced physiological benefits.

Make it a point to tune in to your body's signals known as interoception. Learn to communicate in the body's language by attending to its needs.

"Even quiet, contemplative thinking will be accompanied by minute muscular changes and a string of observable effects in the body. Thinking is a process that is saturated with feelings," affirm authors Darian Leader & David Corfield in their book, Why People Get Sick.

The Blue Zones refer to five geographic areas of the world where people live the longest. Each group thrives on nutritional requirements specific to the region, which vary to other locations. Some subsist on a semi-vegetarian diet while others consume meat on special occasions. As a result, the human body is adaptable so long as we honour its primary biological processes.

As a final point, avoid buying into popular opinion that espouses looking a certain way. Primitive cultures of the past knew how to nourish their bodies without having to contend with marketing hype. They did not have access to media advising them whether the Paleo or 5:2 diet is the regime of choice this month. Article Source

Why Machines Should Be A Part Of Your Workout Program

If you've been reading about structuring a workout program, you may have read you should be favoring free weights over machines. And, for the most part, this is very accurate. Free weights tend to offer great advantages in terms of boosting your overall core strength while helping you hit multiple muscle groups at the same time.

But, there are some instances when machines should be a part of your program. Let's look at when this is, so you can decide if they are a must for you...

1. You're Just Starting. The first instance when it's more beneficial to add machines to your program than free weights, is if you are just starting out. At this time, you simply want to gain some confidence with resistance training, and since machines will lead you through the activity pattern, they make it easier to get in those exercises.

Using machines helps you focus on adapting to the nature of strength training and building up your strength level. Then once you have this confidence built, you can move on to using free weight exercises.

2. You're Overcoming Injury. Another time when you might want to use machines to help you in your workout session, is if you are overcoming injury.

For instance, let's say you have back pain. Doing squats may prove problematic as it can place a high degree of stress on your spinal column. Instead, adding in some horizontal leg press can be the way to go. This leg press variation will place less total strain on your back, allowing you to keep working your legs without risking further injury.

For those who want to avoid taking time completely off from their sessions when recovering, machines can provide a viable solution.

3. You're Focusing On The Mind-Muscle Connection. Finally, the last time when weight machines are helpful is when you want to focus on working your mind-muscle connection. Because weight machines take all the balance out of the exercise, you won't have as much to focus on when doing the movement and as such, can zero in on that mind-muscle connection.

Focusing on your mind-muscle connection is important for seeing maximum results, so taking some time each month to work on it can help you achieve more with your workouts over time.

So don't write off weight machines entirely. While you should never rely on them exclusively for your strength training workout, there is a time and a place where they can be very beneficial.

Although managing Type 2 diabetes can be very challenging, it is not a condition you must just live with. Make simple changes to your daily routine - include exercise to help lower both your blood sugar levels and your weight. Article Source

Four Tips to Help You Get Up Early For Your Workout Session

Are you struggling to get out of bed for your morning workout session? If so, you aren't alone. Morning workouts do tend to be some of the hardest workouts to get into your day however if you do them; it's an excellent way to start your day off right.

Wondering how you can make those morning sessions easier? Try one of these tips...

1. Set Your Clothes Out The Night Before. The less you have to do upon getting out of bed the better! Start setting out your clothes the night before so everything is ready for you to get up and get going.

Setting your clothes out will work extra well if you treat yourself to a new stylish workout outfit you can't wait to wear. Anything you can do to build excitement for getting up on time in the morning will go a long way towards keeping you sticking with those goals.

2. Focus On Fun. Next, for the first while as you focus on aiming to get those morning workouts in, focus less on the physical benefits you'll be seeing and more on simply having fun.

Concentrating on having fun might mean you aren't working out as intensely as normal, and that's fine for now. Get your body used to these workout sessions, and you're in the swing of things, and then you can start focusing on results once again.

3. Get A Partner to Workout With. Finding a workout buddy to meet with you first thing in the day can also be an excellent way to ensure you get in your workout sessions. If you know a workout partner is counting on you to show up; you'll think twice about skipping your morning routine.

Plus, the social interaction the partner provides may also make your workout session much more enjoyable as well.

4. Set A Coffee Timer. Finally, the last tip to use? Coffee. Few things get people out of bed like the smell of a good cup of coffee. So start setting your coffee pot to commence brewing about 5 minutes before your alarm goes off, and your nose should lead you out of bed.

Drink a small dose (not too much or you may cramp during exercise) and you'll also get great energy-boosting benefits from the caffeine it provides.

So use these four tips and start making those morning workouts more of a habit. Once you do, you'll never go back to exercising at any other time of the day.

Although managing Type 2 diabetes can be very challenging, it is not a condition you must just live with. Make simple changes to your daily routine - include exercise to help lower both your blood sugar levels and your weight. Article Source

Exercise Prescription - Why Electromyography Data Needs to Be Placed on a Lower Pedestal

First off, electromyography (EMG) is a technique employed in measuring electrical activity induced by neural stimulation of skeletal muscle. Two primary versions of EMG are typically used: surface EMG and intramuscular EMG. Surface EMG refers to the use of electrodes being placed on the surface of the skin to measure translated electrical activity from muscular contraction. While convenient, surface EMG can be quite inaccurate due to interference by subcutaneous adipose tissue and translated electrical activity from adjacent muscles. Intramuscular EMG usually involves the direct insertion of a needle electrode into a particular muscle belly. Intramuscular EMG can be sensitive enough to distinguish between the electrical activity of individual muscle fibers but is not immune to electrical artifact. A related technique, termed nerve conduction study (NCS), is occasionally employed in tandem with EMG in order to quantify the conduction of electrical impulses through nerve tissue (such as a nerve which innervates the muscle being looked at through EMG).

EMG data is perhaps most commonly utilized in the field of exercise prescription in attempting to discern which muscles are "activated" to the greatest extent during the performance of a particular movement. While this kind of information can obviously be beneficial, far too many conclusions are typically drawn in a far too absolute manner. Personal trainers, strength and conditioning coaches, and physical therapists often make the mistake of viewing EMG data for a particular movement, and then assuming that a nearly identical pattern of "muscle activation" will be universally exhibited by anyone performing the same movement. There are many problems with such an assumption and I'll briefly outline them here.

Firstly, it is often thought that skeletal muscles do not produce any electrical activity in a state of rest. This is a false thought in that every cell in the human body produces pulses of electromagnetic activity in a fairly continuous fashion, and many factors are capable of altering a cell's pattern of vibrational exhibition (such as diet, psychological stress, infections, etc.). Secondly, while electrical impulses are largely conducted along nerve tissue, nerves are housed within the body's matrices of connective tissue (such as fascial matrices and extracellular matrices). The health and architectural shape and positioning of these connective tissues play a significant role in determining the conductance of electrical impulses through nerves to muscles. For example, the pH level, hydration level, presence of toxic material, and physical architecture of extracellular matrices can and do impact the quantity and pattern of neural stimulation which reaches individual muscle fibers. The values for such variables would obviously vary between individuals and affect the results obtained from any kind of EMG measurement.

Thirdly, analyzing EMG data from an absolute perspective obviously ignores the gamut of motor programming that has been instilled within the nervous system of the individual being measured. Asking someone to perform a particular movement, collecting EMG measurements, and then assuming that an identical pattern of motor recruitment will be exhibited by anyone else performing the same movement is, quite frankly, imbecilic. Certainly some kind of resemblance will likely be seen, but the nervous system does not recruit individual muscles in a universally consistent fashion in order for a particular movement to be performed, it recruits an already established motor pattern which it believes to most accurately mirror the intended movement (infantile motor development would obviously be an exception). Accordingly, one's coordination and array of motor programming would certainly impact the pattern of muscle recruitment during the performance of any movement. Therefore, motor recruitment patterns obviously may not be identical between individuals.

Lastly, because it is related to interpreting EMG data, I feel it needs to be noted that muscles do not pull on bones as is typically believed, they pull on the fascial matrix in which they are embedded, this pulling is then translated to the fascial matrix surrounding bone tissue (this is why there are no true levers within the human body). I already alluded to this earlier, but anything that can alter the biochemical or mechanical operation of the fascial matrices (such as acidity, inflammation, dehydration, chronic tension, nutrient deficiencies, toxin presence, infection (bacterial, fungal, or parasitic), electromagnetic pollution, etc.) can absolutely affect the conductance of electrical impulses through the body and, thus, the pattern of muscle recruitment employed during the performance of any exercise. Long story short, just because some self-proclaimed "fitness expert" tells you that a particular exercise is the best exercise for developing a particular muscle, that doesn't mean it's true or accurate. Article Source

7 Quick and Easy Exercise Tips

There are some many articles and books on exercise that it is easy to get confused on the best one for you. But there is one thing that you should remember. Exercise does not have to be a complicated routine. You should just try to move a little each day. Find out what you like to do the best and incorporate into your day. You don't need to do fancy workouts or join a gym. This article will give you 7 easy exercise tips to get you started.

1) Set a goal. It is recommended that you do at least 30 minutes of exercise a day on the average of five days a week. Set a goal to achieve that 30 minutes. If you cannot do 30 minutes all at once, try to do it in ten minute intervals throughout the day. As your activity level increases the amount of time that you can spend exercising will increase also. Be patient because it may take a little time to get there.

2) Find out what type of exercises you like to do. If you like to dance, get some exercise tapes or DVDs that incorporate dance into an exercise routine. If you like to walk, get a treadmill so that you can walk all year round. There are plenty of exercise routines out there to fit any personality. Find the one that is right for you so that you will enjoy and look forward to your exercise time.

3) Drink water before and after you exercise. This is very important to keep your body hydrated and to get the most benefit from your exercise routine.

4) Schedule time into your day for exercise. Make it a priority. If you feel that you are too busy, try getting out of bed 30 minutes early each morning. Getting started is the hardest part, but you may find that you look forward to that special time in the mornings.

5) Challenge yourself. Try to do just one more minute of exercise or just one more set or exercises each day. Increase the intensity of your workout for better results.

6) If you have trouble sticking to a plan, get a friend to join you. A good exercise buddy will help keep you accountable and not let you slack off. It is also more fun to exercise with someone else than to do it alone.

7) Reward yourself for a job well done. You may buy yourself a new outfit or get a massage each week. Positive reinforcement is the key to motivation. If you set an exercise goal each week with a reward for meeting the goal, you are more likely to stick to the program to get your reward. Article Source

Workout Exercises At Home For Women

Workout exercises at home for women might be just the thing for you to get back in the shape you have dreamed about. First, I want to make sure you have seen your doctor and are cleared to start an exercise program. This is an important step and should not be ignored. Once you have been cleared it is time to get to work! Working out at home can be a great way to get back in shape. It offers convenience and there is no expensive equipment to buy. However, many ask, "which exercises should I do?" "How long should I do them?" "How many days a week should I workout?" I'm glad you asked! The most important thing in an exercise weight loss program is to increase your heart rate. But what is the heart rate we need to achieve?

The Target Heart Rate or Training Heart Rate (THR) is a desired range of heart rate reached during aerobic exercise which enables one's heart and lungs to receive the most benefit from a workout. Below is one way to calculate one's THR. There is an element called "intensity" which is expressed as a percentage. The THR can be calculated as a range of 65%-85% intensity. The American Heart Association recommends when you begin an exercise program to start at the lowest part of your heart rate zone (50 percent) and slowly build up to the moderate and higher parts of your zone (75%). It is possible after a long period of sustained exercise (6 months or more) to work up to 85% of your maximum heart rate, however working out at this intensity is not necessary to be fit. Example for someone with a HR Max of 180(age 40, estimating HR Max as 220 − age): 65% Intensity: (220 − (age = 40)) × 0.65 → 117 beats per minute 85% Intensity: (220 − (age = 40)) × 0.85 → 153 beats per minute

Now we know how to figure out our target heart rate, so how long should we exercise per session? How long your cardio sessions should be depends on your level of fitness and your goals. The American Heart Association, in conjunction with the American College of Sports Medicine, recommends a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate aerobic activity five days per week, or at least 20 minutes of vigorous activity 3 days per week. This is the basic recommendation, you can work your way up as time goes by and you get in better shape. The important thing is to get moving!

Now that we figured out at what intensity we should exercise and for how long, what workout exercises at home for women are the best? Well, you can do many exercises that just use your body weight. Here is a short list of examples:

• Jumping Jacks

• Fast Walking

• Slow Jog

• Push Ups

• Mountain Climbers

• Squats • Lunges

• Jumping Rope

As you can see, there are many exercises you can do that will increase you heart rate. The key is to keep your workout fresh and change your routine often. You can get bored doing the same exercises every week.

I hope this sheds some light on getting back in shape! The important thing is to get off the couch and get moving. As you can see, you do not need any expensive equipment or gym membership to get fit. Commit to doing something 3-5 times a week, every week. If you do this, you will be on your way to a fit and healthy life. Your heart will thank you!

Doug Hazlewood is personal trainer living in Katy, Texas. He has trained hundreds of people in boot camps and running groups.

Fitness and helping people getting into the best shape of their lives is his passion. Article Source

Breathing Exercise Challenge - On Lung At a Time

It seems that the human body is pretty symmetrical isn't it? In fact, we have a lot of redundancy because of this. Have you ever noticed that we have to lungs, but we probably don't ever use the full capacity of both of them? I have, because I was a runner in high school and college. I used the peak capacity early and often, I had to, to win races. However, most people don't, they barely use a third of their capacity. Perhaps this is why everyone is so out of shape. Now then, I'd like to talk to you about a breathing exercise that I used to do, and I'm not sure if it helped or not, but when you are a high-performance athlete it is amazing how much control you have over your own body.

Okay so, what I used to do was practice breathing only on one lung. Of course, you can't shut off your windpipe because there is no valve for that, which would allow you to breathe and let air in and out of only one side. However, if you work very hard at this in trying to do so you will notice that you can develop muscles in your body to help you control where you send most of that air. People who have a collapsed lung, that is to say they only have one lung left to breathe on are able to use the remaining lung to serve all their needs, it will make plenty of oxygen as long as you don't go out and try to run a mile.

It is interesting when practicing this exercise, that after a while you can feel all the air going into one side, and only a little bit of air going into the other. It is possible to actually control it, although most people can't, it's only because they've never done this type of breathing exercise, I would challenge you to try. It won't hurt you, it can only help you. Do I think that my body is capable doing things that others can't? I think in sports I've proved that, but when it comes to an exercise like this you are utilizing new ways of doing things, new methods, and developing new muscles.

Better lungs mean more oxygen in the blood stream, better cardiovascular health, along with more capability in all that you do. Perhaps you should try this exercise, concentrate on only filling up one lung at a time, and then switch sides, and then switch back again. If you do this for five or 10 minute a day, perhaps while you are at work, you will find a new way to control your body that you never knew you had. There are no research reports to be found on this, I've looked. But it is interesting no doubt. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it. Article Source


Boosting the Benefits of Having Botox

While once something that only celebrities could afford, the Botox treatment is now available to anyone who is interested in having it. As an anti-aging procedure, it has come into the mainstream and is showing no signs of losing popularity.

Injected into the face by a professional trained to administer the treatment, this form of age reversal helps to minimize the appearance of facial lines that have developed around the eyes, the mouth, and between the eyebrows. It is fast becoming one of the most commonly requested aesthetic procedures.

Botox is a safe, minimally invasive non-surgical cosmetic procedure. It rejuvenates and can help to turn back the clock. When it is safely administered by a clinician who is well trained and has experience, most people report that that are very satisfied with the results they receive.

If you are a first-time patient with this therapy, you want to be happy with the results you receive. You also want to heal as quickly as possible so you can enjoy the successful outcome of the procedure.

There are things you can do to boost the benefits associated with getting a Botox treatment. The muscles that have been treated with the drug should be exercised approximately one to two hours following the procedure. Try squinting, frowning, smiling, and raising your eyebrows. This is advantageous because it helps to work the drug into your facial muscles. While doing these exercises can help, not doing them will not have a negative impact on your results if you forget to do them.

To prevent bruising, do not take Tylenol, Advil, or vitamin E after the treatment. Ask the clinician for a list of medications (prescription and over-the-counter) that you should steer clear of directly following having this cosmetic procedure.

Resist the urge to massage or rub the areas that have been treated for at least four to five hours afterwards. You should also avoid doing yoga, Pilates, or any other kind of strenuous physical activity for four hours following the treatment. Facials and saunas should not be indulged in for at least four hours after having Botox, and preferably longer. Doing any of these things is apt to raise your blood pressure, which is not what you want. The risk of temporary bruising is reduced if your blood pressure does not go up.

Taking a shower the same day as you have this minimally invasive procedure is okay to do, as long as you do not make it too hot. You should also be able to go about the majority of your day-to-day activities without any worries about your health.

If you have developed any small marks or bumps due to having this cosmetic therapy, they will subside within a few hours to a day. You are permitted to apply makeup shortly after having Botox but you must do so with a very gentle touch. Avoid rubbing the incision area. You do not want to aggravate the site. Article Source

Medical Clinic Vs Hospital: What's The Difference?

Although they have the same objective to treat patients whose needs cannot be met at the doctor's office, a hospital and a medical clinic differ in many key ways. But because people do not understand or appreciate these differences, they often use these health facilities interchangeably. Here are four reasons why they should not.


Because hospitals have larger and more experienced staffs, more expensive equipment, and higher operating costs, they generally charge larger amounts for their services than the local clinic. Even if you were to receive exactly the same care for the same illness or injury, the bill would be significantly higher, on average, at the emergency room. Your insurance co-pay will almost certainly be higher at the ER than at a smaller health facility. This is because insurance plans pass higher hospital costs along to their customers in the form of pricier co-pays. In one recent report, the average co-pay at an urgent care center was just $25 compared to $100 at the ER.

Wait Time

We've all heard horror stories about patients passing away while waiting for service at the hospital. The reason? Many of these institutions are chronically understaffed and cannot possibly meet the demands their local community places on them. As a result, patients often have to wait several hours to see a health professional. While this may be necessary in an emergency, it certainly isn't the case if you have a minor illness or injury. In those instances, it is often best to go to a medical clinic in your area.


The main reason there are such long wait times at emergency rooms in America is that people often use them for non-emergency care. As a result, patients who desperately need to see a doctor sometimes have to wait a lot longer. Because the average medical clinic is designed to handle serious care, it is the ideal place to go when you have an issue that requires attention in hours, not minutes. Allergic reactions, animal bites, broken bones, and minor burns are just a few of the illnesses and injuries your local clinic can handle.


Another reason people visit the ER instead of a nearby clinic is that they assume the latter will be closed. While it is true that some smaller facilities only operate a few hours each day, many have expanded their hours in recent years. To keep up with increasing local demand, some are now open around the clock. This is especially true if you live in a highly populated urban area. For those who reside in these areas, there is really no reason to visit the ER unless you have a genuine medical emergency. In other words, unless you have suffered a serious trauma or have a life-threatening illness or injury, you should go to a medical clinic instead.

Although there are many other differences between these two health facilities, these discrepancies should help you determine where you should go the next time you require medical attention. Article Source

Tips on ADHD Parenting and How to Control Behavioral Problems

It can be frustrating and very overwhelming at times as a parent of a child with ADHD trying to manage day-to-day. But, there are many strategies you can implement using ADHD parenting techniques. The first step and probably the most important is to build self-confidence in your child as well as yourself. Communication skills can help in building this self-confidence and there will be less misunderstandings with less outbursts when your child doesn't understand.

The top ADHD parenting tips are;

--You must be very specific in asking your child what it is that you are expecting of them in a calm manner. If they know what to expect, i.e., a structured routine, there is less likelihood of behavioral problems. Straightforward routines are very helpful for meals, school work, play and bed times. Engage your child in planning his or her routines. For instance have them get books for school and clothing ready for the next morning before going to bed reducing the rush of a hectic morning.

--Consistency with your instructions is very important. Repeat often what the schedule is for the day, or next on the agenda. Use an abundance of praise and pay attention to their thoughts and ideas. Really listen to them; their feelings and ideas.

--Make sure they get plenty of sleep; at least 10 hours minimum. If bedtime is a struggle natural supplements might be a solution. Research has found mineral and vitamin deficiencies in children with ADHD. Magnesium, Vitamin D, Omega-3's, B-6, B-12, A and E. Aromatherapy helps many people, including children. Essential oil scents that calm include ylang ylang, chamomile and lavender, along with sweet orange and jasmine. Sandalwood can quiet mental activity, which for a hyperactive child would be very beneficial.

--Children tire more easily, especially younger children. Try and plan a slower paced day of activities. Although the ADHD child needs to be kept active and engaged, many behavior problems are a result of a schedule that is not planned and too hectic.

--Make sure they have healthy snacks; avoiding sodas and candy. Do not skip any meals and try to have them at the same times each day. Instead of high sugar breakfast cereals and juice make breakfasts and lunches high in protein, complex carbs, and fiber. Oatmeal and a glass of milk, or peanut butter on a piece of whole grain bread will absorb more slowly keeping blood sugar levels constant for a longer period. This will help a child with ADHD concentrate and thus do better at school.

--Have a quiet time the both of you can share every day and which they will look forward to. Have them take a warm bath and read a story together at the end of the day. If your child still takes afternoon naps read together or listen to calming music. Now would be a good time to try the aromatherapy.

Making the child feel secure along with a steady, reliable ADHD parenting schedule can help ease the frustration of behavioral problems. If a child feels secure they will become more self-confident. And when a child, especially one with ADHD is self-confident they will thrive, feel calmer and want to please you more with acceptable behavior. Article Source

How to Lose the Weight : Are you sick and tired of the yo yo dieting

Are you sick and tired of the yo yo dieting. Do you ever imagine looking at yourself in the mirror and see the person you have been dreaming about. That sexy, beautiful person you once were and would love to become again. Did you just give birth to a beautiful baby and just want to lose the weight again. All that baby fat still hanging on. I know what you are talking about. I am going to talk to you about how you can with some help get rid of that unwanted fat once and for all and you know what, you will be able to keep it off too.

Firstly, make sure you eat breakfast each morning. Skipping breakfast is a no, no. This will cause you to snack throughout the morning, especially if you are snacking on the wrong type of foods. Stay away from the donuts and sugary foods. Try eating whole grain, whole wheat and cereal. Breakfast will also help to get your metabolism going which will help accelerate your weight loss.

Try some form of exercise. A simple thing like taking the stairs instead of the elevator can be extremely helpful. Walking can be fun too and will help you overall in losing weight. It can contribute to toning your body while you are losing the weight. You can park you car a block away and walk the rest of the way to work and after you leave work you will have to walk back to your car. This can be a great exercise.

Very important is the type of food you eat. Try to take lunch to work so you can pack a balanced meal. No fried, greasy, junk food. Don't run to the fast food store and buy a big mac because it is cheap and convenient. Try preparing your lunch from home and take with you. Some broiled fish or chicken, a little salad, either steamed or raw. A sandwich with whole wheat bread, turkey breast or chicken breast, some lettuce and salad. Green leafy vegetables are very good when you want to lose weight. Also fruits, try eating as much fruits as you can during the day. Instead of snacking on sweet pastries, eat some fruits instead.

If at all possible try keeping a diary of the foods you can eat, and when grocery shopping take with you a list of the food you will want to purchase to make it easier for you to prepare healthy meals during the week. This healthy eating habit can be incorporated into your life on a gradual basis and your entire family can benefit from it too.

I know, you are saying its easier said than done, especially with a young baby. But you know what, if you can do this, then there is nothing out there that you cannot achieve. It takes hard work, dedication and a lot of patience, but nothing in life is easy. If you want it badly enough you can achieve it. Whatever the mind can conceive you can achieve. Believe me you can do it. Believe in yourself. Go out there and lose that weight, get rid of that excess fat. Good luck on your weight loss. Article Source