

Mediterranean Diet Plan - Eat the Right Foods to Live a Long and Healthy Life

A lot of people are discovering the great benefits of the Mediterranean Diet Plan. The basic concept is eating foods that are low in saturated fats such as cereal, fruit, vegetables and nuts. Also the plan consist of low amounts of red meats, dairy, seafood and poultry. You are allowed to have small amount of red wine because it is believed that the red wine is good for you.

Studies have shown that is area were people eat a steady Mediterranean style diet that health conditions such as Diabetes, Heart Disease and cancer were all lower. It shows that the people who eat a steady diet and have a similar lifestyle see a great reduction in health issues and they found people that were in these areas also had much lower levels of Cholesterol.

Remember that using the Mediterranean Diet you will eat a variety of foods that are whole grains such as pastas, breads, beans, and nuts. Also in these areas they use generous portions of olive oil when cooking and preparing meals. They also consume low amounts of yogurt, milk, and cheese.

You are allowed to have Eggs, Seafood and Poultry about once to twice a week but red meat is only consumed about once a month. Dessert is usually consistent with eating fresh fruit and any real sweet treats are also limited to once or twice a month.

This Diet promotes good health because it offers so many options that are low in saturated fats and most of the foods are high in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Also studies have found that the people in these areas enjoy there meals and spend time relaxing which promotes good digestion.

One of the most used items on this diet is the use of olive oil and even though it has a high fat content it is believed that they are good fats and that they actually help the body fight against health problems.

It is always important to find a diet that fits your lifestyle and needs. It is always important to stay healthy and watch what you eat so that you can live a long and healthy life.
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The Balance of High Protein Foods and Carbohydrates

There are always different views and fads when it comes to diets and often the arguments we hear for adopting a particular type of diet are one-sided in the views that are presented to the prospective dieter. There are good arguments for adopting a high protein diet and also for adopting a high carbohydrate diet. So what is the way to go?

High Protein Diets

Good points:

Can boost the release of a hunger-suppressing hormone, according to a new study on mice.
Eating twenty five grams of soy protein daily can help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease.
Can increase body mass and strength which is helpful for athletes and people suffering from muscle wasting diseases.
Bad points:

Some studies suggest that eating too much protein causes excessive calcium loss, which can contribute to osteoporosis, and if the protein is ingested via red meat, our kidneys and liver are worked harder which could cause problems for people with renal or liver disorders.
Low Protein Diets
Good points:

The author could find no good points although it is possible that this would help people with kidney problems.
Bad Points:

According to the USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University, Boston, elderly ladies given low protein diets experienced significant losses in lean tissue, immune response, and muscle function.
High Carbohydrate Diets
Good points:

Provides a plentiful supply of energy, hence very popular with athletes.
Bad Points:

It has been shown in some people, who are on a low-fat diet and getting their calories mainly from carbohydrates, that their triglyceride levels become raised, (and hence their overall cholesterol level increases), and the level of the high-density lipoprotein (HDL) becomes lowered (which is harmful to a person's well-being), and the level of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) increases (which is also harmful to a person's well-being); medical experts believe that HDL tends to carry cholesterol away from the arteries and back to the liver for treatment, so HDL is considered to be beneficial to the body's health; LDL is synonymous with a build-up of plaque in the arteries which can lead to atherosclerosis.

Low Carbohydrate Diets
Good points:

You tend to lose weight reasonably quickly.
Bad points:

Eating less than 130 grams of carbohydrate a day can lead to the build-up of ketones (partially broken-down fats) in our bloodstream; however, in order to lose weight and lose fat, eating low carbohydrates and eating little or no saturated fat is an absolute must.
The Atkins diet encourages people to eat low carbs in order to force the body to turn to other fuels for energy, i.e. to start using the body's fat supplies in order to provide the everyday energy requirements. Scientists do not yet appear to be united in their views as to whether or not the Atkins diet and other low-carbohydrate, high-protein diets affect kidney function.
The trouble is that although the Atkins diet promotes high protein and low carbs, many people interpret this as meaning high protein, high fat, and low carbs which can lead to cholesterol problems.
Low-carbohydrate diets typically include quantities of cholesterol, fat, saturated fat, and protein that exceed the recommended safe limits set by the National Academy of Sciences, and are often low in fiber and other important dietary constituents.
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Rice Diet 7 Day - Losing Weight by Eating Rice?

First of all: Despite its name, the Rice Diet is not based upon eating rice.

Created by Duke University, the Rice Diet was created in order to help those with hypertension, heart disease, obesity, and diabetes.

The diet is not a typical diet and cannot be followed from the comfort of your home.

The Rice Diet is medically supervised that is only administered by doctors and nutritionists. Only doctors and nutrition experts that work in a place called Rice House in North Carolina are able to provide you with the needed items for the diet.

Many overweight people from all over the world save up money and make time to visit the Rice Diet Center. The center offers many health classes and workshops. The visitors are also put under the watch of nutrition experts. Usually, visitors stay for 4-8 weeks.

The entire program consists of just 2 phases.

The beginning phase of the diet consists of eating just grains and fruits. This should always and only be done under medical supervision of a doctor or nutritionist.

The second phase of the diet allows dieters to add fish, beans, vegetables, and other types of carbs to their own menu.

The Rice Diet program is best suited for those who are extremely overweight and have been struggling with obesity since childhood or for a few years. It is also for people who need to lose a lot of weight, not just a few pounds. The diet is not for everyone as it is also very costly.

Maybe you have heard about the Cabbage Soup Diet. What are the differences between the Cabbage Soup Diet and the Rice Diet? The Cabbage Soup Diet is much different from the Rice Diet, and is not as healthy as the latter. The diet is also referred to as the Mayo Clinic Program.

So, what is the Cabbage Soup (Mayo Clinic) Diet?

The Cabbage Soup Diet is a week long plan that allows the dieter to eat an unlimited amount of cabbage soup each day.

This is so because the soup has virtually no calories. The diet also allows for other foods to be eaten along with the soup, but these foods are limited, unlike the cabbage soup.

The menu that goes along with the diet is slightly bizarre to some. Some days it lets a dieter eat fruit with unlimited cabbage soup, then some days the diet only allows unlimited soup with vegetables along with it.

On different days the diet allows users to eat an unlimited amount of rice, while other days are made to be full of soup and bananas.

This unusual weight loss program is a quick week long diet for people to lose weight by eating very low amounts of calories each day.

As a whole, I do not recommend this diet because it is not very healthy, and healthier diets exist.

The Rice Diet is a much better choice; however, the Rice Diet was not created for everyday people who are just looking to drop a few pounds. It is only for extremely overweight people who have no other means of losing weight.

Overall, both programs are not the best choice for everyday dieters. In my opinion, there are much better options out there. If you are an average dieter, I do not recommend either of these diets for you.
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What Is The Difference Between Nutrisystem Advanced And Nutrisystem Nourish?

It can get really confusing when diet plans change the name of their programs or foods. I am often asked what is the difference between the Nutrisytem's Advanced or Nourish programs. People want to know which they should chose.

The truth is, Nutrisystem Nourish is no longer available, so you couldn't chose this one even if you wanted to. The Advanced program has replaced it. Basically, the company has just revamped their weight loss program, added new foods, motivation, counseling, and exercise videos.

On the new program, you still eat five times per day and you still eat the company's pre made meals and add your own low fat additions. There are still carb friendly comfort foods, snacks, and desserts. (There are still over 130 choices including pizza, tacos, macaroni and cheese, nachos, and many desserts.)

In my opinion though, the Advanced changes are improvements. I feel you are really getting a lot more for your money. They have added free weight loss counseling. This is a huge benefit. If you've ever looked at weight loss online or Jenny Craig, you know these programs are more expensive or have monthly fees in order to pay for this support. This is completely free with Nutrisystem. You are only paying for your food. Online forums, articles, and support has always been available, but now you can either email, live online chat, or personally call a weight loss counselor at no cost.

Also, they now include free motivational literature and exercise DVDs with every monthly order. This makes this diet plan more about a lifestyle change rather than just changing your eating habits. I believe this increases the rate of and length of success.

Finally, omega fatty acids and fiber have been added to the foods. This is suppose to help your heart and give you a feeling of being full. Also, a few new food choices have been added. I don't find that the food tastes much different. I've always found the taste quite good for the most part and I still do. At this point, I am used to the portion size and I am not usually hungry after eating, so I can not really say if it is more filling.
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Rob Poulos's Fat Burning Furnace Review - Pros and Cons of Fat Burning Furnace

Rob Poulos's Fat Burning Furnace program is a popular online fat loss program. It is one of the only fitness oriented programs which was created by someone who had trouble with his weight himself in the past and, through trial and error, has managed to find a way to lose his excess fat, build muscle tissue, increase his energy levels, and improve his health. That he took the time to write down his experience and research into the Fat Burning Furnace program is also a great thing in my mind.

However, the FatBurningFurnace program isn't perfect. It has both pros and cons which you should know about before coming to a decision about it.

Fat Burning Furnace Pros and Cons


  • It is well written
  • Has great reviews and testimonials. This program produces results for many people
  • Includes extensive nutrition and weight training information. The exercises come with pictures so it is easy to follow
  • Unlike other fitness ebooks, Fat Burning Furnace is written in a way which is easy to understand, without too many scientific mumbo-jumbo
  • Comes with a money back guarantee, so your purchase is secure


  • Because this program is built on weight training it doesn't contain too much info on cardio workouts which is something that I missed in this program.
  • You will need to commit to working out regularly, so if you hate working out this isn't for you.
  • Most of the exercises require weights so you would either need to get some dumbbells for your home or have a gym membership

Overall, the Fat Burning Furnace isn't the most advanced program in the world, but if you're looking to just lose weight and get fit without getting too scientific, this is a worthwhile program to try.
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Sleep Can Help You Lose Weight!

If you want to find a way to lose weight faster, and you think there is nothing new under the sun, then what I’m about to tell you will really make you nod off.

According to Dr Kenneth Goodrick at Baylor University, a good night’s sleep is a vital ingredient for weight loss.

He believes that lack of sleep robs people of the energy they need to exercise and sets up a vicious low-energy cycle that sabotages your weight loss programme. Often when energy reserves are low, people turn to high-fat and high-sugar laden foods or caffeinated drinks for energy pick-me-upsàall of which interfere with weight loss efforts. Some may drink 10 to 15 caffeinated beverages a day, which has a adverse effect on sleep quality. It’s a double whammy.

This is not the only fascinating connection between sleep and weight gain. Researchers have found there are two hormones involved. Leptin, a hormone that suppresses appetite, and grehlin, which increases food intake and is thought to play a role in long-term regulation of body weight. Sleep deprivation lowers the levels of leptin and raises levels of grehlin. This is thought to be the reason why obese people suffering with sleep apnea often put on weight faster than others.

Goodrick says, ôSleep is a time for the brain, the body, and all the hormones to get regulated and restore themselves to the baseline values for the next day. If you have caffeine, or inadequate sleep, you don’t have a chance for all of those restorative processes to get finished. So you’re ending not quite fit, or metabolically where you should beö.

What is a good night’s sleep? Participants in a US study who got less than 4 hours of sleep each night were 73 percent more likely to be obese than those who sleep between 7 and 9 hours a night, the recommended amount. Those who slept only 5 hours each night were 50 percent more likely to be overweight, and those who slept 6 hours a night were 23 percent more likely to be overweight.

It’s official, for good health we all need to wake up and get a good night’s sleep.

Lifting And Diet For Effective Weight Loss

If you're like the average American male, your body retains your excess calories as fatty tissues. Why? Eating large burgers, fries, and liters of soda is not exactly healthy. Watching NFL or NBA doesn't exactly count as exercise either. You lack physical activity and diet control. Here comes the bad news, most of these fat cells are deposited in your gut and upper body resulting in protruding stomachs and flabby arms. Not exactly Brad Pitt-like. Diets and weight loss are necessary if you want to circumvent these scary effects.

However, following programs on diets and weight loss are not enough if you want a rock-hard or at least, a well-defined physique. What you need to do is to combine a well-balanced diet (think vitamins, proteins, and carbs) with resistance training. It's not at all difficult, but commitment is necessary if you want to achieve your dream body. First, consult your doctor for a whole body check-up because resistance training can aggravate past injuries such as fractures or back injuries. The sooner you know what to avoid, the better your program would be. Second, identify what muscle groups you want to develop. It's not a pretty sight to have a muscled upper body and skinny legs. Third, enroll yourself in a gym with proper equipment and team up with a trainer/fitness instructor you feel comfortable enough to work with. It is important to talk to him about fitness goals, lifestyle, and your over-all health. He might even prescribe a procedure about your diets and weight loss that would be suitable for your lifestyle.

Diets and weight loss experts usually recommend building muscle in order to lose weight. The thing to remember always is your RMR; this measures how fast your metabolism works (read: burns calories) at rest. It is important to get your RMR past this level for you to effectively use body fuel. This is why you have to lift weights. As you lift weights, the body tends to develop more muscle or leaner mass. Muscle burns body fuel or calories even at rest; so the more muscle you have, the faster the pounds are shed. Another key factor is progression. Soon your body would start to get accustomed to the weights you lift. Hence, you use less effort and energy which staggers the whole weight loss process. The right weight for you is the weight which you can't lift for over 12 reps. It is also advised to increase the weights every one or two weeks.

An effective diet for persons doing resistance training would be high in protein, with significant amounts of carbs. However, vegetable and fruit servings shouldn't be taken out as these contribute to the body's water needs. Diets and weight loss are effective and healthy only when coupled with exercise and physical activity and vice versa. So get up and move for a fitter you.

How To Find A Safe Weight Loss Program

Have you seen those ads in the paper that tell you ôlose 10lb in 7 daysö and wondered what it was all about. It is appealing. What if it were true? What is the secret I am missing? When we are unhappy about our shape and weight, the pursuit of these promises can be tantalizing but excuciatingàwhat if it we end up disappointed? This article will show you how to select a safe weight loss program.

According to medical authorities a responsible and safe weight-loss program is one that has the following characteristics. This information can help you make an informed decision about joining a program.

A Responsible and Safe Weight-loss Program.

Experts agree that the best way to reach a healthy weight is to follow a sensible eating plan and engage in regular physical activity. Weight loss programs should encourage healthy behaviours that help you lose weight and that you can maintain over time.

A safe and effective weight loss program should include:

1. Healthy eating plans that reduce calories but do not rule out specific foods or food groups

2. Regular physical activity and/or exercise instruction

3. Tips on healthy behaviour changes that also consider your cultural needs

4. Slow and steady weight loss of about ? to 2 pounds per week and not more than 3 pounds per week (weight loss may be faster at the start of a program)

5. A plan to keep the weight off after you have lost it

Easy to Follow Weight Loss Tips

Achieving weight loss is not that easy.  It needs a good strategy, planning and motivation to lose weight.  Some of the weight loss tips, which can be followed at ease, are listed here to stay healthy as well as to stay fit with a perfect body figure.

Eating the right way helps achieving weight loss goals.  Taking meals in smaller amounts, frequently helps in being energetic all the day and prevents from eating more.

Eating out is often associated with obesity as when dining outside, most of the people don’t check what they eat.  Hence, to achieve weight loss, it is better to avoid dining outside.

Break fast should not be skipped as it has been found out that, people who do not skip their break fast are very successful in losing weight.  If break fast is skipped the bodily metabolism slows down and when food is taken during lunch, it results in increased insulin levels and in turn weight gain.

It is good to stay away from beverages rich in fat and sugar as they will increase the insulin levels in the blood, while caffeine content can lead to dehydration.

Diet strategy can be planned in such a way that, without having to cut the favorite foods, they can be consumed in smaller portions along with healthy fresh vegetables or fruits to get a filled up feeling.  By this way, the nutritional value of the food consumed is increased and fat rich foods are minimized.

Increased consumption of protein helps in burning the calories and avoids the storage of fat in the body.  Protein supplements also help in building and preserving lean muscles.

Water plays an important role in weight loss as water hydrates the organs and the body.  It suppresses hunger pangs, and can be taken in more amounts to get a filled up feeling.

Plan how you want your diet plan to be, adhere to it strictly and it is advised to keep a log for noting down what you eat and the amounts you eat with the weight measurement every week to analyze if you are progressing or not.  Stay motivated while going through weight loss measures to attain success.

If weight is lost the healthy way, it benefits the person with a lower blood pressure, being able to be energetic in spite of controlled intake, healthy heart and organs, better body figure, less stress made on the bones, joints and muscles, and the most important of all stress free.

Diet Not Working? The Yo-Yo Diet

Does it seem like no matter how little food you eat, you never lose a pound? You start your day out with an apple, eat vegetables for lunch and have a tiny dinner. You have all week, but you’re still the same weight. Why?

It seems to be the first thought in someone’s mind when they decide they’re going on a diet: I need to eat less. The general rule is eat less and exercise more. In all actuality, this will do nothing but cause you to gain weight and become fatigued. When you eat less your body believes that it is being starved and will hoard every fat cell it can. It will do whatever it takes to keep these fat cells and no matter how many calories you burn, you won’t lose weight. Your metabolism slows greatly. Your body is in starvation mode.

People who start these diets will quickly end them when they realize they aren’t losing weight and they will return to their normal eating habits. Because the body still thinks it is in starvation mode, it will hoard all the fat cells of which there is twice the amount being eaten now, and the dieter will actually gain more weight back than they lost. This will prompt another diet and the process begins again. This is called a ôyo-yo diet.ö

The number way to avoid yo-yo dieting is to see a nutritionist. They will create a proper diet plan tailored to your needs and they have all the know-how to create a healthy and safe diet. Diets are not about eating less, they’re about eating better. A nutritionist will help you balance what types of food you’re eating, when you’re eating and how much you’re eating.

The second way to avoid yo-yo dieting is proper exercise. It is recommended to visit a personal trainer in order to receive a personalized workout plan to properly introduce you to regular exercise and muscle building. It is also imperative to ignore diet pills at all costs.

Eating better, not less, and exercising properly will lead you to weight loss!

Weight Loss Diets - How To Lose Fat Through Dieting And Keep It Off

Do you know that it's not a good idea to eat a specific type of meal you don't usually eat just because you want to lose weight? The truth is that if you eat a prescribed type of meal to lose fat, after losing the weight you will love to continue with your favorite meal. The fact is this, If you leave that meal and go ahead with your normal day-to-day menu, you will gain another set of weight.

There is a technique used by fatloss4idiots diet, this diet program uses a method called shifting calorie. It's a method whereby you rotate the type of diet you take randomly in order to confuse your body. Our body has a tolerance to certain types of food that is they are food which you will eat, and lose weight either fast or slow. Let's take for example, if you are taking 4000 calories of food per day and suddenly reduce it to 3000 calories, the body will say, "I thought we were on a 4000 calories per day and thinks, "It must start burning fat fast". This is a scientific tested and proven method to lose weight through dieting. From this little evidence of weight lose through dieting, you will believe with me that I have uncovered the reason why some traditional diet programs don't work. As you know, some traditional diet programs insist you must eat a particular type of meal prescribed for you in order to lose weight. Most people won't be able to cope with this because they will have a kind of urge to eat their usual diet. It's like telling someone that loves to eat rice to desist from eating rice to beans. This won't be easy and they might end up eating their favorite food secretly. While the rest of your families are eating rice, you will be eating some other food prescribed by your traditional diet program, the idea is that you should not ignore other foods, you can eat your favorite foods once a week.

The best ways to lose weight through diet is by eating the normal foods you eat daily and reducing the amount of calories you take. By doing this, you will be able to lose weight and keep it off which is the dream of every weight loser. I believe there is no one that wants to lose weight and after sometime regain the fat again. Another thing you should bear in mind when you are in a weight loss program is to eat only when you are hungry. Eating when you are not hungry also contribute to weight gain. Oily foods are also among the factors that contribute to weight increase, reduce the quantity of oil you use to cook your meals and most importantly do exercises. I must tell that if you combine exercise with dieting you will be able to lose weight faster than you can imagine.
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Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle Review - The Pros And Cons Of BFFM

Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle is one of the most popular weight loss and muscle toning programs in the history of the Internet. It was created by natural bodybuilder and trainer, Tom Venuto, and has been used by tens of thousands of people from all over the world.

Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle, or BFFM for short, enjoys many positive reviews by past users and experts alike. However, no true Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle Review will be complete without listing the pros and cons of this program.

Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle Pros and Cons


1. Created by a true expert - There's no doubt that Tom Venuto is an expert when it comes to diet and fitness. Just looking at his sculpted body is proof enough, and knowing that he did it all naturally means that he really knows his game.

2. Contains a lot of material - Burn the Fat is an ebook which contains close to 400 pages. It has all the information that you need to shed those pounds fast and increase muscle tone.

3. Provides excellent results - Too many people swear by this program for it not to work. And indeed, Burn The Fat Feed the Muscle does work. Of course, it can only teach you, and you have to apply what you learn, but it gives you everything you need.

4. Active support - You can contact Tom Venuto and his team and get active support for this program should you choose to use it.


1. Information overload - The Burn The Fat ebook actually contains too much material. It's easy to fall prey to doing nothing until you finish with it. Don't make that mistake. Apply what you learn as you go along. You could probably achieve your goals with half of the material this program provides.

2. A little scientific - Some of the information provided in this program will be a little too scientific for some people. It's sound information, but most people don't need to know anything else other than how to burn calories and tone up.

That being said, I think BFFM is an excellent program for you to use.
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How do we prevent Childhood Obesity

Children who are overweight may not develop socially as fast as their peers.  They can become loners, finding it difficult to make friends.  They may think that their weight is beyond their control and they may not know what to do in order to attempt to prevent weight gain. In essence, obese children can become our lost generation.

The parents of these children may not realize how detrimental obesity is to their children’s emotional health. They may consider the obesity just a passing phase and they may not understand the psychological devastation that obesity can cause.  They may even dismiss the concerns of their children, hoping that the problem will simply go away.

The causes of childhood obesity can be complex. However, there do appear to be a few identifiable triggers. For instance, many families now eat on the run because of their many commitments.  Parents may not think they have time to prepare nutritious meals for their children, so they rely on fast food and sugary snacks to fill in the gaps. As a result, children end up eating a diet that’s rich in fat and sugar but which offers little in the way of nutritional value. According to the American Obesity Association, one third of parents believe their children’s dietary habits are worse than theirs were during their own childhoods.

Another key problem is inactivity. Children watch more than a full day’s worth of television each week. That’s in addition to the hours they devote to their computers.  As a result, they’re not playing outside as much as children of generations past.  Also, many children may feel as if they cannot participate in sports because of their weight.  Feeling defeated before they even start, they pass up opportunities to engage in physical activities.

It has been shown that children tend to be heavily influenced by advertising.  Unfortunately, many commercials tout foods that can be best classified as unhealthy. Children crave what they see on TV and in movie theaters and they may not realize what these foods will do to their bodies. Luckily, childhood obesity can be successfully conquered.  Here are a few tips to help your child overcome a weight problem:

Encourage your child to take part in sports or dance.  If your son or daughter is self-conscious about being a part of a team, exercise with him or her.  Take out a ball and shoot a few hoops or turn on the stereo and begin to dance.  You may be surprised that, with just a little encouragement, your child will get up and start moving.

Consider limiting TV time.  Research clearly shows that TV time is unproductive time for children and teens.  If your children spend less time watching TV, they may spend more time exercising.

Ban junk food from your home.  With a little push, children will become accustomed to eating healthy snacks such as fruit and vegetables.

Check with your child’s pediatrician to see if he or she can recommend some specific weight control strategies.  Childhood obesity is a problem, but it is not insurmountable.  The greater the interest you show in your child’s diet and exercise regimen, the more influence you will have over your child.  In time, your child can learn the strategies necessary for a healthy life.

Glycemic Impact Diet - Great Way To Loose Weight And Feel Great Be Healthy

There is a diet that was developed by Rick Gallop called the GI Diet plan. The plan is based on the Glycemic Index and have been used in Europe for many years now. The newer version is called the Glycemic Impact Diet which uses the Glycemic Index for is base.

It is important to understand how the GI Diet works, basically it is all foods that contain a low Glycemic Index. This index will rank a food based on the effect that it has with your blood sugar level. Ideally you want to eat foods that will release the sugar into your body slowly so that you feel satisfied during the day and you will be less likely to snack throughout the day. If you are consuming food with High GI it can cause your sugar levels to rise rapidly. Also eating these types of foods will result in short feelings of being satisfied and usually you will tend to overeat because when the sugar levels drop after a short period of time you will want more food.

It is also important to cut down on saturated fats because they can cause you to consume to much food. GI Index Diets will always encourage eating low GI Index foods so that you will feel more satisfied throughout the day.

When you are on the Glycemic Impact Diet you are using the GI Index but it also combines the carbs along with the GI Index of foods. If you take a food like the carrot it has a low glycemic load because it has a low carbs and a high GI Value. This makes the carrot a desirable food to eat.

This diet is a great diet because it uses many diet plans such as the Zone Diet, South Beach Diet and it combines these diet plans and uses the best of all of them. If you are a person that likes to eat out a lot then they have some great options for you as well. It is always best when eating out that you stick to the leaner meats, fish and chicken. Also stay away form fatty sauces and dressings because they can put on weight quicker than anything else.

The Glycemic Impact Diet is a excellent way to loose weight and feel great.
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The Miracles Of The Atkins Diet And Its Role In Appetite Suppression

Appetite suppression is one of the most common effects of the Atkins Diet program. In fact, followers of this miraculous diet have been astonished to find that their appetite diminished to a considerable degree when following the Atkins regimen. The familiar hunger pangs between meals that used to plague dieters are almost non-existent in an Atkins diet program. With this attribute alone, it makes it easy on the dieters to stay on the program. The synergistic effects achieved from the combination of food of the Atkins diet, is probably responsible for the appetite suppression effects experienced by many dieters.

Protein Power

Atkins diet uses a lot of protein in its program. Protein has more satisfying power than carbohydrates in satisfying hunger. Probably you have experienced splurging on a high carbohydrate meal, only to feel hungry a few moments later. Carbohydrates have less satisfying power than proteins and this is the reason why Atkins dieters who stay on a high protein diet are less likely to experience hunger pangs.

The Miracles of the Humble Egg

Do you know that eggs are great for suppressing appetite? Eggs are used extensively in the Atkins diet program as an excellent source of protein. Recent studies show that eating eggs for breakfast actually gives you the ability to avoid hunger pangs throughout the day. In the study, one group had eggs for breakfast while one group had bagels and cream cheese. Interestingly, the calorie count for both meals is the same. Participants are required to keep track of what they ate throughout out the day and the level of hunger they feel during the tests. Amazingly, the results of this study indicate that those who were on eggs for breakfast ate less during the day than those who were on bagel. Those who had eggs for breakfast were less likely to splurge during each intermittent meal.

The amazing properties of the eggs

Each egg contains about six grams of protein. This may be a small amount, but it goes a long way to balance blood sugar and creates a feeling of satisfaction. These are necessary to help curb cravings during the day. The lutein and xenazanthin contained in the egg yolk has beneficial effects on the eyes. It is a good idea to eat the eggs in whole and not merely the white, if you want to garner full benefits from the consumption of eggs. Choline is also found in abundance in eggs, which is essential for the brain function and memory retention.

Atkins Vegetables

The most popular vegetable to be used in the Atkins diet program is the broccoli and cauliflower. These vegetables also possess appetite suppressing effects. In addition to being bulky, which makes them ideal for a weight loss program, it makes the tummy feels full that will in turn trigger a signal in your rain that releases certain chemical that will dramatically reduce appetite.

Every time your stomach feels full, your body will reduce its appetite. Regardless of the nature of the contents you use to fill up your belly that creates the feeling of fullness, your body will react y sending messages to your brain signaling that it is full. Therefore you can avoid hunger pangs during your weight loss program. If vegetables are not your cup of tea, you can create similar effects with psyllium husk and water.

Keep it small

The key to success in the Atkins diet is to have a few small meals throughout the day. Instead of consuming one large meal three times a day, spread the calorie intake to a few smaller portion. This will help your brain release essential hormones and signals to urn off fat effectively. Spreading your meals also helps to balance the sugar in the blood. On a high carbohydrate diet, you will cause the sugar levels to soar every time a meal is consumed. This feeling of fullness lasts only for a few hours and then you are back to your original hungry feeling again.

The Atkins Solution

With the Atkins diet, you get only what your body needs with every meal. With the correct protein, and vegetable diet, your body gets the quick energy it needs from the vegetables, while protein helps to balance the blood sugar level throughout the day, so you will be spared from hunger pangs during this diet program.

The Atkins diet is a wonderful appetite craving solution that gives you what your body needs without robbing it off its essential energy.
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Colon Cleansing Diets - Are They Any Good?

"We are what we eat", says an old Indian quote. It is very true because we all know our colons are affected in the first place by our diets, meaning by what we eat. Usually people with poor diets and bad eating habits develop more easy a fecal impaction. The results of this way of living are harmful bacteria that live in our colons. Still there is a hope for reversing these effects of poor diets by changing and more important by improving our everyday diet. The colon cleansing diets are made specially to facilitate the growing of the helpful bacteria and to eliminate the bad one. You can find out that is very easy to cleanse the colon using the right diet.

Detoxify your body

At first when you decided to start the process of the colon cleansing, it has a high importance to eliminate the harmful food and bad eating habits. The following should be removed from everyday diet: fatty food, especially the ones that are fried in hydrogenated oils, products such as beef, poultry, eggs and instead of these you should introduce in your diet organic varieties. Also alcohol and soda drinks should be completely forgotten and replaced with hydrating water and very low sugar fruit juice. Try to avoid using aspartame or any other artificial sweeteners and MSG. MSG = Monosodium glutamate is a sodium salt of glutamic acid, a non-essential amino acid. It is used as a food additive and is commonly marketed as a "flavour enhancer". All of the foods that contain MSG can be harmful on the colon and can cause fecal impaction in time.

Replace With Healthy Foods

You can replace very easy everything that you remove from your diet with fresh and healthy food. The colon cleansing diets are based on eliminating the bad foods and habits and replacing them with healthy food, the one that is close to its natural state. This way you should choose to improve your diet with organic food and vegetables that are free from harmful chemicals and pesticides and especially with probiotic drinks and yogurts. Probiotics are "live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts, confer a beneficial health effect on the host." These microorganisms do not promote or cause disease. The specialists are trying to say that not every bacterium is bad for our body. In the probiotics we find good bacteria that are naturally found in our colon. These bacteria will help the digestion and will influence the colon to begin to clean itself regularly.
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Turbulence Training Reviews - The Pros And Cons Of Turbulence Training

Turbulence Training is probably one of the most popular diet and fitness program in the world today. It was created by expert trainer and author, Craig Ballantyne. It was made especially for busy men and women who are looking to lose fat, improve muscle tone, and get fit in as short a time as possible.

This is a program which is fitness oriented more than nutrition oriented, so it not only helps you lose weight, it also allows you to improve muscle tone and fitness levels.

In this Turbulence Training review, I will try to lay out some of the pros and cons of this program so that you can come to a more informed decision about it.

Turbulence Training Pros and Cons


1. The Turbulence Training program was created by a true expert with proven credentials.

2. Is recommended by experts in the field of diet and fitness industry.

3. Works for both men and women.

4. Works on short workouts so that you don't have to waste too much time.

5. Includes a lot of valuable information.

6. Allows you to lose fat and increase muscle tone at the same time.

7. Provides excellent results for many people.


1. Requires you to workout hard. This isn't any magical cure. You need to be able to make a commitment for this to work.

2. Has a lot of material so it can appear daunting. However, the best thing to do is to begin applying what you learn as you go along.

I recommend Turbulence Training even with these cons. It is a remarkable program which can give you excellent results.

To read more about this program click here [].

To see what other people say about this program, visit this webpage:
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Do You Want to Diet Or Do You Want to Lose Fat?

If you want to diet, don't read any further. If you want to lose fat, read on.

An unsympathetic world makes it extremely difficult for an overweight person to mingle comfortably on a social, employment and business level. Overweight people not only suffer physical discomfort, but also emotional discomfort.

Apart from the health implications of overweight, the physical discomfort and psychological stress is difficult to deal with.

There is a vast forest of diet plans on the market and each one swears that it is the best ever. How do the consumer decide which one of these plans are the best?

Assessing Your Weight Problem Many people do not have a weight problem; they just want to control their weight. We will deal with them first.

Many people have a weight problem, i.e. slightly over weight, medium overweight, much and severely overweight (obesity). We will get our teeth into this in the last part of the article.

Whatever your category, all the information is valid.

No real problem

If you gain weight easily but don't really have a permanent overweight problem and you just want to control your weight, there are a few common-sense rules and some external help.

Heart and Lungs...

Everybody, no matter whom, needs to be physically active to remain healthy and keep a balanced body weight. Unless you are physically disabled, you should participate in aerobic exercise regularly. This is the easiest way to keep your heart and lungs working well.

Eating habits...

Eat sensibly, don't gorge yourself and do chew your food properly before swallowing. The digestion process starts in the mouth and if you swallow your food without proper mastication, you cheat the communication system between stomach and brain. There are some very nice eating plans available if your main aim is to maintain a steady body weight. Enjoy a small glass of dry red wine with your last meal of the day.

Help for appetite control...

Use an appetite suppressant that is certified as safe and without any negative side effects. There are a number of safe appetite suppressants on the market. In addition there are also some eating plans that keeps the appetite under control. A simple regime is to see that your breakfast contains protein of the right kind. Your lunch may contain some carbohydrate and your supper should contain minimal carbohydrate.

To summarize the problem of those with a minimal or no real problem: Be physically active; you don't have to be the next world- or even local champion in any activity, just exercise within your ability. The more fit you get, the better you will be able to control your appetite; this is true for most people.

The Problem of Overweight

Short of writing a full-blown thesis on the matter, the following points should be helpful:

Obesity has a vast variety of causes, definitions and manifestations. This article can at best take a look at some superficial causes and manifestations of the fat problem. The word FAT PROBLEM is intentionally used here as many people follow weight loss programs where they lose a lot of weight in the form of water and muscle and as soon as they start eating normally, the fat just bulges out within a week or two.

Apart from the common sense things like exercising and eating correctly, let us look at what help the FAT person can get to solve or minimize his/her problem. If you are a chronic obese then you will by now almost certainly have consulted a doctor or a registered nutritionist.

The Things to Include in your Plan...


The most important is to have a decent eating plan that is not only healthy, but also enjoyable. This is not as difficult as it sounds; if you want to achieve quick weight loss, help is available. Slower weight loss is normally recommended because the shock on your system will be less.

Remedies and formulations...

You should assist your system with two things. The first is to use a safe appetite suppressant. The second is to assist your metabolism to burn the fat. This is the only way to lose fat unless you like inconvenience and strict dieting regimes.

People with hormonal disturbances (as cause of the problem) should first of all check with their doctor before embarking on a metabolism boost plan. Let the doctor do a thyroid test or whatever he/she judges to be appropriate. The next stop will then be a registered nutritionist who will assist you with an eating plan.

Now yo will be ready to start using your 'crutches' to maintain your eating plan. Just remember that not all appetite suppressants are equal. Some are less equal even though their purveyors would like you to believe differently. Good sensible advice in this regard is given at bestdietforfatloss dot com. The owner is 71 years of age and looks twenty years younger. He has maintained a steady weight for the past fifty years.

Don't make These Dieting Mistakes...

1. The All Or Nothing Approach

Don't blindly bind yourself to an attitude of being a perfect dieter. Don't choose a complicated diet that requires you to have a will of steel. It is virtually impossible to maintain a so-called perfect diet for any length of time. Do this and you will be back on the binge quickly. If you have this kind of mentality you need to ask yourself some tough questions. Do you honestly want to lose weight permanently, or just lose a few pounds to be in a position to put them back on again? The way is to make small changes to what you eat so that you have a slow but steady weight loss.

2 Sacrifice

Do not assume an attitude of sacrifice. You don%u2019t have to totally go without the things that you enjoy. Learn to include a little of everything in your eating plan and enjoy eating small quantities.

3 Impossible goals

Don%u2019t set impossible goals. Setting achievable goals is vitally important for a successful fat loss plan. Set a weight loss goal of one pound per week and then work to lose two pounds. Even if you only just reach your goal of one pound you will not have the disappointment of goal failure.

The Final Word on Fat Loss

You need to honestly want to achieve whatever you set yourself as a target. Look at it this way:

If your target is to eventually jog 10 kilometers every day, you have to start off by jogging hundred meters and walking the next hundred meters and jogging the next hundred. This is important to boost your self-confidence. Therefore, go into your new plan gently, but with a firm and resolute attitude.

Select a weight loss or fitness plan that suits your personality and use a safe appetite suppressant as an additional crutch. Some days you will lean heavier on the crutch than other days, but that is what the crutch is meant for.

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Fat Loss 4 Idiots Results and Testimonials

Fat Loss 4 Idiots is one of the most popular diets in the world and it enjoys a great deal of discussion in the weight loss field. However, the best way to determine whether any diet is really good for you is not through advertisements or even expert discussion (even though it helps). The best way would be to read real user testimonials about actual Fat Loss 4 Idiots results.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots Results

Even though there are people who fail with the diet, as with any diet, most people achieve impressive results with Fatloss4idiots. This is true for women and men both from a variety of age groups, heights, and starting weight. Naturally, the more you have to lose in the first place, the faster your initial weight loss tends to be. Of course, people have different results. Some just do better because of genetics, some follow the diet better, others exercise more. Overall, Fat Loss 4 Idiots results tend to fall into a pattern: Good 1st cycle, a weaker 2nd, and a stronger 3rd. This is just from what I perceived after seeing hundreds of testimonials.

Here are just 3 samples of results people wrote to me:

1. A woman who is on the diet for close to 3 months lost 41 pounds and she's still going strong.

2. A couple who are doing this diet together lost 5-6 pounds each in their first cycle alone.

3. A guy named Scott wrote to me that he lost 75 pounds and was on his way to lose 30 more.

It's impossible to know how your Fatloss4idiots results will be. Every person is different from the next and so the results will be personal, but overall, people do lose weight with this diet. It tends to work in the long term as well.
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What's The Relationship Between The Atkins Diet And Diabetes?

The basic premise of the Atkins diet is to make the average American eat healthier than what they normally eat in their diet. The main intention is to strike a healthy balance between proteins and carbohydrates. This is of course totally different from what Americans consume in their normal diets. There is quite sadly a surfeit of processed foods being consumed in the nation which have sugars present in them in various forms and carbohydrates that are processed to a high degree. Quite unsurprisingly then, the rates of diabetes and related conditions are spiraling in America. This is regardless of the fact that diabetes worsens in stages and can be easily identified at its onset.

When we speak about diabetes, one factor to be taken into account is the glycemic index. This is an index of carbohydrates taking into account the reactions they produce with insulin. If a carbohydrate has a high glycemic index, it will release a lot of insulin for metabolizing the sugars (producing high glucose amounts). America consumes a lot of refined sugars which rank highly on the glycemic index.

When we are children, we can digest these carbohydrate foods easily, that is because the metabolism of the body is more efficient when the body is younger. Side-effects like weight gain and mood swings are too obscure in youth to be noticed to drastic levels. But as we advance in age, these effects make their presence felt in stronger ways. One clear-cut indicator of the side-effects happening with advancing age is the alarming rate at which Americans are becoming obese as they reach their middle age.

Obesity also causes insulin resistance. This is a dangerous situation, because when it happens, the person is not able to use the insulin for the proper elimination of glucose from the bloodstream. This also leads to excessive strain on the pancreas, due to which a lot of insulin might be discharged, sometimes scores of times of what the body actually needs. The obvious effect of this is the dipping of blood sugar to tragically low levels. The human body has a wonderful coordinating system, and that causes a surge of adrenaline release in the body to rectify this problem of low blood sugar.

As a person grows older, this relation between the blood sugar and insulin becomes more and more drastic. The hyperinsulinism, as it is called, is the precursor to type II diabetes. Symptoms of the condition are hypertension and high levels of fats in the body.

When people continue their high carbohydrate diets for a long time, they finally become diabetes. Insulin creates the fat in the body, and if the weight increases, it can lead to late onset diabetes. Diagnosis might reveal pre-diabetic conditions. These must be nipped in the bud, or they will lead to permanent and irrecoverable diabetes conditions.

The warning signs of incoming diabetes are easy to diagnose, though. They can be found out through an insulin test. When confirmed of a pre-diabetic condition, it is absolutely necessary to switch over to a low-carbohydrate diet like the Atkins diet. This helps to control the blood sugar immeasurably.

The Atkins diet contains a combination of essential carbohydrates with fats and proteins. They help to keep the body feel satiated and mitigate the frequent cravings for food. Also, reduced levels of carbohydrates will protect the body from the incessant insulin surges. The pancreas functioning remains normal and pre-diabetic conditions are avoided. The vicious cycle is cut off and the body blood sugar level remains at desirable levels. This is what the Atkins diet can do... it can protect you from the onslaught of a diabetic condition.
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Calorie Shifting Diet Is A Diet That Speeds Up Your Metabolism!

If you're thinking about starving diet, please don't do it. They do you no good. You need a diet that is going to speed up your metabolism. But before we get into that there is a lot you need to know about how weight loss works.

One thing you have to know is that if you speed up your metabolism, this helps you lose weight. You know how some people eat all kinds of food and never gain an ounce. That is because they have fast metabolism.

Having said this, the reason starving diets don't work is because they slow down your metabolism. When ever you are hungry they will slow it down. Even though you originally lose weight, you gain it back quickly because the metabolism is burning less calories.

That is why I said, please don't do it. In order for you to lose pounds, you need a diet that is going to show you the food to eat that will help you speed up your metabolism. The food that helps is fiber loaded food such as Broccoli. They have a ton of fiber. Other vegetables such as zucchini, green vegetables (garden salad) are also great and healthy as well. As far as fruits are concerned, you should consider apples, strawberries, pears, and many more.

Did you ever wonder why everyone keeps on saying exercise? That is because exercise speeds up your metabolism as well. With combination of eating healthy - mentioned previously and exercise, you should shed that extra weight in no time.

One of the diets that speeds up your metabolism is Calorie Shifting Diet Plan. It is a diet that does exactly what it says, shifts calories around so you eat 4 meals a day. But it works because it helps you burn more calories quickly. This is not a starving diet at all. You eat food from all categories but at different times. And the diet last only 11 days and than you have 3 cheating days.

But that is not the best part of the diet. The best part is that when you go off the diet, you actually don't gain the weight back, because the way diet is set up, is to lose the pounds steadily, but all along calorie shifting diet is working on speeding up your metabolism.
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Bariatric surgery & early death

Weight loss surgeries have witnessed huge popularity in recent times. The number of stomach-shrinking operations, a type of bariatric surgery meant for severely obese people has skyrocketed in recent years. Few celebrities of Hollywood have also opted for this form of surgery to curtail obesity.

But there are various risks associated with these surgeries especially for elderly people and those suffering from heart disease. At times, it can result in early death.  Patients aged 65 or older face a nearly threefold increase in the risk of early mortality according to latest findings. It has been found that men are nearly twice as likely to die following such procedures as opposed to women. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, more than 5% of men and nearly 3% of women aged 35 to 44 years were dead within a year of having the surgery and a slightly higher rate were found in patients aged between 45 to 54.

Bariatric surgery is a complicated procedure therefore a surgeon requires prior experience to perform it properly. Patients whose surgeons had performed fewer than 20 procedures were nearly five times as likely to die within 30 days after the operation as compared to others. Despite the greater risk associated with it, bariatric surgery can be a safe and effective tool for morbidly obese people, who face serious health problems if they don't lose weight.

Things you need to know about bariatric surgery
1.Bariatric surgery is not an easy option for obesity sufferers as it carries the usual pain and risks of any major gastrointestinal surgical operation.
2.Bariatric surgery requires changes in eating habits therefore after having bariatric surgery; patients remain at a lifelong risk of nutritional deficiencies.
3.Bariatric Surgery is best suited for morbidly obese people.
4.High amount of motivation is required to make the surgery a success.
5.This procedure is costly as compared to other weight loss techniques.
Therefore, be well informed about the surgery you want to opt for as it can make weight loss an easy and safe affair for you.

to know more about weight loss and <a href=>diet pills</a>, visit:

What you need to know about Weight Loss

You may not realize it, but there is a certain psychology at work in successful weight loss.  It is no surprise, then, that the magazine Psychology Today has explored the issue in-depth.  In October of 2004, the magazine posted an article on its website detailing the experiences of Diane Berry, a nurse practitioner who studied women who had shed at least 15 pounds and had maintained their weight loss for an average of seven years.

The women shared some important things in common.  For instance, they all achieved their weight loss through either Weight Watchers or TOPS, which meant that they had a firm support network as they tried to maintain their weight.  The group meetings were highly important, because they learned to recognize that they were certainly not alone in their struggles with weight.   The women were also quite unusual because up to 90 percent of individuals who have lost weight end up putting it back on within five years.

Another common trait of these women is that they appeared to undergo a profound mood shift as they made the transition from fat to thin.  From all indications, they appeared to be depressed when they were heavy but, as they attempted to lose weight, their mood brightened.

For these women, healthy eating became a habitùa habit they refused to break.  They themselves recognized the tremendous role that psychology plays in weight loss.  They refused to give in to negative feelings of frustration and denial and chose a positive path instead.  The women also made it a point to weigh themselves regularly so that they could chart their progress.

And they recognized that maintaining weight loss would be a lifetime struggle.  They knew that they could not attempt a weight loss program then put it back on the shelf.  They had to learn new eating patterns that they could continue week in and week out.  In some cases, they likened their struggle to that of an alcoholic.  In other words, they recognized the gravity of their problem and took steps to correct the situation.

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of these women’s experiences was the fact that their weight loss actually came in spurts.  At times, they regained their weight, but they did not let that deter them from their final goal.  They simply viewed their setbacks as challenges that they needed to overcome.  This may be the key psychological trait that separates successful dieters from unsuccessful onesùperseverance.   In essence, these women were able to change their personalities in a positive way in order to achieve their long-term weight loss goals.

Another interesting aspect of this study was that it showed that the women who had undergone weight loss transformation were genuinely happy.  This shows the tremendous psychological impact that weight loss can have on an individual.  Once an individual is free from the burden of extra weight, he or she is better able to meet the challenges of life head-on.  The dieter benefits from positive reinforcement, as relatives, friends, and co-workers congratulate him or her for the weight loss.  In this way, losing weight can be quite a life-affirming experience and can lead to a more optimistic outlook on life.

It must be noted here that the psychology of weight loss is a complicated matter.  There is no single ingredient that can turn a fat person into a thin one.  However, recognizing that there is a psychological component to successful weight loss may, in fact, be half the battle.  Once an individual recognizes that he or she is engaged in a psychological fight, he or she is better able to do battle.  By retraining oneself to seek healthy approaches to diet, one can, in effect, mold oneself into a new individualùone that no longer lives to eat, but simply eats to live.

Hoodia Diet Pill: Hoodia Gordonii Or Voodoo To You And I

For every diet pill fad there are millions of disappointed users that have been cheated by the guru charlatan with the latest wonder working diet wiz pill. With the reflex flinch of one of those victims we poke the stick of revelation at hoodia.

Walking the Kalahari Desert doesn’t seem the obvious place to start a diet when thirst is foremost on the mind. Native San Bushmen featured in the movie ôThe Gods Must Be Crazyö live and thrive here for real. Thousands of years ago their ancestors discovered the magical properties of a specific cactus that thwarts hunger pains. 10, 000 times stronger than glucose, hoodia fools the brain into thinking you are full and not hungry.

This all-natural appetite suppressant is made from pure hoodia cactus pulp and seeds. Hoodia gordonii is the specific cactus that has the appetite suppressant qualities. Hoodia can be taken as a pill, powder or a tea. Obesity has never had a foe of this gigantic magnitude, than that of the natural herbal hoodia diet pill!

The secreted cactus, called Xhoba by San Bushmen, collection sat in a laboratory for 30 years after it was discovered before its’ properties were analyzed. The mega-behemoth pharmaceutical company, Pfizer (producers of Viagra) introduced ôhoodiaö to the media while they were in preliminary studies. Pfizer terminated all research on hoodia when terms could not be agreed upon with Phytopharm that owned the patent. Phytopharm bought up the rights from the San Bushmen of Kalahari to harvest, test and produce a laboratory drug called P57. This synthetic Hoodia has the same active ingredient as the real cactus and contains the previously unknown molecule named P57. Phytopharm decided to sell the use of their patent to Unilever, which owns Slim Fast. The sale was for 21 million U.S. plus royalties, that remain undisclosed. The hoodia laced P 57 products by Slim Fast may show up on the market in 2007.

The hoodia works in this way: In your mid-brain called the hypothalamus; you have glucose sensing nerve cells. As you ingest food, your blood sugar rises, and the glucose sensing nerve cells activate, sending an electrical signal that we recognize as, ônow I am fullö.

Hoodia has been tested and proven to work overwhelmingly against the double-blind placebo check. Individuals taking pure hoodia extract diet pills ate 1000 fewer calories than those in the placebo check. 3500 calories = 1 pound of body fat. So every three and a half days you would lose a pound of fat by taking Hoodia.

There are natural products for sale that are made from real hoodia pulp that are from hoodia farms or naturally collected cactus. The hoodia plant may take up to six years to grow to harvestable size from seed. In 2005 CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna) decided to include hoodia gordonii in their list of protected cactus from South Africa and a permit is required to export this cactus from its’ homeland. It is estimated that by 2010 there will be a shortage of this product as demand outgrows the supply.

Although there are no registered side effects from taking hoodia, the native San Bushmen claim hoodia is also an aphrodisiac. The most heralded use of hoodia by the African bushman is an appetite suppressant, but they also use it as a thirst quencher. The San consume hoodia to end abdominal cramps, apply Xhoba for hemorrhoids, and drink hoodia tea for indigestion. Hypertension and diabetes are hoodia treated by the San Bushman, as well as tuberculosis.

Now that we know it works, will they let us have it?

Life Is One Damn Diet After Another

A common expression is that we’re ôgoing on a diet.ö The phrase suggests that, like a vacation trip, there is a beginning and an end. We dream of the day we will reach our weight goal and how wonderful it will be when we don’t have to lead a life of painful deprivation.

In the back of our minds, there is a comforting little tape playing, promising us that when our weight loss campaign is over, we’ll be able to stop counting calories, carbohydrates, or fats. We long for the day when we no longer have to clench our teeth as we refuse a favorite dish that always causes us to salivate in our sleep. We reach for the carrot and celery sticks without anticipation or enthusiasm while torturing ourselves with visions of the special treats we’ll enjoy when the diet is over.

Uh, hello?

Allowing ourselves to think of a diet as a delineated, restricted period within our total life span is a sure avenue back to tent city (that refers to what we wear, not where we live). To have any hope of attaining permanent weight control, we must approach it as a lifelong effort, watching our intake day after day, week after week, year after year.

You feel your heart sinking in your chest. You think ôIf I have to live like this all the time, it’s just not worth it!ö That little voice promises you that you are different. You can relax because now you know how to lose weight, you can do it anytime you want. Gain five pounds and you’ll go back on your diet and be back to goal in no time at all.

But you won’t! Think back over your chequered weight history. We all believe that once our weight is down, it will be so easy to go on a short diet if we gain back a few pounds. It doesn’t work that way, though, does it? We start gaining a pound here and a pound there, but then there are some special events coming up and a diet would be so inconvenient. We don’t go back ôonö our diet until we’ve gained enough weight to develop the self-disgust that warrants a new period of serious deprivation. We have become a full-fledged member of the yo-yo club, that vast majority of dieters who cannot keep the weight off for more than a few weeks.

The reasons we go ôonö and ôoffö diets are numerous: they are boring, depressing, and very uncomfortable. They set us apart from friends, family, and coworkers who continue to snack, to feast, and to celebrate. We resent how diets make us feel and how they impact our daily lives.

Let’s look at the whole picture from a different perspective for a minute.

Instead of ôa dietö envision a way of eating that involves living on a diet for the rest of your life. While the prospect may appall you, don’t say you can’t do it just yet.

First, consider another wide-spread concept many of us accept. To lose substantial weight in a relatively short time, we need to select the diet that seems to fit us and then stay with it, religiously, until we’ve reached our goal.

Let’s now take these two concepts, squish them together, and then turn them upside down.

We are not ôgoing on a diet.ö We are starting our diet-for-life. We then pick a diet, any diet at all, and make the commitment to stick with that diet for one week, and one week only. At the end of the week, we are going to pick an entirely different diet to which again we only commit for a one week period. This continues for virtually the rest of our lives with selected diets changing on a weekly basis.

What does this accomplish? A whole bunch of things:


By selecting a different diet each week, it removes those common misgivings that maybe we should have gone in a different direction. We worry that we’re not getting the right nutrients or that we’re going to get sick or develop a rare disease. We read the diet ratings and panic at the warnings posted for all the popular programs. With our new approach, you don’t have to fret about if you made a good or bad choice because you’ll be making a new choice in a week.


If there are particularly painful ôNo-Nosö in this week’s diet, resolve to try something next week that allows a currently forbidden fruit. For example, a primarily protein regimen has been found successful for many participants who often lose five or ten pounds in a week. However, they miss the vegetables and salad they enjoy. The next week could then be a vegetables and salad only routine, also successful for rapid weight loss but a bit lean on the protein you body needs for self-repair.

You may then find yourself craving some good bread so you switch to the Subway diet for a week until your craving is satisfied. Move on to something completely different û the cabbage soup diet or liquid shakes. Since there are literally thousands of diets, a few are bound to include the food you crave.

You are never more than a week away from having what you feel you absolutely must have in order to keep going. You can include spartan fad diets that move fat quickly and you can include calorie counting or Weight Watcher diets that allow almost anything so long as you adjust your intake to stay within the totals specified.


The frequent changes in your eating patterns keep your body off-balance. Give the body enough time and advance notice and it will adapt to anything, turning protein into carbohydrates and storing even low calorie carbohydrates as little pockets of fat. By totally changing what you eat on a regular basis, the body gives up trying to figure out how to thwart you and spends its time efficiently processing what you give it. You are effectively using your smart little mind to outmaneuver your smart not-so-little body.


The constant changes force you to buy food in smaller packages. It’s pointless and wasteful to buy those family packs of anything. That will help you with overall portion reduction, a must for any serious dieter. Your shopping goal is only to purchase items that you can consume within a week. If you see something that you particularly want but is not on your allowed list, make a mental note to find a diet for next week that can accommodate it.


The need for a new diet each week requires that you read and research a lot of diets. The reading acts as reinforcement for your goals and will assure your continuing education on nutrition and fitness. When you see something that intrigues you or just makes a lot of sense, try it out. Perhaps one week will involve barely restricted eating but require a lot of exercise. Go for it û it’s only a week.


You are in the happy position of having wide choices available but also the needed structure of an organized plan to follow. The regimented eating is within each week’s diet; the power of choice is operative when you decide what the next week’s program will be.


Mediterranean Diet Information

Mediterranean diet is basically the dietary traditions followed by the people of Greece, Spain and southern Italy who live around the Mediterranean Sea. It has been studied by an American Dr Ancel Keys when he landed in Greece in 1945. He discovered that the people of Greece and Spain had longer life expectancy and didn’t have any major health problem.

Their diet mainly consists of lots of food from plant sources freshly eaten minimally processed, locally grown, and seasonal and very little food from animal sources

Foods mainly are fresh fruits, vegetables, sea fresh fish, herbs, bread, grains, nuts and seeds, non refined oils like olive oil which is 25% to 35% of fat consumed and low consumption of saturated fats, moderate consumption of cheese and yoghurt, honey and fresh fruits for desserts, lots of fresh fish and non refined cereals.

Vegetables consumed should be at least 1 pound and red meat consumed sparingly only. Lots of physical activity and consumption of wine if taken should only be 1 glass for women and 2 glasses for men daily with meals.

Fruits are mainly grapes, raisins olives, avocado, strawberries, raspberries, currant, blue berries grapes, black olives, orange, apple, pear, figs, pomegranates, dates, passion fruits, cherry, apricot, grapefruit, peach, prunes, quince, bergamot and plums.

Vegetables are spinach, lettuce, cauliflower, broccoli, white peach, bell pepper, carrot, beetroot, tomato, onion, shallots, scallions, green onion, celery, eggplant, capers, cucumber, lemon, Zucchini, white and red cabbage, mushroom, grapevine leaves, artichokes, potatoes, sweet corn and gherkin.
Grains are mainly pasta, couscous, rice, polenta, bulgur etc.

Legumes are carob, peas, beans, lima beans, chickpea and lentils.
Herbs and spices used are anise, basil, bay leaves, borage, peppercorns, garlic, chilies, chamomile, chervil, chives, dill, fennel, lavender, marjoram, mint, nutmeg, oregano, parsley, sesame seeds, rosemary, sage, savory, sorrel, tarragon, and thyme, vanilla, mahaleb, red saffron, masticha, cinnamon, clove, coriander, cumin and caraway.

Cheese used are mainly from sheep and goats milk - bocconcini, edam, feta, halloumi, kasseri, kefalograviera, kefalotyri, roquefort cheese, mozzarella, mitzithra, manouri, manchego, peciino toscano , mascarpone, parmesan, and pecorino, anthotyro, xynotyri, ladotyri, anevato and batzos.

Nuts are almonds, fennel, poppy, sesame, pistachio nuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, walnuts, pine nuts and chestnuts.

Fish and fillets are herring, salmon, trout, tuna, anchovies, sardines, mackerels, cod, and carp. Sea foods like octopus, clams, mussels and squids are also eaten.A wide variety of these foods consumed daily has been found to be very good for the heart as well.

Losing Weight with Phentermine

To be healthy is the ultimate desire of the young generation. A healthy body is defined as a proper ratio of height and weight of an individual and it is called mass index. If mass index exceeds the body ratio then it is treated as an obesity case. There are mainly two advantages of healthy body; increase in resistive power to fight back the disease, and improve self-confidence level of the individual. Keeping body fit helps the individual to progress in all the walks of life.

To overcome obesity is the primary requirement of an individual and to overcome this, strong will power and patience play an important role. But in most of the cases, people are unable to cope up with these factors; thus some of the medicine experts introduced weight loss tablets in the market. These pills help in reducing the excess weight and keep the individual fit and healthy. One of such pill is the Phentermine, which acts as an agent in suppressing the diet and appetite. When diet and appetite is in control, body automatically responds to the mass index of the individual. The Phentermine is one of the best diet suppressant medicines available in the recent market. It has a certificate approved by the FDA and it is working in this field since 1953. It helps in reducing weight in just two to three months. The proper ratio of metabolic rate and the calorie ratios are properly maintained with the help of Phentermine. Another reason for Phentermine to be popular world wide is the cost of the pills as compared to other weight loss pills. Phentermine pills are cheap and fulfill the desire of being healthy and fit.

As we know that the Phentermine is a medicine that controls the appetite, it is also an Anorectics class of drug. The main job of these pills is to affect the serotonin conditions of the brain and in turn reduce the quantity of intake. Due to this the individual is less attracted towards the fatty foodstuffs and gains control over the excess calories. Every medicine takes time to show actual effects and the same is the case with Phentermine, so people taking Phentermine pills should have patience and will power.

Phentermine does not boast about its popularity neither it is a magic pill because Phentermine work for those people who are ready to carry out daily workouts nor stick to the balanced diet. It is a two way process. Once you are ready to follow the system then only Phentermine will work for you otherwise the result will not be achieved as per your anticipation. The Phentermine pills are recommended to those patients who are suffering from obesity and other illness related to over-weight. People with heart problems should not go for Phentermine. Pregnant women are advised to stay away from Phentermine and in case they are already taking Phentermine, should consult their doctor for the right kind of doses; otherwise the new born baby may lead to abnormalities. Brest feeding mothers are not recommended to take Phentermine pills.

There are various formulae available in case of Phentermine pills, one of them is quick release formula that provides fast impact on the blood stream and helps in controlling the appetite and reduces the weight enormously. The second formula works with time frame, in which the medicine mixes in blood stream after 12 hours and after this period only, the actions start for controlling the appetite. The obesity patients who are undergoing treatment with Phentermine are advised not to engage in activities such as driving and working on heavy machineries.

Individuals have to follow Phentermine pills for three to four months and during this period they have to carry out regular exercise and follow correct dose of the pills.


Quick Facts on South Beach Diet

It is a fact: we are born in a society where beauty is a powerful asset. It is important, for specially women, to fit that sexy and coveted figure projected by Hollywood. Physical beauty may not mean everything, but it does mean a lot. Who wouldn’t want to get approving stares from eligible bachelors? Who wouldn’t want to be tagged sexy and beautiful? Everyone dreams of that faithful day.

The world-renowned South Beach Diet promises a way to get that dream. It claims have a way of living relying by taking in just the right amount of fats and carbohydrates. Meaning, you don’t need to deprive yourself of delicious desserts and meals any longer. Sweet deal right?

The South Beach Diet has been in existence for years now. Even Senator Hilary Clinton has tried and benefited from it. Celebrated talk show host Oprah made an effort with the program. Sex In The City’s Kim Cattrall and award-wining actress Nicole Kidman swears it works for them. After several books published about the phenomena of South Beach Diet, Hollywood stars have joined the craze. You might just want to join the bandwagon.

The heart-friendly South Beach Diet was fashioned by cardiologist Dr. Arthur Agatston MD, director of the Mount Sinai Cardiac Prevention Center in Miami Beach, Fla. He also wrote the best-selling book entitled South Beach Diet: The Delicious, Doctor-Designed, Foolproof Plan for Fast and Healthy Weight Loss. The South Beach Diet gives emphasis to the consumption of healthy fats and carbs. Not only do doctors believe that too much intake of unhealthy or bad carbohydrates adds to the probability of a person to have heart diseases but it creates a resistance to insulin. Insulin is important to our body without which we will tend to eat a lot but still our body will be in a state of starvation.

The South Beach Diet has tree stages. In all three of them, Dr. Agataston advises to lessen the intake of unhealthy fats.

The first stage of The South Beach Diet lasts for two weeks. Lean meats are advised but dieters are asked to forget sweets that have high sugar content and that include the yummy cakes and bread of friendly neighborhood bakeshop. Staying away from this food will make your body non-resist insulin and in turn, your body will burn up the fats you wanted to loose leading to weight loss of up to 13 pounds. The objective is to eat three balanced meals in a day, and to have adequate food intake so that you won’t crave for more.

There are a number of tools you use to gauge your progress by following The South Beach Diet|: the practical and a-must-have weighing scale at home, hearty yet delicious recipes, a meal planner, a calendar, a journal were you could not only track how South Beach Diet has helped you in your weight dilemma but also how it changed your life, and of course to make weight loss more fulfilling try be in a group so you could also discuss with friends and share tips.

So now you ask the question, are you one the people who can make South Beach Diet bring incredible results? Well, if you have the will, determination and self-motivation to loose weight then you are sure to get that perfect figure in no time. Just a quick reminder, it s is always wise to consult a physician first before getting into a South Beach Diet program. For it would not be smart to loose weight and be unhealthy, it misses the whole point.

Are You Struggling With Weight Loss Management?

It doesn’t matter whether you are trying to lose five pounds or more than 50 pounds; all of the same simple laws of physics determine whether or not you will lose weight and how fast your weight loss will occur. While everyone is different, if everyone remembered these simple guidelines and put them into practice, then they would find that these guidelines would generally lead to weight loss without the aid of any special diet plans, books, or medications.

Our weight is determined by the amount of energy that we take in as food, and the amount of energy we expend in the activities of our day. Energy is measured in calories. If your weight remains constant, you are probably taking in the same amount of calories that you are burning each and every day. If you’re slowly gaining weight over time, it is likely that your caloric intake is greater than the number of calories you burn through your daily activities.

Everyone is in control of the amount of food he or she consumes each day, so as a result, our intake of calories is something we can control with relative simplicity. To some degree, we are also able to control our output of energy, or the number of calories we burn each day. The number of calories we burn each day is dependent upon:

1. Our basal metabolic rate (BMR)
2. The number of calories we burn per hour simply by being alive and maintaining bodily functions and
3. Our level of physical activity

For some people, due to genetic (inherited) factors or other conditions, their resting metabolic rate can be slightly higher or lower than average. Our weight also plays a role in determining how many calories we burn at rest û the more calories that are required to maintain your body in its present state, the greater your body weight. As an example, a person that weighs around a hundred pounds requires less energy (food) to maintain body weight than a person who weighs 200 pounds.

Lifestyle and work habits partially determine how many calories we need each day. Someone whose job involves heavy physical labor will naturally burn more calories in a day than someone who sits at a desk most of the day (a sedentary job). For people who do not have jobs that require intense physical activity, you need exercise or increased physical activity to increase the number of calories burned.

As a rough estimate, an average woman aged 31-50 who leads a sedentary lifestyle needs about 1800 calories per day to maintain a normal weight. A man of the same age requires about 2200 calories. Participating in a moderate level of physical activity (exercising 3-5 days per week) requires about 200 additional calories per day.

In order to lose weight rather than maintain it, you will want to eat sensible, well balanced meals with small portion sizes, cut down or reduce your intake of daily calories, try with your best efforts to eliminate fats from your diet and ensure that you exercise on a regular basis.

Diabetic Diets

After being diagnosed with diabetes, one has to come to terms with it and make a few changes to their lifestyle. At the most, they will be put on a new diet plan.   One does not have to skip meals or avoid eating food that one has always loved completely in order to follow a diet plan. In fact, skipping meals only increases the sugar levels in one’s body.

For instance, fried, pureed or oily items can increase one’s blood sugar levels. Choose foods items that can act as a healthy substitute to these such as low fat dairy, meat substitutes, green vegetables and fruits.

A diabetic diet is a balanced diet featuring fresh fruits, vegetables, fats, proteins and most dairy products. Although diabetes cannot always be completely cured, it can be brought under control. It is essential to moderate one’s food intake and do regular exercise in order to maintain a healthy diet.

Eating fibrous food items can also reduce one’s weight considerably. These also help reduce the sugar levels in turn. Some instances of fibrous foods are oat bran, beans, rice bran, and cereals and so on. Garlic helps keep diabetes at bay. It is rich in potassium, zinc and sulphur and helps reduce blood-sugar levels.

Avoid salty foods, as they can increase sugar levels. Since one might already get enough salt from vegetables or other natural foods, they should reduce its intake.

Last but not least one should be constantly in touch with a physician who can help them to not only prepare an effective diet, to also take steps to keep their diabetes under control.

The Easy Diet To Help You To Lose Those Excess Pounds

If you are somebody who faces a yearly struggle and battle with your weight, this article may be of interest to you. In this article I write about how I have had an ongoing battle with my own weight and how I after a lot of courage lost the excess pounds.

I am one of those people who has a liking to the wrong types of food and drinks and as a result have had an ongoing battle with my weight for most of my life. I have always had to be very careful what I eat as I seem to gain weight very easily. In my life I have tried many weight loss programs, however I have always looked for a way to of losing weight without having to resort to starve myself or by having to do huge amounts of exercise.

I have always been annoyed and frustrated with family and friends who seem to be able to eat without getting fat. I am sure I eat half as much as these people but am still twice their size, it is not fair! That was until a couple of years ago.

I decided I needed to find my own way of losing weight. I had to be honest with myself, I was aware that I did very little exercise and that I liked all of the wrong types of food. I was a bit of a fast food junkie, this was only because of my busy lifestyle . One of my biggest problems though was that I liked snack food, such as peanuts, chocolate and crisps. I also liked an alcohol as this helped me to gain confidence.

I knew that most people would advise me to stop eating all fatty type foods, especially the pizzas and chips. They would also no doubt, advise me to join a gym and to go jogging every morning. Get real! Those gyms are full of thin people, if I go jogging I might get mugged, and I am sorry but life would not be worth living without my weekly pizza!

I decide that what I needed was my own weight loss plan. I thought that what I would do is to basically eat a healthy type breakfast, which would be cerial or toast. I would have a fairly light lunch, such as a sandwich, however for my evening meal I could eat whatever I wanted. The main thing and most difficult to implement would be the fact that I would be no longer eating between meals. The snacks had to go!. I am not trying to say that this was easy to do, however I had a need and was determined to lose weight.

For exercise I started to leave the car at home, wherever possible, and walk to more places. I also started taking my children to the park more often. At the park we would play games such as football, cricket and baseball. It is amazing how much weight you can lose by having fun.

These things in time helped me to lose a lot of my excess weight.

Nutrition Notes on Weight Loss Supplements and Diet Pills

More and more spend hundred and even thousands of dollars yearly on weight loss supplements in the hope of speeding up their metabolism.  The main desire is to be attractive and accepted but it is becoming a more difficult goal to achieve.  The fitness industry is booming but still a lot of people are unable to cut those fat in spite of all the exercise and diet efforts.  In America, more than sixty per cent of adults are overweight and thirty per cent are considered obese.  This is because: one, a lot of weight loss products promises unrealistic goals; two, dietary supplement manufacturers rely on the overweight person’s failure to survive; and three, the information about the supplements in the market are just written by themselves just to make a sell.

Although the Food and Drug Administration has successfully banned illegal marketers, some products are still available.  Consumers can be deceived of the labels which claims caffeine or ephedra fee not knowing that these supplements composes of other ingredients that may pose the same health risks.  These include heart and digestive problems, headaches, insomnia, and even psychological side effects.

Other supplement manufacturers say that their products contains EGCG which is a phytochemical ingredient found in green tea.  This so-called component claims to speed up metabolism but in reality poses to reduce the risk of cancer.  Some studies denote that it could slightly increase the potential to burn calories and now can be found in many weight loss supplements.  It has good points on the other hand since the body might conform to EGCG after a period of time.  Eve the weight loss benefit could sum up to 60 to 70 calories a day.  This helps prevent excessive weight gain.

A few other significant effects of weight loss supplements is that it may contain ingredients that makers claim will prevent the absorption of carbohydrates.  One good example is Chitosan, which appears most promising, which in fact shows no positive result in fat absorption.  It could even take up to seven months for men to lose just a pound of body fat and for women, there is no fat loss at all.  Thyroid supplements act as thyroid replacements help regulate and optimize the thyroid at a higher level.  This they say makes the body feel like a couch potato and won’t perform the job it has to.

Diet Pills. According to manufacturers, diet pills use natural ingredients capable of prolonging life and containing alcohol used in medication or flavoring.  One thing’s for sure, never take diet pills as substitute for cutting calories without the doctor’s recommendation.  There are simple but important steps to be followed when taking diet pills:

1.Never crush diet pills to mix in drinks or soups.  Take it whole with a full glass of water.
2.Diet pills causes a person to urinate more frequently due to its diuretic effect.  This could lead to dehydration, thus, causing complications.  As a pre-caution, it is best to drink eight glasses of water everyday while on diet pills.
3.Take only the recommended dosage.  Taking more than required will not help you lose weight but increase the risk of side effects.
4.Heartbeat should be less than 86 beats per minute.  Stop taking the pills if it reaches 90 or higher that is why regular checking of pulse is a must.
5.Always follow the instructions set by the dietician and/or doctor and not only rely on what’s enclosed in the box.  Also diet pills will only work as expected if diet plan is being followed.
6.After three months, stop taking the diet pills.  Common diet phenylpropanolamine is safe to use only up to sixteen weeks.  Other studies show that it can cause health problems if taken under one month.

What Is The Mediterranean Diet?

In 1993, the Harvard Medical School released the results of research that studied the diets of those countries bordering on the Mediterranean. Their findings suggested that fat and carbohydrates were NOT the main culprit in obesity and heart disease, but rather that the RIGHT fats and carbohydrates should be the base for a healthy diet. The study pointed to low rates of obesity, diabetes and heart disease throughout the region as proof of their contention.

Exactly what is the Mediterranean diet and can it help you lose weight? There actually is no 'Mediterranean' diet - it's a compilation of the way that people in the countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea eat. Despite the differences in actual specifics, all of those studied based their diets on the same proportions of food groups and calories, and all included olive oil as their main source of fat. In fact, their diets contained far more than the recommendations made by the USDA - 40% rather than the 30% recommended for most healthy Americans. Still, the evidence was irrefutable. Therefore, it must have been the KIND of carbohydrates and fats that make the difference.

The Mediterranean diet consists of the following guidelines:

60% Of Total Carbohydrates From Grains, Fruits And Vegetables

Those include whole rice, fresh vegetables and fruits, whole grain breads and cereals, polenta, pasta (made with whole grain, not refined white flour)

Sparing Use of Red Meat, Fish And Poultry

The typical adult Mediterranean consumes about 15 ounces of red meat and poultry per week. Another 5-15 ounces of fish per week account for the bulk of their meat protein intake. Compare that to the typical American diet which might include a 1 pound steak for dinner one night, a 1/2 pound chicken breast the next, and on and on.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is not a miracle oil. It is, however, mono-unsaturated - a good fat. Mono-unsaturated fats help lower cholesterol rather than raising it, and are healthy ways to add fats to your diet (and yes, even though we think of fat as a dirty word, your body does need some, or it can't use many of the vitamins you feed it!)

The other important component of the Mediterranean lifestyle was activity. The typical Mediterranean day includes walking rather than driving, physical activity in the fields or the home and recreation. Physical activity is vital in helping the body to lose weight, and to maintain your new weight once you reach it.

The secret to losing weight with the Mediterranean diet is to base your meals on healthy carbohydrates - leafy green vegetables, brightly colored vegetables, whole grains and meals. Use meat sparingly - no more than 3-6 ounces per day. Derive dietary fat from vegetable sources - or from fish oil. Exercise regularly to rev up your metabolism. The Mediterranean diet isn't a weight loss regimen. It's a new way of eating that will help you reach your goal weight and stay there when you get there.