

Fat loss for idiots

I don't want to be mean or petty, but if you need help losing weight, then you're just not paying attention. There's nobody - literally nobody - who doesn't know how to lose weight. You just eat less and exercise. That's what it comes down to. That's fat loss for idiots.

So let's lay out some specs in our fat loss for idiots bible. Like I said, "eat less and exercise." But what, exactly, does that mean?

Well, "eat less" means eating two thousand calories or fewer per day if you're an adult male. If you need to measure portions to do that, then measure portions. If you don't know the calorie count of something, do some research on the internet or talk to your doctor. Part of fat loss for idiots is not being a passive idiot; make sure you're active in your approach to what you eat, when and how much.

So step one in fat loss for idiots: Cut down to 2000 calories or fewer if you're an adult male. For an adult female, you'll want to cut down to 1400 calories or fewer.

Step two is understanding when to eat. Humans are animals, and like all animals, we've evolved over the millennia to eat a certain diet at a certain time. Humans, until the last five hundred years, were largely "grazers." That means we would eat a little bit of food a lot of times during the day. Rather than having a giant breakfast and a giant dinner, humans would generally eat smaller portions at proper meals then have a handful of nuts, or berries or fruits at various times in between meals. Our bodies are still evolved to process this kind of calorie intake more efficiently, so do as our ancestors did and graze. Keep almonds, or baby carrots, or strawberries by your desk eat them when you get hungry.

Also, make sure you don't eat close to bed time. When you take in calories, if you immediatley go to sleep they'll be much more likely to turn to fat rather than become stored as useable energy or built into muscle. So no food two hours or less before bed.

And finally in our fat loss for idiots tome, make sure you work out every day. It could be something as simple as taking a long stroll around the neighborhood or something as vigorous as a 25 mile bike ride; regardless, you need to burn the energy you take in or else you'll never lose your fat. If you can build muscle at the same time, your fat will disappear even quicker.