There's a sort of style, a glamor, a, as the french say, Je ne sais quoi that Americans frequently associate with France. Though only a small percentage of our country's heritage comes from France, a large portion of our aesthetic values comes from there, and as a result you see a lot of French country decor in the new world - more than you'd think, otherwise.
So what does French country decor consist of? Well, the number one attribute is sunshine. Bright and plentiful, sunshine has to be evoked for your new room to boast French country decor. Without it, you just have a mismatched room.
The goal is to create a rustic look. You want something that is old world, rich and warm, and always welcoming. You want something that will make you at home in the meanest of country houses as well as in the most impressive and largest of the old chateauxs.
Obviously, since sunshine is so crucial to the mix when aiming for french country decor, you'll see a lot of natural colors in a room decorated in that particular style. Sunshine yellow is number one, but there will be softer, subtler shades of gold as well. You'll see some nice, bright reds - especially since ceramic chickens are part of french country decor, and their combs are a vivid red - but more often you'll see a deeper rust instead. There will also be greens, whether the bright green of grass or the richer tones of the forest, the colors of french country decor spans the entire wheel of the spectrum.
When aiming for a french style room or country house, it's important to bear in mind that a lot of the decorating should be done with natural materials. You'll want plaster walls that are either rough stained or painted, and ceilings with visible, sturdy beams showing. The furniture itself should be carved, with hand-sown pillows there to give volume. The floors, of course, will be stone, and covered in warm, hand-made rugs.
Of course, the best part about any home that's decorated in the french country style will be the old fashioned stone fireplace. It's a must, and it's the centerpiece for any french country decor home.
If you want to spruce it up even more, another suggestion is to have vines that can grow around window and doorframes. It'ls a bit of authentic french country decor that can give your home the warmth and invitingness you're searching for.