

Low Carb Weight Loss Dangers

Did you know that diets that are extremely high in protein, with a low intake of carbohydrates, are hardly ever recommended by professionals and can often be dangerous?

Few people are actually aware of low carb, weight loss dangers. With fads like the Atkins diet returning caution must be used when beginning a low carb, weight reduction program. Generally, programs such as these have no place in a safe weight reduction program.

Diets that are high in animal protein and low in vegetables can be dangerous. Safety in these types of diets are not proven over the long term. Awareness of some of the side effects of low carb weight loss program could save your health down the road.

The Dangers Of A High Fat Animal Diet.

Some of the risks associated with a low carb weight loss program, high in animal protein is abdominal obesity. There is also a risk of coronary heart disease, and diabetes.

Risk factors in a low carb high protein diet may include the following: Heart disease which can be developed from the saturated fats and cholesterol found in meat. High protein foods, such as meat, are usually high in saturated fats. Foods high in saturated fats are usually high in cholesterol too. Other long term health risks of a diet high in protein include: Increased risk of developing gout, gall bladder, colic, and colin cancer.

Ketosis: This is a build-up of waste products which can be found in people that are starving, or who have anorexia, or those with insulin dependent diabetes. In severe conditions, ketosis can cause death.

Kidney problems: In The Nurses Healthy Study on 121,700 women showed (Knight et al., Annuals Internal Med 2003; 138: 460-67) that high protein intakes (especially from animal foods and fish) between 86g to 150g per day can cause further decline in kidney function in women who already have impaired function. In contrast, high protein intake did not affect women with normal kidney function. Researchers estimate that about 30% of all adults may have mild undetected kidney problems which could be worsened by high intakes of animal foods.

It goes back to the old saying when considering any diet, especially when it comes to low carb weight loss. Moderation is the key to all things, and is important in developing a safe weight reduction program. With any diet program, it is important to consult with a medical professional. Article Source