

4 Facts About the Medifast Diet You Probably Didn't Know (But Really Should!)

In this article I'd like to take a quick look at 4 facts about the Medifast diet you probably don't know. In my view, especially if you are ANYTHING like me, you probably want to know ALL of the facts before you pick a good diet. Isn't that what ALL of us do for days (weeks, and months!) BEFORE finally picking a path? Well, if that sounds like you, read on as we examine 4 facts about Medifast you REALLY ought to know! Read on..:-)

Medifast IS Available Without A prescription

For a long time, Medifast was only available through your friendly family doctor or medial center..:-) This has changed, and Medifast is now equally available to EVERYONE equally. Does that mean something important has changed in the diet itself? Absolutely NOT! It's just means you are FREE to reap the very same rewards as those that previously required a doctors "note"..:-)

Medifast Meal Replacement Bars are HALF the Calories of Other Popular Products

The calories in a typical Medifast meal bar? Try 160. Fiber? 15% of your daily value - PER bar! Why is this important? Well, on the calorie front, some of the popular meal replacement bars out there have DOUBLE the calories and FAR more sugar to boot. Remember - you are NOT eating Medifast for protein, or to pack on are eating it to SLIM down and lose weight.

Medifast in the Lab

Did you know that in a clinical setting (John's Hopkins Hospital) Medifast users lost an AVERAGE of about 60 pounds? It's true....about 64 for men and 57 for women. That's a LOT of weight folks, and these dieters were not doing ANYTHING different than the rest of us should (other than being watched to make SURE they weren't cheating..:-)

Medifast and Variety

There are over 65 different food choices you can select from on the Medifast program. Why is this important? Well, studies show that variety IS indeed important to long term weight loss. People get bored with the same stuff, day in and day out...and BOREDOM leads to diet abandonment. Keeping things fresh, new and interesting is a central reason why so MANY people continue to lose, and RAVE about their Medifast experience.

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