

Boosting the Benefits of Having Botox

While once something that only celebrities could afford, the Botox treatment is now available to anyone who is interested in having it. As an anti-aging procedure, it has come into the mainstream and is showing no signs of losing popularity.

Injected into the face by a professional trained to administer the treatment, this form of age reversal helps to minimize the appearance of facial lines that have developed around the eyes, the mouth, and between the eyebrows. It is fast becoming one of the most commonly requested aesthetic procedures.

Botox is a safe, minimally invasive non-surgical cosmetic procedure. It rejuvenates and can help to turn back the clock. When it is safely administered by a clinician who is well trained and has experience, most people report that that are very satisfied with the results they receive.

If you are a first-time patient with this therapy, you want to be happy with the results you receive. You also want to heal as quickly as possible so you can enjoy the successful outcome of the procedure.

There are things you can do to boost the benefits associated with getting a Botox treatment. The muscles that have been treated with the drug should be exercised approximately one to two hours following the procedure. Try squinting, frowning, smiling, and raising your eyebrows. This is advantageous because it helps to work the drug into your facial muscles. While doing these exercises can help, not doing them will not have a negative impact on your results if you forget to do them.

To prevent bruising, do not take Tylenol, Advil, or vitamin E after the treatment. Ask the clinician for a list of medications (prescription and over-the-counter) that you should steer clear of directly following having this cosmetic procedure.

Resist the urge to massage or rub the areas that have been treated for at least four to five hours afterwards. You should also avoid doing yoga, Pilates, or any other kind of strenuous physical activity for four hours following the treatment. Facials and saunas should not be indulged in for at least four hours after having Botox, and preferably longer. Doing any of these things is apt to raise your blood pressure, which is not what you want. The risk of temporary bruising is reduced if your blood pressure does not go up.

Taking a shower the same day as you have this minimally invasive procedure is okay to do, as long as you do not make it too hot. You should also be able to go about the majority of your day-to-day activities without any worries about your health.

If you have developed any small marks or bumps due to having this cosmetic therapy, they will subside within a few hours to a day. You are permitted to apply makeup shortly after having Botox but you must do so with a very gentle touch. Avoid rubbing the incision area. You do not want to aggravate the site. Article Source