

How Depression Affects Relationships


I am realizing that happiness is not found in the outside through material goods but, how well I can explore and discover more about myself intimately. As I learn to get closer to understanding and building a relationship with myself I feel content with my personality. Perhaps, as I learn to recognize my own thoughts and feeling, I am learning to accept myself as who I am and something intimate emerges from within.

Happiness is reached when I listen to myself internally. As I learn to understand my personality, I become more human and realize that sometimes I am afraid to face myself and hide from me. In other words, depression comes to visit me when I find myself hiding away from the things that bring me joy, anger, fears that follow me unresolved, unconquered by my fearful self. I am conscious of this but, I hide away from my happiness.


As I began to explore myself honestly, I realize that perhaps my unhappiness is a result of lacking who I am. I don't know who or what am I. This comes to me from not taking the liberty or time to analyze, understand and accept myself as is.

Because I lack knowledge of who I am, I question myself with questions of what is happiness? What is feeling whole for me? For me! I have no idea. Do you? Now, because of this I feel lost and lonely at times. I could stop. I know the answer but I am to scare to plunge even deeper into my psyche because of what I will find. Perhaps I will find something I don't want to discover about myself that I hidden purposely for some time. This why I am afraid and blind in life. I hide.


I am discovering that the journey to happiness is unique for each of us. The journey of happiness starts with me, exploring who I am understanding how I think, how or what I feel and most of all how I see myself entirely. As I dig deeper through self dialogue, I began to discover how imperfect I am.

Don't get me wrong, my mind is full of bad and wonderful memories but, there is also another part of me that tells another story. The story I decided to hide from others and myself that is killing me inside. A story that makes me unhappy.


I noticed that I am the happiest when I am my true self. I call this the authentic me. In depression, this may sound roughly peculiar but, I believe I am two people, the ego or false me filled with shame, imperfections, fear then, the other half that is complete and full of life. this my authentic me that I am talking about or my true self that I wish was present more. I like this me.

Because I hide my true self from the world, I struggle to find meaning for myself in relationships. The relationship with myself is a struggle, the ego vs. The true self. This makes it difficult to relate to others. As I jump from relationship to relationship trying to find meaning, all it does it make me feel empty inside. When you refuse to explore your own self, you fail to understand who you are and what you need for yourself. This is why you roam unhappily.

My true struggle is becoming who I must become. As I live a dishonest life I become dissatisfied with myself. I am not content with who I am. All I am looking forward to is becoming authentic, real when I reach these conditions in some events of my life I will be happy. There will be no need to have to pretend to be strong, happy, perfect, just become me. Happiness for me is when I am authentic.

For instance, when we are in a relationship that feels inauthentic or unreal it's because we're dishonest. When I am not true with myself of who I am then most of my relationships feel superficial, void. I become defensive and angry with myself. However, when it's a relationship where I am free to express my true thoughts and feelings I become content. I also noticed there has to be conditions for my guard to come down. The ideal relationship is where the other will accept me and willing to surrender itself completely as I am and vice versa. Now, I am learning this about myself because of self-exploration, taking the time to understand what I am, who I am and what I need.


What does it take for the self to feel whole?

There is one special element that a relationship needs, I need a relationship where I won't be forgotten. I need for the other to always remember me, also to have a space for me in their heart and soul. I don't want to become another memory vanish through the wind.

Perhaps that is why I find relationships with others unsatisfactory, we need someone who creates meaning for us. I need to be important to them and them to me.


How can the self feel significant and whole in this world?

Besides feeling accepted and true to myself in a relationship, I have found what makes me happy in a relationship or what I am in search for is for someone who will change the way I see and feel about life. I discovered this on my own. For that I adore those that come through my life and change the way I see life differently in a positive or curious way. Those people are worth living for. I will end these thoughts for now but ask yourself the quest who is that person in your life?

Someone that can change the way you see life is the ideal person that will make you happy.

As a psychotherapist I have seen what makes the human being reach it's own happiness. I have witnessed it. Article Source