

Make the Most of Your Local Playground This Summer With These Great Exercises

Playground equipment provides countless opportunities to get in your cardiovascular ('huffy puffy') activity as well as your resistance ('muscle') exercises.

Today I highlight three exercises that can be done using only your local playground equipment.

1. Modified Chin ups:

Main muscle groups worked: Back, rear shoulders and front of arms

Find a playground bar at an appropriate level - the lower the bar, the harder it will be. Hold onto the bar with 2 hands - either over or underhand grip is fine, and bring your legs underneath the bar. Keep shoulders drawn back and down, and tummy pulled in strong. Pull yourself up to the bar, aiming to get the chin above the bar and puff the chest out towards the bar. Lower back to the start position with control. If you need a bit more assistance, you can use the legs to do some of the drive to the top of the movement.

As your strength progresses you can attempt a full chin up - choose a bar that you can completely hang from. Even just hanging from a bar will prove a good challenge for the hands, arms and shoulders to begin with.

2. Bench Step Ups:

Main muscle groups worked: Legs and buttocks. This exercise includes cardiovascular as well as resistance components

Start by standing on the floor in front of a park bench. Step one foot up, all the way onto the bench, then the other, then step back down 1 foot at a time. You can either step the first foot, tap the second foot, step the 2nd foot down, and then the first foot... or can step up 1st foot, 2nd foot, 1st foot down, 2nd foot down.

3. Tricep Dips on Bench

Main muscle groups worked: chest, front of shoulders, back of arms

Start with your hands on the bench and feet on the floor. Hands are shoulder distance apart and facing forward, and feet are hip distance apart. Shoulders are drawn back and down, and your buttocks should be close to the bench. Lower body down by letting elbows bend back, and then push back to the top. Elbows should stay close (shoulder distance) throughout. Extend the legs in front for a more advanced version Article Source