

Tips on ADHD Parenting and How to Control Behavioral Problems

It can be frustrating and very overwhelming at times as a parent of a child with ADHD trying to manage day-to-day. But, there are many strategies you can implement using ADHD parenting techniques. The first step and probably the most important is to build self-confidence in your child as well as yourself. Communication skills can help in building this self-confidence and there will be less misunderstandings with less outbursts when your child doesn't understand.

The top ADHD parenting tips are;

--You must be very specific in asking your child what it is that you are expecting of them in a calm manner. If they know what to expect, i.e., a structured routine, there is less likelihood of behavioral problems. Straightforward routines are very helpful for meals, school work, play and bed times. Engage your child in planning his or her routines. For instance have them get books for school and clothing ready for the next morning before going to bed reducing the rush of a hectic morning.

--Consistency with your instructions is very important. Repeat often what the schedule is for the day, or next on the agenda. Use an abundance of praise and pay attention to their thoughts and ideas. Really listen to them; their feelings and ideas.

--Make sure they get plenty of sleep; at least 10 hours minimum. If bedtime is a struggle natural supplements might be a solution. Research has found mineral and vitamin deficiencies in children with ADHD. Magnesium, Vitamin D, Omega-3's, B-6, B-12, A and E. Aromatherapy helps many people, including children. Essential oil scents that calm include ylang ylang, chamomile and lavender, along with sweet orange and jasmine. Sandalwood can quiet mental activity, which for a hyperactive child would be very beneficial.

--Children tire more easily, especially younger children. Try and plan a slower paced day of activities. Although the ADHD child needs to be kept active and engaged, many behavior problems are a result of a schedule that is not planned and too hectic.

--Make sure they have healthy snacks; avoiding sodas and candy. Do not skip any meals and try to have them at the same times each day. Instead of high sugar breakfast cereals and juice make breakfasts and lunches high in protein, complex carbs, and fiber. Oatmeal and a glass of milk, or peanut butter on a piece of whole grain bread will absorb more slowly keeping blood sugar levels constant for a longer period. This will help a child with ADHD concentrate and thus do better at school.

--Have a quiet time the both of you can share every day and which they will look forward to. Have them take a warm bath and read a story together at the end of the day. If your child still takes afternoon naps read together or listen to calming music. Now would be a good time to try the aromatherapy.

Making the child feel secure along with a steady, reliable ADHD parenting schedule can help ease the frustration of behavioral problems. If a child feels secure they will become more self-confident. And when a child, especially one with ADHD is self-confident they will thrive, feel calmer and want to please you more with acceptable behavior. Article Source