

How to Do the Calorie Shift? Learn How to Calorie Shift and Start Losing Weight Now!

This article is dedicated to explaining how to do the calorie shift diet which is actually part of the Fatloss4idots program. They use calorie shifting as their main diet technique because if you do it right and follow the program correctly, you could lose up to 9 pounds every 11 days. This Calorie Shift diet last 11 days, then you have a 3 day break to "cheat" and eat what you want as long as it's healthy, and then you start it all over again. A lot of people tend to skin the 3 day break because they want to continue losing weight. What they don't realize is that this is part of the calorie shift program. During this period of time, you may be taking in more calories and thus keeps your body and it's metabolism confused.

Confused Metabolism?

Your body gets used to what you eat every day. Most people tend to have a routine such as skipping breakfast, eating lunch, and then possibly eating a big dinner. Your body knows exactly about how many calories you are going to eat each day because of your routine. It then only burns those calories. But what if you started to Calorie Shift? You would eat 4 times per day instead. You would alternate between proteins and carbohydrates. Your body would not have a basis as it currently does and therefore you would have your metabolism confused.

Why is this good?

It is good because your body's metabolism will burn all of the calories you are eating and also burn any excess fat tissue. This is good because now your burning fat. And by burning fat, you start to lose weight which is ultimately your goal.

Anyone who hasn't tried the Calorie Shift diet plan should at least give it a try. Especially if you have tried all other diets and have failed. You will be pleasantly surprised when you realize that this program doesn't leave you starving and that you get to eat as much as you want basically until you feel satisfied. This works for many people because most diets leave you starving and if you're like me, you start to fear that you're going to be hungry and are not going to stick with your diet. Not the case with the Calorie Shift diet plan.
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