

Idiot Proof Diet Reviews - The Reviews Are in and Idiot Proof Diet Customers Speak Up

When it comes to evaluating diets a lot of factors can go into making an informed decision - is the science sound, does it conform to known principles of nutrition, has it been sufficiently tested. All of these are great indicators however they can pale in comparison to real life usage of a diet. For instance having sound science could deliver a diet that will shed fat, but yet be so complicated that only someone with a PhD would ever follow it.

Likewise having a diet that conforms to know nutritional principles may create a fat burning program that works but yet tastes so horrid that no one uses it. And while scientific testing is good and necessary it does little to prove that people who are outside the control of scientists in lab coats will ever use it in a world where the temptations of quickie marts and fast food are just around the corner.

This leaves us looking to the one indicator that we can see that actually prove a diets effectiveness in the real world. That is the customers satisfaction.

What The Customers Said About The Change Ups

Now I must say that while I understood the nutritional soundness of the Idiot Proof Diet, I had my doubts as to whether a diet that had people constantly changing their foods would be effective in the real world. The thought of having to keep track of each type of food seemed to be a laborious concept. I was pleasantly surprised to find that most dieters had no problem with this at all.

Plus the time to ease up on the food rotations during the cheat days really helped keep these dieters sane and still lose weight. One customer well call "Darla" puts it into perspective well:

Customer Quote - "I've never been on a diet where I was allowed to it does freak me out a bit. BUT. I AM SOOOO EXCITED to be able to eat a cookie if I want it. I absolutely love this diet. I have never gotten results like this before. Today is Day 11 for me and I woke up this morning another lb. lighter... so I have lost 9 lbs."

The cheat phase is a critical component to all of the successful diets that I have seen over the years. The psychological boost that this gives to the period of disciplined phase is critical. It's as if the mind says, "OK I can do this because in just a few days I know that my cookies and ice cream are just around the corner..."

The other factor that I have noticed to about this diets success is that the foods that it uses on a daily basis are real foods and there are a ton of food choices. This means that the dieter does not have to purchase private label foods that are made by the diet creators. They can eat whatever foods fit the bill for that particular portion of the calorie shifting phase.

Long Term Success

But the greatest testament to this diets success is longevity. The dieters are able to keep on the diet for a long time. While I am not against quick loss diets for getting some momentum going, I like to see diets that can deliver the goods over the long haul. This diet seems to have both. For instance lets see what Dobie says about he and his wifes weight loss on this program:

Customer Quote - "My wife found [the diet] in August and we have gone through almost four cycles where I have lost 28 pounds and my wife has lost almost 20 in the same time. We are on day 8 of our fourth cycle and have enjoyed the success.... This includes two weeks off in the middle of this (two we did not diet AT ALL... I can see eating this way as a life long way of life."
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