

What is Calorie Shifting? Learn How to Shift Calories and Lose That Stubborn Fat!

Calorie Shifting is a new method of dieting that thousands have used in an attempt to lose weight and get back their slim body.

Calorie Shifting: What is it? How Does it Work?

Calorie Shifting is a dieting technique that is used to achieve long term weight loss. It works by rotating or "shifting" the types of calories you eat each day. The menu of these items is generated by an online diet generator that you have access to once you purchase the Calorie Shifting Diet. This menu automatically rotates proteins and carbohydrates in a specific way that increases your metabolism which in turn burns the calories you are eating with this diet but also any excess fat tissue. This is what starts your weight loss.

Why other diets don't work when Calorie Shifting does

Most other diets have you reducing the amount of calories you eat each day. When dieting in this way, you will lose weight but then you will notice that your weight loss will slow down. You get discouraged and start eating like normal again and then you end up gaining more weight than when you first started. The reason this happens is because it is your body's natural way of surviving without food. By reducing your calorie intake and starving yourself, your body starts to store fat in order to survive.

This is where the calorie shifting theory is useful in weight loss. You maintain a higher metabolism by calorie shifting and this allows you to lose weight and fat without reducing your calorie intake. This plan allows you to eat until you feel satisfied as opposed to other diets which leave you starving. For the most part, people using this plan have reported excellent results with this diet plan.

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