

5 Reasons Why You're Not Losing Your Belly Fat

Losing belly fat doesn't happen overnight. The unwanted fat around your waistline has most likely taken a few years to develop so it's not going to disappear in a few days.

If you want to lose your belly fat you are going to have to make changes to your lifestyle. But it's not as tough as it might sound. Here are 5 simple changes that you can make to your lifestyle to get the results you want.

1. Only Eat When You're Not Hungry

It's not going to help your fat loss efforts if you constantly snack between meals out of habit or because you're bored. Think about whether or not you really are hungry and if you're not, go for a short walk or drink a glass of water to reduce the boredom or break the habit. If you are hungry, have some healthy snacks prepared in advance so you're not reaching for the potato chips or candy bars.

2. Cut Down On Processed Food

Processed foods are products that come in boxes, packets or cartons. They are usually loaded with calories and have high levels of additives to extend their shelf life. Cook large batches of food using fresh ingredients and store them in your freezer to have readily available all week. Making the change from processed foods to natural, unprocessed foods will give your fat loss efforts a huge boost.

3. Do Some Exercise

Try out some new exercise activities and find one that you enjoy and that you can stick with for the long-term. You don't have to go to gym as you can create an exercise plan to do at home. Start by including some extra physical activity into your day. If you drive to work, park your car a little further away from your work and always take the stairs, not the elevator. If you use public transport, get off one stop early and walk the rest of the way.

4. Don't Blame Your Genetic Makeup

The amount of fat in our bodies is not just because of to the genes that we have been handed down. The quantity of fat our body holds is also relevant to the amount and type of food we have eaten during our life and the physical activity that we do on a regular basis. Nutrition and exercise controls the vast majority of your weight and the shape of your body.

5. Get A Plan

It can be challenging losing your belly fat when you live a busy lifestyle. But without having some kind of plan, you won't achieve your objectives. You need to schedule your exercise, think about what you are going to eat and have healthy snacks on hand for when you get hungry. You will encounter setbacks but don't let that stop you. When have a setback, acknowledge it, make the effort to improve going forward and then go forward.
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