

And You Thought Losing Weight Was Just About Food - Using Your Subconscious To Keep Weight Off

Science has identified four major brain wave states. These states indicate the level of activity and degree of accessibility of the brain. Various parts of your brain can be in different brain wave states at the same time. For simplicity's sake we will pretend all of your brain is in the same brain wave state at once. These states are identified as:

1. Beta: Commonly called the "adult" or "alert" brain wave state. When you are in this state, your brain activity measures about 14-35 brain wave cycles per second on an electroencephalogram (EEG). You know you are in this state when you are alert, conscious and aware of what is going on around you.

2. Alpha: Measures 7-14 brain wave cycles on the EEG. This is the state of hypnosis, meditation and light sleep. You are also in this state when you daydream, "space out" or drive down the street without remembering the last few miles ("highway hypnosis").

3. Theta: This measures about 3 ½ -7 brain wave cycles per second. Theta occurs mostly during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep--deep, dream sleep. It used to be thought that only Yogis and Zen Masters could reach theta and maintain a conscious awareness. We now know that using hypnosis and deepening techniques, anyone can do it. It takes some practice.

4. Delta: About ½ to 3 brain wave cycles per second. Delta is also known as the "coma" brain wave state. There is not much brain activity in the lower brain wave state of delta.

The number of brain wave cycles corresponding to each state also corresponds approximately to our age. From the day we are born until we're about three, our brains are primarily in the delta brain wave state. From ages three to seven we exist primarily in theta. From ages seven to fourteen (puberty) our brains are in alpha and from puberty onward we are in beta.

The three lower brain wave states are "hypersuggestible" states. That is, we are very open and amenable to suggestions, especially if those suggestions come from an authority figure such as a parent.

Imagine that you are two years old, in the delta brain wave state, and you fall down and skin your knee and mommy comes to you with a chocolate chip cookie and says, "Here, honey, eat this. It will make you feel better." That information is accepted as the truth. You are being programmed by a primary authority figure in your life while you are in your most suggestible state. That suggestion gets locked in your subconscious and very quickly becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. This universal "eat/feel better" suggestion goes on to be reinforced many times throughout your entire life.

Now imagine that you are an adult and having a hard day at work. The old tape plays for you, "Eat something, you'll feel better", and you do, often wondering why you are eating when you are not even hungry.

The subconscious mind makes no distinction between physical, mental, emotional or psychic pain. If you're operating on the "eat/feel better" principle, your subconscious will compel you to eat when any type of discomfort is being experienced.

The subconscious mind also performs a function called "pairing" or "anchoring". The mind takes two or more previously unrelated events and if they occur close to each other in time and/or frequency, it makes it a package deal for you. For example, go back to when you skinned your knee and mommy said "Eat this, you'll feel better." Your subconscious paired up "eat" and "feel better." Chances are you've been operating on that old tape much of your life. You don't have to anymore.

Here's another example of pairing: coming home from school as a child you were probably hungry and if no one was home, you were lonely. As an adult you may find yourself heading for the refrigerator as soon as you get home from work and/or eating when you feel lonely. Those unconscious acts could be due to the pairing of "eat as soon as you get home" and/or "eat to fill up loneliness." The original pairing does not have to be replicated exactly. Stress today may be the same as a skinned knee is to a two year old. It hurts or is uncomfortable. Close enough--let's eat!

Have you ever said to yourself while munching, "Why am I eating, I'm not even hungry?" Now you know some of the answers.

One brain is among the most powerful forces on earth. When you learn to use the following tools and skills and master even a part of this force, you will be amazed at how easy weight loss is. The skills you gain will also help you create a life for yourself beyond your wildest dreams.
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