

Extreme Dieting May Lead to a Lot of Problems

Most of the dieters tend to go to the extremes about the new, the latest diet plan. They eat right, work out, and drink water by the gallon-for only the first week or two. Then they just stop just as quickly. A part of the problem might be that they get a little extreme about their new lifestyle, a bit too obsessive to reasonably sustain what they're doing. Here are some tips for such people about how to control extreme behavior that may end up causing them to quit dieting all together.

Are you one of those who weigh themselves over and over, and find that the number on the scale depresses them? Over-weighing can make one feel completely hopeless! Instead one should weigh herself/himself once a week. "In the closet is where the scales should always be," says a doctor who only takes her scale out on weigh-in day. Most of all, remember to only weigh first thing in the morning, and never after exercise. You can lose 2 to 3 lbs overnight and can gain up to 5 soon after exercise.

Are you one of those who cut out snacks or meals in an effort to speed up your weight loss? Under-eating can leave a person listless and slow down the metabolism. Instead, one must eat everything on ones meal plan and drink lots of water. "I grew up with coal furnaces," says a dieter. "If you don't keep them stoked, the fire burns out. It's the same with our bodies...we need to eat tiny portions all day long. If we don't, the fire that burns our calories goes out". The body goes into survival mode when you don't get some type of food. It doesn't have to be a lot. If the inner furnace thinks the fire is going out, it quits burning calories and the metabolism slows way down!
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