

Easiest Way to Lose Weight - The Calorie Shifting Diet

What is the easiest way to lose weight? The easiest way to lose weight is to pick a diet that promises significant weight loss over a short period of time, which requires the least amount of sacrifice, least amount of deprivation, the least amount of behavioral reconditioning, and which does not require exercise.

That pretty much rules out the Atkins diet or any other low-carbohydrate diet. Why? Even though you can lose a significant amount of weight in a short period of time, this diet is not easy to follow. You have to cut out all sources of carbohydrates and finds ways to get through each day surviving on mostly meats, salads, eggs, cheese, water, and diet soda.

That pretty much rules out any low-calorie diets such as Weight Watchers. While Weight Watchers does teach you good lifetime habits, it will take you several months to lose weight while eating significantly fewer calories per day than what you are used to. You may lose one to two pounds per week on this diet. You have to keep track of "points" for every food that you eat. Thus, this diet is also not easy to follow.

That pretty much also rules out any low-fat, fixed-menu diets such as Nutrisystem or Jenny Craig, which are also not easy to follow. You are required to spend money on their foods and follow rigid menu plans. You do not get to your goal weight very quickly on these types of diets either.

The Calorie Shifting Diet, on the other hand, is an example of a diet that just might fit the bill. This diet is based on the principle of a diet regimen known as calorie shifting. On this diet, you are allowed to eat as much food as you want until you are satisfied. You are required to eat at least four full meals every day. You are not required to exercise. You will have the opportunity to eat plentiful foods from all four food groups over the course of each day over a two-week period. The only thing you have to do is shift the type of calories you eat around from meal to meal. In other words, you will be grouping your carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fruits, vegetables, fibers, and starches into different sets of combinations at each meal time.

Each combination varies from meal to meal on a rotating, or shifting basis, every day for an eleven-day cycle. Statistics have shown that most people who follow this diet will lose about nine pounds during those eleven days. After those eleven days, you will be required to take a two-day break from your diet during which you can eat whatever you want (but you should still strive to maintain healthy eating guidelines and not overeat). Then you can start another eleven-day cycle.

How does this diet work? Calorie-shifting is based on the principle that your body's metabolism reacts differently to different types of nutrients. When your body digests different types of nutrients at different types of day, you can literally trigger a metabolic response that induces your body to burn fat more rapidly, thus resulting in this rapid weight loss.

So what makes this the easiest way to lose weight?

You are not deprived of eating any foods. You merely control when you eat which types of foods.
You can eat as much quantity as you want in order to feel satisfied.
You do not need to exercise.
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