

Choosing a Small Baby Crib

Some families forgo the traditional size crib for their baby, at least for the first six or so months of the baby's life. There are many good reasons for this. If you want to have your baby close to you without worrying about an accident happening, or perhaps if you do not have a lot of room, you can see what you can find in a small baby crib. There are all types of cribs out there that can suit your needs, so look around to see what one you think works best for your family and that will be the most useful in your situation.

One type of small baby crib is the Arms Reach Co-Sleeper. This small bed allows a baby to sleep right next to the parents without the danger of the baby sleeping in the bed with Mom and Dad. This is a crib that attaches right to the side of the bed so baby is right there within reach of either parent but the baby has their own safe and secure sleeping space. There is no danger of a parent rolling over on the baby and the baby can always be nearby. Many moms like that they can simply reach over and get baby when he or she wakes without having to walk through the house in the dark, and that baby is right there so they can roll over and watch to see baby is okay.

Another type of small baby crib is the bassinet. This is something that is also called a cradle. This can also sit right next to the parental bed, but is not attached to it like the Co-Sleeper. These often have settings so that they can rock the baby. As with the other types of small cribs, baby can not stay in this forever, but it is very convenient for when baby wakes often at night to eat. It is also something that can be moved from room to room as needed. These are a bit different than they were when you were a baby so look around to see what you like before you buy.

Some parents prefer to buy a small baby crib for the nursery and then buy a larger one later. These are built just as the larger cribs. These are great as sleeping spaces when you want to have baby in their own bed, but do not have a lot of room. They may not be safe for baby for as long as a regular size crib may be, but they are great when they are all you have room for or when you want your baby in a toddler bed sooner than later. These can come in the same great styles and colors as full size cribs, so have a look around for your favorite.

The only problem with some types of smaller cribs is that the sheets and bedding can be harder to come by when shopping. Before you buy any small baby crib, make sure you check out what type of sheets and other accessories you are going to need and how easy they are to find. Luckily, you can find almost any size of sheet for any type of crib if you shop online, which may not be the case if you only shop locally. See if you can find the styles you like in the sizes that you need and buy the crib that fits your lifestyle and home the best.