

Keep your hair on: remedies for hair loss

The loss of hair is something that strikes heart into most of us. No one wants to look like their chrome dome uncle, or their balding grandpa. However, the fact is that many people, both men and women, will experience hair loss during their lifetime. Some hair loss, such as male pattern baldness, is genetic. However, hair loss can also be caused by stress, or by a poor diet. If you're worried about your receding hair line or your thinning hair, take solace in the fact hat there are many remedies for hair loss around. These remedies can be natural, or they can be more invasive and scientific in nature.

Hair loss can be caused by many different factors. Genetics is one major factor, but it is not the only one. Hair loss can be caused by large amounts of stress or upset in your life. It can also be caused by a vitamin or mineral deficiency as a result of an inadequate diet. Illness can also promote hair loss, as can treatment for illnesses such as cancer. Certain habits, such as brushing your hair frequently or tugging or toying with it can also speed up hair loss. Some medicines, such as the contraceptive pill, can cause hair loss, and other conditions such as dandruff of scalp ringworm can also be behind hair loss.

The first step is to consider whether any of these issues may be related to your hair loss. Take a moment to consider whether your diet is adequate, or whether you are under stress. You may have a habit of scratching your scalp or twisting your hair. If this is the case, you may have found your remedies for hair loss right there. Your task is to address these habits or problems to ensure that your hair growth returns to normal. For example, vitamin B deficiency can cause premature graying and hair loss, and low protein levels can result in low levels of hair growth. Incorporating these vitamins into your diet may improve the health of your hair.

There are another remedies for hair loss that you can try. Some of these are herbal in nature. Some of the more popular herbal remedies for hair loss include the saw palmetto, aloe vera and sage, and yucca yucca. These herbs have been used historically by a variety of different societies and cultures to prevent hair loss and promote hair growth. Some of these may be more affective than others depending on an individual and their particular cause of hair loss. Some may not prevent hair loss per se, but will improve the health of the individual, their scalp, and their hair. This will indirectly promote hair growth.

There are also allopathic options for improving your hair health. These include medications and treatments such as scalp massage and hair transplants. Medications usually need to be used on a continual basis in order to maintain hair levels. Hair transplants can be a one-off option, although if hair loss continues on other parts of the scalp, further treatment may be needed. Be sure to consult your doctor or specialist before proceeding with these remedies for hair loss, as they may have side effects or other consequences.