

Navigating the Third Trimester Of Pregnancy

Trying to conceive and hoping for a happy and healthy pregnancy are often what plague women when they want to have a baby and first find out that they are pregnant. That, along with morning sickness and fatigue, may be all that a woman can focus on. Once the first trimester has passed, the mom to be often feels much better, is not so worried about miscarriage, and can then start to feel much better about the pregnancy. She may also think ahead to the challenges that come in the third trimester of pregnancy. It can be a trying time for many women.

The third trimester of pregnancy is the last before baby comes, and can feel like the longest stretch of the pregnancy, especially if the woman goes over 40 weeks. There are quite a few reasons for the feeling of forever during the last three months of any pregnancy. The biggest reason why this women feel this way is because they can not wait to meet the baby and it feels as if the time will not pass fast enough. If she is in any pain or discomfort, she may be in a hurry for that part of the experience to be over as well.

Some women are wildly uncomfortable during the third trimester of pregnancy. This is when the baby gains a lot of weight. When that happens, that weight pulls forward on the spine causing back pain and ache. If a woman has had back problems in the past, this can be downright painful. She may be limited in what she can do. Lying down may be the only thing to alleviate this pain in any pregnant woman, and many find that this is not an option. They may have work or they may have other children to care for.

Some women find swelling to be a huge issue for them later in pregnancy. A little swelling in the third trimester of pregnancy is normal, but a lot of swelling can mean that something is wrong. A woman with moderate to little swelling can put her feet up for some relief and rest as often as she can. A woman with severe swelling should see her doctor right away. It can be a sign of a very serious pregnancy complication that needs medical attention and intervention.

To find some comfort in this part of pregnancy, women can find things to do to help pass the time. She can make sure the nursery is put together, and may go through a nesting phase in which they clean the entire house. She may make blankets or other things if that is her cup of tea, or perhaps she can bake and freeze food and desserts so that she does not have to worry about cooking for the first few weeks after the baby comes. This may not help with some pains and annoyances, but it can take her mind off things and help time pass before the baby arrives and the pains of the third trimester of pregnancy are forgotten.