

Common Plantar Fasciitis Treatment Options

Most people usually don't pay much attention to their feet unless there's a problem. For instance, no one ever says, "Wow, my feet feel excellent today!" but they're likely to notice right away if there's any soreness. This is especially true when the problem is in your heels, because this part of your foot absorbs a lot of weight and force when you're walking, running, or even just standing. One of the most common heel injuries is called plantar fasciitis, for which there are a number of different treatment options. If this is what you suffer from, read on to find out how you can alleviate the pain associated with this condition.

Before selecting a particular plantar fasciitis treatment, it would be a good idea to visit an orthopedist to confirm the diagnosis and get some suggestions for how to proceed. If your condition is pretty mild, then you'll want to stick with a rather conservative plantar fasciitis treatment such as bed rest or ice packs to keep the pain at bay. Simply staying off your feet can work wonders for the condition, and ice can help numb the pain and control any inflammation or swelling that might occur. These are two of the most common treatments for heel problems, so try them out if your injury is not very serious.

Another plantar fasciitis treatment option to consider is getting onto an exercise or stretching program specifically designed to help the problem. There are several stretches that loosen the tissues and tendons in that area, which can dramatically improve the way your heel holds up throughout the day. You can find effective exercises and stretches online at a variety of different websites. These sites usually include diagrams or videos to show you exactly what to do, and can be very helpful for those suffering from foot or heel pain.

Some people have found the most effective plantar fasciitis treatment to be special splints that are worn overnight. These splints keep your heels nice and stretched out while you're sleeping, thereby eliminating the morning pains and general stiffness that so many sufferers experience. Ask your doctor if this approach would be right for your situation.

And finally, if all other plantar fasciitis treatment options fail, you might be a candidate for surgery. Obviously this is reserved for the most extreme cases, but some heel spurs do not go away by virtue of rest or stretching alone. Again, your doctor can give you a more complete picture of your case and let you know if surgery would be in your best interest.

Overall, there are many effective plantar fasciitis treatment options out there, so there's no reason you have to live your life in constant pain. See your orthopedist today and get on the road to recovery right now!