

The Best Way to Lose Weight in Two Weeks

If you want quick weight loss but dont want to ruin your health in the process you have to be very careful and of course, get your doctors approval first. But there are certain tips and tricks that can help you to lose weight quickly without using over the counter supplements or prescription drugs. These tips are the best way to lose weight and can help you trim down in as little as fourteen days.

Tip Number One: Eat lots of grilled chicken breast. You can buy skinless, boneless chicken breast at Costco in bulk and save lots of money. Cooking tip: cut the breasts in half lengthwise so they are half as thick. Put them in a big plastic baggie and pour in your favorite low fat Italian dressing for a quick, healthy marinade. Make sure to always barbecue it on your outdoor grill for the best taste with the least amount of calories.

Tip Number Two: Drink lots of water or diet cokes. A lot of people will argue with me but this is the best way to lose weight quick that I know of. Diet Coke or Pepsi has zero calories and they fill you up. Basically they are colored water and perform the same function as water, which is to fill you up so you dont eat unhealthy foods. You need to fool your stomach and stay as full as possible in order not to cheat.

Tip Number Three: Do thirty to sixty minutes of exercise per day at least four days a week. This is very important because your body will break down muscle tissue to build leaner tissue, and getting rid of the stored fat. The truth is that most people cannot lose weight by exercise or diet alone. You need to do both in combination in order to have serious and effective long-term weight loss.

Tip Number Four: Dont eat anything after 7p.m. This is probably the best way to lose weight quickly. You will find that it is difficult at first not to have that late night snack but your hunger will dissipate in three days because your stomach will shrink. Sticking with it for 3 days in a row is the key. The problem is that when you eat at night all of that food just gets stored as fat because you cannot burn it off.

Tip Number Five: Rebound from lapses. Know before you even begin this or any other weight loss program that you are bound to go off it one day. That is alright. The key is to rebound from any lapses immediately and jump back on the program the very next day. Once again you need to continue with the program for 3 straight days after the lapse. Eventually you will be able to do 3 straight days, then 1 day off, 3 straight days, then 1 day off, over and over again. This is the best way to lose weight and keep it off. If you can master the 3 day rule you will never be fat again and for two days a week you will be able to eat whatever you want.