

Five Ways to Save Money on Gas

There are many things that you can do to save money on gas. I have five main suggestions that will help you to reduce your gas expenditure and keep you car running longer.

Step One: Keep your car properly maintained. A car that is tuned up correctly will always have more efficient gas mileage than one that has not had proper maintenance. Studies show that just changing your oil frequently can lead to as much as a ten percent reduction in gas consumption. Keeping the fuel lines and fuel injectors clean can also reduce gas usage. Remember all of these tips will add up to reduced fuel usage and savings for you.

Step Two: Use the right grade of gas. If you have a six cylinder engine and even for some four cylinder engines, the manufacturer suggests (usually in writing on the gas cap) that you use a higher octane grade of gasoline. Most people do not follow this and use the lowest grade. Not only can this result in lowered power but instead of helping you save money on gas it will actually make your car run less efficiently and end up costing you money. If the manufacturer says use 91 octane, then you should follow that rule.

Step Three: Dont speed on the highway. Not only does speeding cause you to gun the engine in sudden bursts of gas guzzling power, but it can obviously lead to other problems such as speeding tickets and accidents which can in turn lead to other major problems. When you go at a controlled and steady speed on the freeway you will save money on gas and make the road all that much safer for the rest of us.

Step Four: Purchase a hybrid vehicle. This is probably the best way to save money on gas though you need to look at the actual yearly savings versus the cost of the vehicle before determining how much if anything you will actually be saving each year. One thing is for sure when you purchase a new or used vehicle that the smaller the car is usually means it will run farther on less gas. Again, this is not always the case. Some of the newer hybrid SUVs get better mileage than cars that are much smaller with older technology.

Step Five: Dont drive as much. This is the ultimate way to save money on gas but probably the hardest. If you can convince your boss to let you telecommute then you can save not only gas but also the headache and stress of driving to and from work each day.

So you can see that there are many different and simple solutions when it comes to gas savings.