

Reality-based relationship advice for women: good relationships are hard to

Reality-based relationship advice for women: good relationships are hard to find!

Most of you women have probably gone through a number of relationships with men, only to find that a good much less perfect relationship is indeed hard to find. Do you throw up your hands in despair? No, on the contrary, most women, following a breakup, immediately embark on a quest for that good, no, great, relationship, that's surely right around the next corner.

The problem is, that if you don't learn from the last failed relationship, you're probably setting yourself up for another. Here, we offer some reality-based relationship advice for women, to help you assess what went wrong, why you choose the men you do and those components of the failed relationship may lie on your own doorstep. Perhaps it's best to begin our examination of relationship advice for women with your choices in men. Most women have certain physical types they find most attractive and seek out those types to the exclusion of all others. Logically, this approach doesn't make much sense not all of those tall, dark and handsome guys are good-hearted, intelligent or possessed of a sense of humor or whatever qualities ring your bells. Choosing a guy, based purely on physical characteristics substantially reduces your odds of finding the right person for you! Duh!, you may say, but if you review your past choices, you may find this is essentially the case. So this entry in our relationship advice for women may be summarized in a few words: open up to the remaining 75% of the male population and get a focus on personality and character!

Now, let's move on to a more delicate area of relationship advice: what went wrong last time around? Think over your previous relationships with men as well and do the following exercise. Take out a notepad and make a column for each of your ex-paramours. Write each guy's name and physical characteristics at the top. Divide the space for each guy into two columns. List the good points on the left side and the not-so-good on the right. You may discover some revealing facts and opinions. Maybe the best looking guy comes up short on the good points, while the undesirable points reads like a two-page rap sheet. This little exercise may be enlightening, showing definite patterns, many of your own choosing. This bit of our relationship advice for women is designed to teach you something about yourself and direct you towards more astute choices in the future.

Now, we get to the harshest analysis for you. Remember, no one's 'grading' you or looking over your shoulder. This is all for your private reflection and self betterment. Think about your own personality and your treatment of men. Believe me, we've all got faults! We've got one more exercise in our relationship advice for women self analysis, hopefully thorough enough to prompt some positive changes in yourself. With your notepad, make your list in the good-points, bad-points format, as given above. You probably have many good points, but, as with us all, there's always the other side to reckon with. For example, do you nag? Are you overly jealous or controlling?Are you one who indulges in mind games? Do you criticize or humiliate your man occasionally? All of these are no-gos for almost any man. While he surely did his fair share to bring the relationship to an end, you want to concentrate on mending your own faults. Being honest with yourself is all it takes.

The steps we've covered in this brief overview of relationship advice for women should be completed and reflected upon before you go out looking for a new relationship. Once you've sifted through what you've learned, your search criteria will be more focused and help lead you to a truly good relationship that lasts.