

What is the Best School of Art?

When you are in grammar school or high school and can draw well, the word gets out pretty fast. Getting the label class artist is great and you will find yourself being called upon to draw the posters for school dances, rallies, and other events. You can even sign up for art contests in your local area or nationally. There are great prizes given out and you could end up winning and getting your name in the newspaper.

When you get out of high school you will know if your art talent is a vocation that you want to pursue as a career. If you do then you will have to find which is the best school of art for you. You cant just enter the world of art, whether it is fine art like painting or sculpture, or commercial art like graphic design or computer art. You need to get some solid instruction and there are some very fine schools that can help you to achieve your career dreams.

A career in art is a very exciting prospect for the true artist. They will be able to express themselves and earn a living at the same time. For fine artists the task of earning money can be daunting but not impossible by any stretch. I know a lot of great fine artists that make a considerable living while doing exactly what they love to do. Graphic designers have more of a routine job and they can get work at ad agencies, graphic design shops, in-house art departments, or just go freelance and work for themselves.

One great school of art is the Academy of Art University, formerly the Academy of Art College in San Francisco. The main offices are in downtown San Francisco and they offer a very diverse curriculum that will satisfy any artist. This is a very expensive school of art and each unit costs $750. Since most classes they offer are three units minimum, going there full time can be cost prohibitive for many freshmen coming straight from high school. You need to make an appointment with the Student Resources Counselor at the Academy and they will let you know how to apply for financial aid or scholarships. You need to do this when you are still in high school as these scholarships go very fast to the most deserving incoming students.

Another great school of art is the Art Institute and another one is Parsons School of Design. You need to check your local directories for a school of art in your area if you dont want to travel away from home. If you are entering college for the first time however you may want to consider living on campus in a town far from your home. It will give you the true college experience and prepare you for life without your parents and the safety net they provide for you. Learning how to be independent is a great thing for art students and all students for that matter.